Debbie Wasserman Shultz Goes Brain Dead on Hardball

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sizteen years ago, and you are still pissing and moaning about it. Move on get a life.
Few people I know of are arguing that a lot of this stuff shouldn't be more intelligently and effectively regulated. I, for one, certainly am not.

But little of any beneficial nature gets done. Dodd-Frank is a jumbled mess that arguably does far more harm than good. Although Republicans are constantly lambasted for deregulation efforts over the years, Democrats are just as complicit. The failures are bipartisan.

Sure, many Democrats talk a good game, but at the end of the day don't even try to do much more than put on a show designed to appeal to voters and certain constituencies. Why is that? Well, just recall the hackneyed old expression "follow the money." Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Because whether it's a D by the name or an R, they're all bought and paid for cocksuckers. And that's what most people don't realize. They think this bullshit actually matters. They like us down here bickering. It keeps people's eyes off what's really going on. The media is complicit. Their responsible for the fucking retardation of America, with their Kardashians and whatever the fuck else bullshit they pump into your brain through your eyes.
Oh my, look at that.... poor widdle woomby is afraid of life. All the other little boys scrape their knees and break their bones learning how to swim and play baseball and climb trees but poor widdle woomby stays in mommy's basement playing with his widdle dolls all day long. He won't come out until his mommy and his gubmint tell him the neighborhood is 100% guaranteed safe and he will never get hurt in life and never fall down or scrape a knee (and if he does, he will blame everything on the neighborhood bullies while crying for gubmint protection for him and all those other LGBT sissy boys who will grow up to be tort lawyers and libtarded bureaucrats churning out endless stifling indecipherable rules to kill off all private initiative).

Do you ever listen to yourself, widdle woomby? Cock an ear sometime (while eyeing your next cock) and this is what you will hear:


. Originally Posted by lustylad
Jesus Christ, meltdown much?

As for who is a pussy, you're the one who needs an 'enforcer'.
You make over a thousand posts a month.

And about half request gay sex.

We are all coming to the same conclusion about you. Originally Posted by ExNYer
He's a troll. I reached that conclusion months ago and put him on ignore. Yet you and a dozen of the more intelligent posters on this forum continue to play his game by reposting him.
You use a drool rag, so I'll take your conclusion with a grain of fucking salt. Most of you retrograde shitstains are homophobic jackholes. I like fucking with assholes like that, so I say shit to get you all fucking hopping. You've been had, just like the rest of the fucking idiots. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No, really, it's OK. No need to deny your true self anymore, Zanzibar.

Just come out of the closet and stop pretending.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sizteen years ago, and you are still pissing and moaning about it. Move on get a life. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Don't you guys have a piss and moan festival every once in a while over the 2000 election?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your ignorance is astounding. If someone habitually overspends and can't handle their debts in this country, they can file for personal bankruptcy. Then they keep working and "paying in" while their debts are discharged. After a few years if they manage their money better, their FICO scores improve and they regain access to credit. The process works even faster and more efficiently on the corporate side. If you weren't so utterly clueless about economics, you would understand how "the perennial gale of creative destruction" is capitalism's biggest strength, not its weakness.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Remember, Nazi Baby Killer is the person who said I was wasting my money by contributing more than the employer matching into my IRA (which by the way is still going down under Obama's watch). He has no understanding of how money or investment works. I contend that Nazi Baby Killer is either a trust fund baby, a democratic operative living off the taxpayer, or he is going to lose his right to buy a gun under Obama.
Remember, Nazi Baby Killer is the person who said I was wasting my money by contributing more than the employer matching into my IRA (which by the way is still going down under Obama's watch). He has no understanding of how money or investment works. I contend that Nazi Baby Killer is either a trust fund baby, a democratic operative living off the taxpayer, or he is going to lose his right to buy a gun under Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Keep watching that IRA daily
Wall Street is a giant scam, but that's for another time. I'm actually reading a book called 'Hedge Hogs' right now. Quite interesting. My point about us not needing all this shit. It's all bullshit. The need is created. It's not real. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're a fucking idiot.

MOST of what we buy is based on want, not need. The only thing humans need is food, water, and basic shelter. If that is all we were allowed to have by the progressives, we would all be broke like North Korea.

I don't NEED this computer I am typing on. I WANT it. That's why I work and save - to meet my wants, not just my needs.

But progressive assholes have such monumental egos, they think THEY know what everybody needs and they - just - can't - wait - to get their hands on power and break the rest of us to the yoke.

Fuck off, you wannabe dictator.
No, really, it's OK. No need to deny your true self anymore, Zanzibar.

Just come out of the closet and stop pretending. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I wish I could, but I seriously have no idea who zanzibar is or was.
You're a fucking idiot.

MOST of what we buy is based on want, not need. The only thing humans need is food, water, and basic shelter. If that is all we were allowed to have by the progressives, we would all be broke like North Korea.

I don't NEED this computer I am typing on. I WANT it. That's why I work and save - to meet my wants, not just my needs.

But progressive assholes have such monumental egos, they think THEY know what everybody needs and they - just - can't - wait - to get their hands on power and break the rest of us to the yoke.

Fuck off, you wannabe dictator. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Advertising creates artificial need. You've obviously never taken Principles of Advertising 101. The wall between need and want has been broken down. To most people, they are one and the same. I don't want your money. I don't want to tell you how to spend it. That's not what progressive liberalism is. Am I for universal healthcare? Yes, but you're paying for healthcare now, so it's not as if I'm asking you to contribute in return for nothing.
That's extremely shortsighted. If someone spends themselves into the ground, that's one less person paying in. Originally Posted by WombRaider
OK, explain that piece of stupidity.

First, how does one "spend themselves" into the ground? What does that mean? They go broke?

Even if that was true, how does that mean they are no longer paying in? Even if someone goes bankrupt, they still have to go back to work the next day in order to support themselves. And they have to pay taxes on that new income. So they are still paying in.

So just WHAT did that idiotic statement mean?

The only way someone doesn't pay in is if he or she retires or goes on the dole. So, why aren't you complaining about people on welfare and Social Security?

Spending your income foolishly doesn't stop you from paying in.

Not working and having no income is what stops you from paying in.
OK, explain that piece of stupidity.

First, how does one "spend themselves" into the ground? What does that mean? They go broke?

Even if that was true, how does that mean they are no longer paying in? Even if someone goes bankrupt, they still have to go back to work the next day in order to support themselves. And they have to pay taxes on that new income. So they are still paying in.

So just WHAT did that idiotic statement mean?

The only way someone doesn't pay in is if he or she retires or goes on the dole. So, why aren't you complaining about people on welfare and Social Security?

Spending your income foolishly doesn't stop you from paying in.

Not working and having no income is what stops you from paying in. Originally Posted by ExNYer
If someone loses their income and goes on unemployment, where do you think that comes from?
Advertising creates artificial need. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Not true no matter how many times you repeat the lie.

When was the last time you bought a tampon? They are advertised relentlessly. Did it create "artificial need" in you to have one?

And what is an "artificial" need anyhow? Who decides what is real and what is fake?

When was the last time you bought a cubic zirconium ring? They are advertised all the time on TV.

I see rap music, heavy metal music, and country music advertised all the time. I never by any of them. Somehow, I resist the artificial need.

Products don't sell themselves. They have to be advertised. Advertising is nothing more than the dissemination of information. It may be nicely packaged, but it is still quite easy to resist.

People buy what they want and it drive progressives crazy because you think you know how to spend their money better than they do.

I don't want your money. I don't want to tell you how to spend it. That's not what progressive liberalism is. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Are you fucking kidding? That was the WHOLE POINT of all your posts above about socialism and people not spending on what they need.

You reek of central planning, pinko. Own it.
If someone loses their income and goes on unemployment, where do you think that comes from? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Avoiding the point again?

You didn't say anything about "losing their income". Your point was about "spending themselves into the ground". Someone who is living beyond his means is still paying into the system. He just isn't keeping any of what's left.

So, what was your point again? Keep trying.