Are there any good tv shows out there?

jayc987's Avatar
In my opinion, Breaking Bad is the best, with Homeland being a close second. Dexter was great, except for finale. Spartacus, SOA, and Califonication are great too.True Blood is good, but they got out of hand after the 3rd season. Lots of great shows out there.
jayc987's Avatar
If you don't understand LOST, YouTube the explanation for it, it will make sense.
Yeah I forgot about Californication, sad to see it come to an end, the writing and acting were terrific. Ray Donovan is starting off even better this season than last, it's the best show on TV right now.

Will be interesting to see how Homeland is with Brody gone. Although Saul (Mandy Patinkin) is my favorite actor on that show.
Did Donovan get better? I loved it starting out then it quickly spiraled into a soap opera so I quit watching.
Did Donovan get better? I loved it starting out then it quickly spiraled into a soap opera so I quit watching. Originally Posted by PipelinerTx
The first season was somewhat of a soap opera, but I think it was more if it being the first season and them throwing out a lot of stuff to see what sticks. These types of shows are always going to be soap opera-ish, but the story line to start Season 2 looks promising. Great acting and writing are my main criteria, like Californication had, and Ray Donovan has both also.
heyarmani's Avatar
These shows are awesome !

Breaking Bad - AMC
Game of Thrones - HBO
Spartacus - Lots of fucking - STARZ
Ray Donovan - Showtime
Suits - USA Channel
House of Cards - Netflix
Scandal - all on HULU
True Detective - Showtime
Downton Abbey - PBS
Weeds- USA Network
24 Season 9 - Hulu
Masters of Sex = ShowTime - Awesome
Walking Dead - Season 1 2 3 awesome - then gets kinda boring
These shows are awesome !

Breaking Bad - AMC
Game of Thrones - HBO
Spartacus - Lots of fucking - STARZ
Ray Donovan - Showtime
Suits - USA Channel
House of Cards - Netflix
Scandal - all on HULU
True Detective - Showtime
Downton Abbey - PBS
Weeds- USA Network
24 Season 9 - Hulu
Masters of Sex = ShowTime - Awesome
Walking Dead - Season 1 2 3 awesome - then gets kinda boring Originally Posted by heyarmani
Thank you will look into some of those.
Jemma...check out "Hemlock Grove." It's a Netflix original series available for streaming. They have 2 seasons up now and I just finished binge watching season one.

Blood, guts and Werewolves.

You may like it... Originally Posted by john353
Sounds like my we are talking! I'll check it out.
True detective. Super natural. Fucking xfiles. Originally Posted by PipelinerTx
XFiles confused me.
I forgot to mention House. You can watch the whole series beginning to end. Plus its funny watching Hugh Laurie doing an American accent.
There's a really old tv show that used to come on that I recently found on netflix called Twin Peaks and there is also a movie of it called Twin Peaks Fire Walk w/Me. You can probably find the movie at Hastings or somewhere like that. I'd watch the movie first then the episodes then the movie again for the full experience cuz the movie is one of those trippy movies like A Clockwork Orange best to watch on lsd or something like that.
jayc987's Avatar
Kinda like Donnie Darko trippy
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-26-2014, 04:08 PM
I got my free month Amazon prime, thanks to the person who recommend that. Much better then hulu no need to have commercials. Haven't tried the music part yet.

I'm watching Under the Dome and its pretty good. Its a mystery show I think its jemma worthy.
I got my free month Amazon prime, thanks to the person who recommend that. Much better then hulu no need to have commercials. Haven't tried the music part yet.

I'm watching Under the Dome and its pretty good. Its a mystery show I think its jemma worthy. Originally Posted by Trey
Pretty good shit there eh ?
DarthMaul's Avatar
I have been waiting on:

The Bridge

The Strain

