Lol to funny

Slim Goddess's Avatar
Lol so what you saying you don't like .....
Boltfan's Avatar
Blah I see you aren't the brightest crayon in the box...

So what do u want the people of Eccie to do? Give him a spanking? Public internet beat down? A good ol Eccie trial?

You are having a hard time understanding the point here.

Anyone can text you and say they are so and so from eccie. It happens a lot people pretend to be mods and other members all of the time. All they have to do is make up a number via a text app and text you. Without making them send a pm via Eccie to confirm they are who they say they are you are putting your own safety at risk. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Send her a text and say it is from boltfan, please.

This is like explaining quantum physics to a rock.

Let me break it down for you,. It was not DallasDoc from ECCIE. END OF STORY

Unless he PM'd you from his account on eccie this is complete bullshit.

I'm disgusted that you would throw a long time respected member of this board under the bus like that and that you're either too stupid or too stubborn to understand it. Originally Posted by L.A.
The most comical part in all this? AB and Tara giving her any weight at all before actually finding out what really happened.
Slim Goddess's Avatar

Lol if they allow this then I see now racial comment is accept going to p411 now
I guess you will withhold your alleged evidence.. there's a bigger issue here.. like Jules suggested, it's beyond scary that you go to school and believe you are educated.. you claim to be 31, and you didn't mention what school you attend.

I have a Niece who attends the 4th grade, locally.. she made mention of an older, larger classmate when I saw her last week.. I hope my Niece wasn't talking about..

never mind. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
LMAO now thats FREAKING hilarious.

But honestly.... i cant really comprehend half of what the OP has stated.... but.....
You cant prove that was DallasDoc Even if you have a real name and verizon info. And just because a name comes up doesnt mean its that person anyway...
U can look my number up with the same system n it says verizon owner and a name ive never even heard of.... and i dont even have verizon.

Unless DallasDoc pmed u from here saying ,this is my number' theres no way to prove it was him.

Sounds like SOMEONE is trolling u and youre playing right into their hand. Just block them and move on... dont let the a troll get the best of you and make you look stupid. The person i see 'callin u out ur name' is..... YOU.
Dittychaser's Avatar
No I am saying I would not contact you that way. I would send you a PM here first so you would know who I am.
Boltfan's Avatar
Slim Goddess. You are either extremely nieve or shockingly ignorant. You have been given good advice here and now it is up to you whether or not you act upon it. This arguing you keep doing shows us you are the latter of my assessment. Please wise up, this is a dangerous business if you conduct it using your presented skill set.
Slim Goddess's Avatar
I'll see use of comprehending I have people that work at Sprint Verizon and T-Mobile if I have an issue and concern about my safety I can contact my people and they will Look up the number in their database let me get the clear even though I have that much information name address etc. all I'm saying that Dallas Dick was picked out of 1000 my bad 100,000 members on ECCIE reminded you I don't do nothing in Texas. None of my reviews are in Texas besides one and it's not Dallas it's San Antonio so I didn't pick and Dallas dock out of the blue I don't even have any information on the Dallas doc don't even know none of the members in Dallas Texas so that name was not randomly picked out of the blue that's what the text message he sent say it but he was a member for 20+ years and his name was Dallas lock so when you really logically think about it somebody got a hit on his ass knocked me some random person decide to use his name it is not him not do I make myself very clear enough but every thousand members on ECCIE
Slim Goddess's Avatar
It's funny that I'm either naïve or ignorant real good choice of fucking works but it's either in here or there I understand how dangerous this business is you don't have to worry about me because I don't do anything in Texas no way Texas is not for me whenever before me because of gentlemen like the man that spoke of racist comments and it seem as if is just as yourself as well because I don't see what good advice that I have on here beside fella me to drop it and move on but I would drop it and move on when I feel that I have been hurt correctly not incorrectly so with that being said once again here we go for someone to pick Dallas dock out of the blue he's a target with someone else and not myself
Slim Goddess's Avatar
Ok thanks but I really Think people getting into misunderstanding he did not contact to see me he can't take Meetze let me know that transsexual what's on my ad and then after I told him thank you and I asked a ministration to remove that that's when it started it's from that point after me sendingA nude picture he wanted me to do something on a very low low price which I was not excepting it because I was not excepting it that's when I was called out of my name with the racial comments. And for anybody and everybody always ask people to send me a PM always but he did not contact me to see me in the first Dern place
I'll see use of comprehending I have people that work at Sprint Verizon and T-Mobile if I have an issue and concern about my safety I can contact my people and they will Look up the number in their database let me get the clear even though I have that much information name address etc. all I'm saying think about it Dallas doc was picked out of 1000 my bad 100,000 members on ECCIE reminded you I don't do nothing in Texas. None of my reviews are in Texas besides one and it's not Dallas it's San Antonio so I didn't pick and Dallas dock out of the blue I don't even have any information on the Dallas doc don't even know half of the members in Dallas Texas so that name was not randomly picked out of the blue that's what the text message he sent say it but he was a member for 20+ years and his name was Dallas lock so when you really logically think about it somebody got a hit on his ass knocked me some random person decide to use his name it is not him not do I make myself very clear enough but every thousand members on ECCIE Originally Posted by Slim Goddess
Hun.... do some research.... thats been a growing trend in texas as of lately.... theres been quite a few guys contacting girls thru text saying they are so and so.... just to pass verification... most girls hear a well knowns members name and bypass verification all together. This is NOT something new its been going on for awhile . Tell the asshole thats texting u to grow a pair of balls and PM from hes eccie account or tell him he can STFU if he doesnt.
I GUARANTEE you wont get a pm.

But just block the number . Theres no way to prove it was DallasDoc without the pm and youre going to waste time and drive yourself crazy trying to do so.

Report the info u do have on VH or the ladies only section for harassment and then move on.
Theres no reason to throw yourself under the bus as well ...its just not worth it.
Slim Goddess's Avatar
I never see no one without getting the p.m. first before people did not know the whole story and only going about what bits and pieces that I am putting on here that's why they don't copperhead I know how to conduct my business very well very educated that's why I have no charges a prostitution and half of these women on here have charges a prostitution I have a cooler background that's why I'm able to walk into a lawyers office and get a job because both of my clear background I can walk into anywhere and get a job so the p.m. of ice that she's trying to offer me already knew that but he did not contact me to see me he contact me to let me know that there was something on my ad which was transsexual and I'm not a transsexual I'm a full grown woman but as the conversation decide to go but there one before I got a chance to get to bed point of asking him to send me a PM I was already called a racial name whybecause I choose not to do something on a very low price so that's the full story of what actually happened
Boltfan's Avatar
Do you go back and read what you write afterwards?
Slim Goddess's Avatar
Actually I'm not driving myself crazy I haven't had a chance to respond to the ignorance that has BN replied from when I posted it after getting the infraction but FYI I never see nobody without a PM purse that much I do know I am not that dumb to not know that much but it was never he contacted me on a whole Other level but I realize what's been going on in Texas for a long time I have homegirl's that's been with all types of pumps and have dealt with a whole bunch assholes in Dallas Texas and it's crazy how when I go to Mississippi happened have to realize that I'm not the Dallas chick because they don't even want to deal with Dallas the women so best believe I know what's been going on for a long time that's why I don't work in Dallas Texas and Texas period
Slim Goddess's Avatar
I'm using voice text so I'm driving and I don't have time to go back and read it but I believe majority of the things I'm saying you can comprehend it you know what I'm saying and when I gets a computer if you would like me to I will go back and buy the berry correctly for your education since you don't have comprehension skills
Hercules's Avatar
Huh? This is either the most clever threAD or the dumbest.