Big difference between a Hobbyist (my type of guy) and an Impulsivist (bp quickie type)

It's not so much the perceived high end price as much as the value of the lady asking the price. I imagine that if you go into Dallas asking $300 and you don't look like a Playboy Centerspread, you might as well hang it up! Originally Posted by John Bull
Well, I am by no means a Playmate look-a-like, but I have had my inbox filled with requests from Dallas.

Now, you have to be some type of misogynist to use the phrase "value of the lady" cannot put a price on a human being. Her services? Yes. That being said, I adjusted my rate (which has been a task with eccie fellows--p411? No problems) to attract a certain clientele--or consumer, rather. Am I worth $300? No one knows. But, there IS a definite difference in the quality of clientele when you compare $150 to $300--overall.

For instance, a t-shirt at Armani may be $125, while being of no better quality than a $15 one at Walmart. Hell, they may have been made in the same sweatshop. But, certain men will go for each one, solely based on price at times.

I prefer the Armani t-shirt buyers. It's not a question of the "value of the lady", but the value of the clientele when the question of rates come up. And, not everyone wants Miss January whatever. You never know what someone is looking for. Or why.
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
Well, I am by no means a Playmate look-a-like, but I have had my inbox filled with requests from Dallas.

Now, you have to be some type of misogynist to use the phrase "value of the lady" cannot put a price on a human being. Her services? Yes. That being said, I adjusted my rate (which has been a task with eccie fellows--p411? No problems) to attract a certain clientele--or consumer, rather. Am I worth $300? No one knows. But, there IS a definite difference in the quality of clientele when you compare $150 to $300--overall.

For instance, a t-shirt at Armani may be $125, while being of no better quality than a $15 one at Walmart. Hell, they may have been made in the same sweatshop. But, certain men will go for each one, solely based on price at times.

I prefer the Armani t-shirt buyers. It's not a question of the "value of the lady", but the value of the clientele when the question of rates come up. And, not everyone wants Miss January whatever. You never know what someone is looking for. Or why. Originally Posted by PhillyChik
You are spot on PC. Everyone has their individual preference. Thank goodness. How boring would this World be if we were all cookie cutter?
The same can be said of <1 hour appointments. I have no issue with a 15-30 minute sesh--sometimes you just want to bust a nut and get going, I get it (sorry, best way to say it).

But, as clients you really have no idea what a guy paying less than $100 is like. It's like Walmart at the first of the month, or a city bus bus in the dead heat of summer. This is all GENERALLY speaking, of course.
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
I do understand that but for me it is soo impersonal. I like to savor the time and money(that I bust my ass for). It brings me great pleasure
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-11-2014, 08:05 AM
Looks seem to matter much more at the low end and high end of the price range, and as Philly said, more because of the mindset of the guy (and I am NOT saying there is anything wrong with that, just a statement). If it is a 15 min $50 session, then it's going to be all about the physical anyway and there is no time for sensual seduction. For the $1K+ per hour ladies, many of the guys are in it for ego as much as anything, and ego wants perfection.

But for me the difference between a lady I will see at $250 vs $400 is not about her looks but it's about her whole attitude and persona. Looking at the ladies who can consistently seem to set their price at the upper end of the middle ground, they are EITHER those that provide a more courtesan like experience on all levels, OR the ultra hot 20 y/o blonde. Exceptions exist of course.

PS: Young lady, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look!
PS: Young lady, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look! Originally Posted by Old-T
Thank you, kind sir...very sweet 😘
There is a distinct difference between the two, a real "Hobbyist" seems to take his time, do his research and then decide which lady he wants to spend his time and money with while the "Impulsivist" (?) seems to be more into the thrill of the hobby and not so much the quality of the experiences he has.

The appeal of the forbidden, the psychosexual stimulation, the whole going against what is normally considered proper. I see all of these as being lures for the guy who goes for the unknown gal or the newest and latest BP ad.

Regardless of what he gentleman wants out of this hobby it's all there for him to find. Whether it be on sites such as this or on advertising outlets like BP and yes Craigslist is still in the picture.
He can find the provider who will show him a wonderful time akin to a bight out with a lover or he can find a quickie "wham bam, here's your pay ma'm" type of experience.

I also personally prefer the gentleman who takes his time, looks into the girls info and does his homework. As a more mature provider I also know I'm also not everyone's cup of tea so I do prefer they know what I'm about before they start communicating thus avoiding any awkward situations.
research is always a good idea this forum is great for that and google i'm still shocked that most people don't even think to google the person number and or reverse image search the photo to make sure the photo of the provider is real and not model or some photo random photo pulled from a X-rated website with that said sometimes no what you due it's a roll of the dice i think BP if used right can be great for both client and provider but yes to a point it is flawed as far as price goes it depends on what the client is looking for don't expect GFE for 80 dollars or a hour of time and yes with that little it's going to be limited on what a provider offers the old saying is true you get what you pay for but i seen hotties at 200 and 300 is never a issue but to honest me myself not speaking for anyone else but me that see i made that clear dropping 1k is too much unless that comes with 3 other girls i'll pass i understand every girl has her own rate and i'll never go after anything out of my range or even bother i think basically there's a girl out their for everyone in the hobby you can be rich or the average Joe and rent a room for the night and have fun worth on one self is not based on money you cannot buy self worth.
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
I either get the donation or you can leave. There will be none of this "after the session" bullshit. That's a quick way to get scammed. And hagglers get put on a no see list by me. No exceptions. It's rude and disrespectful. Originally Posted by Liliana
I agree with Liliana. I collect my gift upon arrival (mine or yours). If there has to be any discussion about it then I promise there won't be a next time for me to have to worry about any discussion or bullshit. A lady, and only the lady can set her prices or decide her reasons for what they are. It really is no one else's business. The clients can either choose to see you or choose not to see you. It really is that simple.
Impulsivity is generally regarded as a mental disorder, if you really want to delve deep into it. And there are many parallels between this and gambling as that applies to some.

Plenty of men I've communicated with to whatever extent are definitely impulsivity or histrionic personalities (more so the latter). Basically, true hobbyists are sane--although some high-end providers equate hobbyists with the disorders--surely due to preference of character, cutting their losses.

However, several articles online exist from the now-scarce $5000 hour ladies, mentioning men with the most money can be just as insane if not more.

Don't shoot the messenger! Just relaying what I read. And, I can only speak on the clients, obviously. A parallel discussion can be had for providers, I'm sure.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Impulsivity is generally regarded as a mental disorder, if you really want to delve deep into it. And there are many parallels between this and gambling as that applies to some.

Plenty of men I've communicated with to whatever extent are definitely impulsivity or histrionic personalities (more so the latter). Basically, true hobbyists are sane--although some high-end providers equate hobbyists with the disorders--surely due to preference of character, cutting their losses.

However, several articles online exist from the now-scarce $5000 hour ladies, mentioning men with the most money can be just as insane if not more.

Don't shoot the messenger! Just relaying what I read. And, I can only speak on the clients, obviously. A parallel discussion can be had for providers, I'm sure. Originally Posted by PhillyChik
I would happily pay your $300 rate, and consider it a bargain.
I agree with Liliana. I collect my gift upon arrival (mine or yours). If there has to be any discussion about it then I promise there won't be a next time for me to have to worry about any discussion or bullshit. A lady, and only the lady can set her prices or decide her reasons for what they are. It really is no one else's business. The clients can either choose to see you or choose not to see you. It really is that simple. Originally Posted by tinylatina
I raised my rate--doubled actually--on eccie, right when I got p411. I gave a $100 discount on p411. I got a LOT of flack on eccie, but I wanted to shelve the men who only look at price, and/or still BP it. I had no issues getting clients on p411. Now, my solid rate is the then discounted p411 rate. It's amazing, the only discussion I had about it were with men (who knows why ladies didn't chime in, and I didn't want advice on that anyway--it was a conscious decision.)

Clients still used my reviews as basis for rates. Some still do. I had to read many theories of how I "should" have done it, etc. Funny, those men never contacted me before--so why did they even care? It's a sellers market, as much as some would like to believe otherwise. I now have a comfortable flow of clients, and ones that I prefer to see--which was the point: you can't put a price on a lady, but you can put a price on the "customer"...
research is always a good idea this forum is great for that and google i'm still shocked that most people don't even think to google the person number and or reverse image search the photo to make sure the photo of the provider is real and not model or some photo random photo pulled from a X-rated website with that said sometimes no what you due it's a roll of the dice i think BP if used right can be great for both client and provider but yes to a point it is flawed as far as price goes it depends on what the client is looking for don't expect GFE for 80 dollars or a hour of time and yes with that little it's going to be limited on what a provider offers the old saying is true you get what you pay for but i seen hotties at 200 and 300 is never a issue but to honest me myself not speaking for anyone else but me that see i made that clear dropping 1k is too much unless that comes with 3 other girls i'll pass i understand every girl has her own rate and i'll never go after anything out of my range or even bother i think basically there's a girl out their for everyone in the hobby you can be rich or the average Joe and rent a room for the night and have fun worth on one self is not based on money you cannot buy self worth. Originally Posted by nwaarguy
Also, google the number as 555-555-5555 AND 555.555.5555, and use other search engines, like a deep web. Google tends to limit results at times. Ixquick and metasearch can be useful.

As far as BP, some areas are BP friendly, such as Hilton Head Island--but, it is a multi-millionaire haven, with minimal LE activity.
research is always a good idea this forum is great for that and google i'm still shocked that most people don't even think to google the person number and or reverse image search the photo to make sure the photo of the provider is real and not model or some photo random photo pulled from a X-rated website with that said sometimes no what you due it's a roll of the dice i think BP if used right can be great for both client and provider but yes to a point it is flawed as far as price goes it depends on what the client is looking for don't expect GFE for 80 dollars or a hour of time and yes with that little it's going to be limited on what a provider offers the old saying is true you get what you pay for but i seen hotties at 200 and 300 is never a issue but to honest me myself not speaking for anyone else but me that see i made that clear dropping 1k is too much unless that comes with 3 other girls i'll pass i understand every girl has her own rate and i'll never go after anything out of my range or even bother i think basically there's a girl out their for everyone in the hobby you can be rich or the average Joe and rent a room for the night and have fun worth on one self is not based on money you cannot buy self worth. Originally Posted by nwaarguy
Also, google the number as 555-555-5555 AND 555.555.5555, and use other search engines, like a deep web. Google tends to limit results at times. Ixquick and metasearch can be useful.

As far as BP, some areas are BP friendly, such as Hilton Head Island--but, it is a multi-millionaire haven, with minimal LE activity.
  • Akira
  • 08-02-2014, 07:20 PM
I agree with Liliana. I collect my gift upon arrival (mine or yours). If there has to be any discussion about it then I promise there won't be a next time for me to have to worry about any discussion or bullshit. A lady, and only the lady can set her prices or decide her reasons for what they are. It really is no one else's business. The clients can either choose to see you or choose not to see you. It really is that simple. Originally Posted by tinylatina
Yes, this is what is frustrating when I am screening for potential clients..whiney "no sex for xxxx amount? But Its my birthday!" It gets just downright pathetic, so the generous respectful clients are the ones who I will put my time and energy into pleasing because I appreciate them and they are worth it!