How many rungs up higher on the ladder are the ladies who sell sex or the guys who pay for it?
Don't judge someone until you walked a mile in his Brioni's.
THN and mojojo... THN had nothing to contribute. She is just following !VI! around baiting her to fuck up. She done nothing put put her down and trying to make her look bad. !IV! is capable of that all by herself without THB's help.
THN. I think you are better than that. You should be and you know it.
!VI! - Just ignore her. She is just trying to get you banned.
Heading back on topic.....
Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
you don' t say.... guys anyone can see THN is a creepy stalker ... anyone, and honestly i'm not worried about her, she is a child who throws more Ads they coca cola...
i mean just saying ... read below
Following her around? Lmao. Sure, buddy.
Two words: Posting. History.
Go check it out.
I commented in TWO of the chick's last five or six threADs since she's been back. I swear, y'all smell some BSC pussy and forget how to even form rational thoughts. It's entertaining though, I'll give you that. So hats off! (joke not lost there) 
Meantime, back in reality, she's actually the one following me around like she wants this 35yr old juicy booty.
(lady you can't be this stupid... like you delusion is so real... one you are one of most unattractive people i've seen on this site... and it's not your physical appearance ... you have a trashy personality sorry)
If I really wanted her banned, she would be by now. Its not even checkers getting that chick to jump off. Please. (we know you've done it before lol, here is the difference i'll always be better then you, and i don't need a handicap of ass kissing to succeed)
Imo the girl would benefit from proper, professional management and I'm free as a bird to share that opinion in her pimp threAD. You of all people should know that, Glenn.
PS: funny clip.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
lol guys this is so sad, it's insane because no one can actually believe this chick ... really... she is probably one of most toxic people on this board with TPBG.... but she will never learn because you guys keep boosting her already needlessly large ego
guys you don't have to be nice...
you give a girl money, you become the most important person in world for the time being... no coddling, no bs, no winning her over... you won't get a discount lol
but not holding her responsible for her "mature" actions.. is idiotic... and everyone knows it.... if you are 35 act it... ijs now stop highjacking the F'N thread and go make money for who ever you make money for.
is this a bad time to ask about a double with THN and VI?
Originally Posted by txman123
that's gross... i mean i'll sleep with almost anyone who knows how to do it... but i have ... standards... she does not meet them lol .. like class ... usually required, maturity... lacking highly
i may not act it online, but it's because i don't care, i do have eyes... 48% body fat is not my TO DO list lol
Tara... entire different story