ecCie .... this bullshit is getting really old ... really fast Directed at Moderators

jdkees's Avatar
Woah there, pilgrim. I'm not saying whether anything is warranted or not. It's not my place to judge that. I'd just prefer people be a little more honest about it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Who is thus person and why are her panties all in a wad?
  • !VI!
  • 07-02-2015, 04:44 AM
Heh. Okay hon, I'll still buy your next session if you can show where any provider was bullying or stalking the OP.



Only dumbasses think that a whore gets the last word on a whoreboard.

Floor's yours.... Originally Posted by thathottnurse

WOMAN ... are you serious.... you of ALL PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD... i don't need 1 example... i have at least 8.... look at any and a repeat ANY thread i have started or posted anything you don't like... no i will not let you bs you way out of this...

i don't have the time or patience to watch you subjectivly deny all your childish actions .... and many have called you out on it on the past, and you always try this same underhanded bs.... sorry end that bs

How is she being picked on? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Please define" Picked on".

WP has been on and off the board many times. She violates enough of the rules to get banned. Then, when is allowed back on, she starts with how sorry she is and this time will be different. Then she goes right back to her prior behavior and gets banned again. And repeat. And repeat. So forgive many on here for not buying in to her latest iteration. She already is doing the same things she did before. Posting the same stuff as before. Causing the same drama as before. And each time, someone decides to champion her cause. How bad we are treating her. Till she gets banned again.

WP, you CAN change, if you really want to. Time and again, mods and others give you advice on how to become a better accepted member of the community and avoid the mistakes that get you banned. Time and again, people reach out to you to help. But nothing changes. You revert to the same old posting and acting just like the last however many times. How many bridges can be left after all you have burned?

It will take a lot of hard work and constant behavior to change peoples minds about you. It can be done but its so hard given the baggage you bring with you. But you, like the member you chose to show support for in your first post never seem to do so. It is entirely in your control

And if someone considers what I said as picking on anyone, go suck an egg. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
OBSG you are just as bad as THN in this situation, you have jst tried bringing up a valid point that YOU twisted, i have been banned multiple times, because everytime i come back "fresh" trolls like you ad THN come on starting BS about shit that didn't even matter, and when i am attacked hell yea i'm going to fight back...

so no you suck an egg, because if you have the audacity to try to twist a situation to help it fit a point you are FOS...each of my "BANS" were due to being combative, threatening physical harm (which to me is another form of self defense), or flat out calling people out on their bs. I just called you out, will most likly get points added... even tho i was "civil" about it, but it is a really twisted system...

i don't NEED to change because i don't CARE about the opinions of people i will never meet, but i'll be dammed if anyone is going to trash talk me and i not stand up for my self.

and i have many many bridges, because something you may not be aware of, a lot of people see thru your bullshit, surprising huh,

false it has nothing to do with the community, everyone sees the bias in how the mods handle issues, each mod different bias, easy... no if's no ands no butts... it's obvious to anyone who seesi t. and that my friend is why i will always stand proud and tell the truth about whats going on, because you can bs some of the people some of the time, but you can not bs all the people all the time...

and this is a PSA, anyone who judges me on bullshit started by people who do not know me, or have never met me are just as stupid as the people starting the bullshit to begin with.

you advice is to cower behind a keyboard and let people walk on me, i'm a nympho not a doormat, and if you had a problem with that you can just as easily ignore me, but that never stops anyone now does it
You ever hear the term 'gaslighting'?

I'll just reiterate what I've already said: can you at least admit that you've been intentionally provoking for the sake of provocation?

FAIR WARNING: If exposition isn't your thing scroll down to LONG STORY SHORT

It's not like you aren't aware of it. You even admit that there's a chance you can get infracted on from it:

Or you were again making light at her expense (which is still picking on her and not really any other practical use).

I get it, you kinda have to backpedal into saying that you've been making legitimate criticisms and honest, heartfelt suggestions. But come on, do you really think your responses to her are doing anything but continuing a pointless game of "who can throw the most shade with the least amount of work"? Frankly, I don't take you as that naive and estimate you're plenty smart enough to know the difference.

Don't get me wrong: if your goal was instead to turn off guys like me by allowing her to shine up her Dramanation, then congrats. Mission accomplished. If that's not your intention here, then allow me to be the first to let you know that commentaries like this in the middle of an argument:

... That's some pretty heavy shade. It might even be 100% accurate shade, so I'm not calling your facts or any potential polling data into question. I'm not saying that I'm taking your comment here as the only data point influencing my interest, but you had to know it plays a role and you mashed that proverbial button on her pretty constantly through that other thread, and you're still making sure to toss some passive aggressive barbs of that sort her way.

Is that necessarily hurting her business? She likely cares fuck-all about my degree of interest at this point, particularly after my last couple of comments. Then there's the fact that I'm a bit of a snarky ass, which chaps at least a few others from time to time (and it keeps me warm at night, I won't lie). So I won't speculate that this means anything beyond a goose egg to her bottom line. But I just happen to be one of the vocal-- and sexy, in that dumpy-and-average-yet-handsome sort of way (honest, ask anyone)-- individuals, and there are tons of other lurkers who might not comment at all yet have been similarly influenced. I mentioned elsewhere (or was it here?) that I feel the Coed Discussions area should be renamed Geico, and it's highly doubtful that I'm the only one who feels this way.

But hey, I've digressed enough and I don't have the breast implants to get the guys to tell me how intelligent and thoughtful I am. So...


I fully expect and understand you saying that you mean no ill will or harm, and that you're 'just being honest' or some similar cliche. But if you say that you're completely unaware of how you're using at least a bit of social authority (status? reputation?) to belittle and dress her down to a very strong effect, then I'm going to have to say you're being disingenuous. I only have your posts to go on because we've never chatted in person, but I just don't take you for being that oblivious. You may say you're not picking on her, but as I said before the definitions get all fuzzy and interpretive, especially if you get to be the arbiter.

You've already been clear you believe she's a hot mess that doesn't manage herself well (among other opinions). What's left to go on about? Ask yourself what your motivation is, and be okay if the answer is "because it's funny/entertaining/cathartic." Because at this point that's what the answer sure looks like from the perspective of someone who doesn't know either of you.

. Originally Posted by jdkees

here is the fact's THN stop bsing,you are throwing more shade then nocturne... you try to be helpful but in reality you are just being a spiteful child because i like most people who seemed to get banned got tired of your "help" and decided to fight your passive aggressive bullying back... here is the worse part about this.... i honestly think you can't control yourself either... i truly believe something is wrong to the point you feel the need to fight someone who honestly doesn't care if you exist... and that grinds your gears

he has just pointed out a few times... there are a multitude of events, and sadly enough ... you have been one of the biggest issues on this site for me, because you have a heard of sheeple backing you, here is the math behind it

me... 5 points per infraction period 6-12 month exp

you+ 3 other lackies = 2 - 5 points per infraction 2-4 month exp

i adress 4 of you, 5 points per post, 20 points banned easy

you each get maybe depending on the moderator giving the points

5 points a piece with a 60day cool down

i'm banned for 4-7 months! you and you dickclique can harass anyone you choose and let you low CD points easily vanish, there for you never have to get banned on incase while still activly harassing anyone who stands in your way.

in reality it's why i look up to Tarra Evans.... no matter the consequence she will stand up for herself, so you also target her, and the same situation continues...

she get's banned you sit back and laugh because you knew what you were doing when you logged in...

here is the issue, people who fight will always fight, people who passive agressivly plot will always plot, and with the way the board is ran, you will always win... IE my first the original post is brought up and back in full circle...

fact of the matter it's opressive that self defense against a literal gangbang, if my reputation is known for defiance fine, but at the end of the day i'm just a girl willing to fight back at anyvcost

but reember this, banned or not, people still see me, because i love what i do ... what's your excuse
  • !VI!
  • 07-02-2015, 04:58 AM
just remember, "see the world with eyes unclouded by hate"

it's easy to judge in combat when they are opposing you, but if in a hobby... we are in a intimate relationship (how ever limited it may be) very few on eccie know me without bias one way or another, notice this tho... people who didn't come at me with drama or bias all left happy, especially when they got to know me... i'm in open book, but i'm not afraid to fight back
Wow. You people are taking this shit way too seriously. Are you presenting this to high court later today? Is there gonna be a 5-4 vote later that I'm a bully, with an addendum that at least I'm honest? This is fucking awesome. I haven't even said anything to her or about her after the first page here (except to remind her that she doesn't want me responding to her lmao) and the other threAD was the first time I addressed her since WAY before her last ban (btw, 12 posts out of 92 ain't shit).

You can't even read and your lecturing me about my ability to communicate honestly? Too. Fucking. Funny. This is coed. If she doesn't want honest feedback then she shouldn't post. Period.

Have a nice day.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Way too many words here... There goes my hard on
  • !VI!
  • 07-02-2015, 07:09 AM
Wow. You people are taking this shit way too seriously. Are you presenting this to high court later today? Is there gonna be a 5-4 vote later that I'm a bully, with an addendum that at least I'm honest? This is fucking awesome. I haven't even said anything to her or about her after the first page here (except to remind her that she doesn't want me responding to her lmao) and the other threAD was the first time I addressed her since WAY before her last ban (btw, 12 posts out of 92 ain't shit).

You can't even read and your lecturing me about my ability to communicate honestly? Too. Fucking. Funny. This is coed. If she doesn't want honest feedback then she shouldn't post. Period.

Have a nice day. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
actually i read very well i 4 different languages, i just don't have the patience to deal with anything

so since you love to throw the term threAD, which you do more then ANY OTHER PERSON HERE, how the hell in anyway shape or form could it have been an AD of anykind? oh um um shut up, that's how...

you try to lead your little sheep into a battle that isn't needed then get sarcastic and play the "i'm only joking card" when you get caught!

no here are some facts, you are an online bully that can't take what you dish out

you know people give you a bigger gray area so you use that to your advantage and even then if you get called out you rally the troops and bs your way and think it works, you can buy beauty but you no amount of money in the world can fix a personality...

i may be abrasive but at least i'm real, from head to toe

now keep throwing shade, and add more fuel to the fire that you keep burning, i've got time to change, what about you?
  • !VI!
  • 07-02-2015, 07:12 AM
Way too many words here... There goes my hard on Originally Posted by FunInDFW
sorry <3

there you go bro
dodger's Avatar
Wow. You people are taking this shit way too seriously. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
.... says the drama queen of posting to this threAD
Chung Tran's Avatar
Way too many words here... There goes my hard on Originally Posted by FunInDFW

i'm a nympho not a doormat Originally Posted by !VI!
sometimes brevity is eloquence..
None if this would be going on right now if there were some proper sucking and fucking going on in the Big D right now .... ijs lol.... sorry i kind of lost interest a few pages ago...

but to ops original topic..... yeah people do get a little better treatment n leeway with the rules if they don't CONSTANTLY have to moderate you all the time. I dont interact in the dallas forums alot but i do read quite a bit bc lets face it.... you guys are freaking awesome and very entertaining. Sounds like there was alot of drama going on with u at one time n people get butt hurt about it and dont let stuff go bc its easier to make you feel like crap then it is to just let it go and move on with life...
Anybody with half a brain can see your track record and decide for themselves if they want to deal with you or not. But learning to pick your battles wisely definitely wouldnt hurt either. Stop giving people exactly what they want from you... a fucked up response just so they can say they were right about you all along....

If you don't like someone... isnt it just easier to just not pay them Any attention ? So you dont have to deal with them whatsoever?? There are providers that hate me and i could careless.. i don't talk to them OR ABOUT THEM dont accept references from them ...
At the end of the day... this is a business... theres nothing wrong with co ed discussions... people get to know you personality and feel comfortable with you before BCD activities..... but less is definitely more.... sounds like BOTH of you are hurting yourself more than you are helping ....
Thats just my humble opinion .. i maybe totally wrong..... but im going to go back to doin what i do best lickin suckin and fucking just to name a few....
Carry on and Have an Awesome 4th
.... says the drama queen of posting to this threAD Originally Posted by dodger

Oh no!!! Not the dreaded drama queen label. My hurt is feeling the bullied. :sadface:

Listen, waterboy, here's my posts from this threAD that were actually directed at the OP.

Girl. Just stop.

You shouldn't have stopped learning after only six days on here. Seriously. You think others haven't made their fair share of missteps and gotten "the talk" from staff. Go read the stuff from whe I first became a member. Hell, I still post dumb shit.

You're not a victim here. You're just not learning anything from your mistakes. You are either too stubborn or too stupid. My guess is young and stubborn, thinking you know everything when you don't. It happens. We've all been there. But you need to learn how to tap the breaks. It helps. A lot. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Sweetie, if you want me to stop responding to you then stop asking me questions. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
The others were either in fun with other posters or responding to stupid accusations from guys who managed to make it all the way into adulthood without basic reading comprehension skills.

Keep talking with your butthurt. I'll stick with the facts (aka "drama").

Sometimes I forget the best rule of when to argue and when not to: Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

I'll admit, I should have known better than to engage with idiots. I had been at home with a sick family member for a few days with nothing better to do and the idiot inside me got the better of me and now I don't have the time to keep up with all the butthurt idiots coming out of the woodwork from my idiot magnatism. I'll keep checking back though fellas. Don't let those idiot manginas go to waste.

PS: Thanks Kay2Day. You have an awesome 4th as well.
dodger's Avatar
Oh no!!! Not the dreaded drama queen label. My hurt is feeling the bullied. :sadface: Originally Posted by thathottnurse
.... says the drama queen of posting to this threAD ... yet, again, and again, and again ... and .. i suspect .. more to come
.... says the drama queen of posting to this threAD ... yet, again, and again, and again ... and .. i suspect .. more to come Originally Posted by dodger

good one and spot on, dodger.
daddyo67's Avatar
.... says the drama queen of posting to this threAD ... yet, again, and again, and again ... and .. i suspect .. more to come Originally Posted by dodger
Shame dodger! your starting to sound just like (The David) you kin??