In both of these incidents, there was a lot going on... The cops could have been in the right or panicked... We don't know at this time...
Originally Posted by Generic White Guy
This is the most important factor here. I want to point out a few things here.
1. No one knows the real deal but the people involved. To some, no one will know the truth even after the investigation is conducted. This will be an overatatement but, how much faith would you have as a Jew in the system if someone told you Hitler would investigate a murder of a Jewish person? Once again, this is a gross overstatement, but I just want to shine a different light on it. American led investigations are NOT the end all be all "Comey" anyone (no politics, I promise)? However, some people are hard coded to believe the opposite.
2. I noticed your word choice, cops could have been in the right or "panicked". In my opinion wrong would be diametrically opposed to the word "right". Now, I don't have any reason or cause to say you intentionally or unintentionally stated anyrhing. You seem like a great guy. But is it possible you may have been hard coded to hold the view that cops are never wrong? Probably not right? In either case, I thought that was an interesting word choice.
3. Back to your word choices. Though I am not sophisticated enough to parse out verbiage on this phone. You also stated (paraphrasing) of course people are going to say that the cops where wrong. Therefore, blindly aligning yourself with those who feel the cops were right while admitting that no one knows and an investigation has not been conducted. Which is your main concern by your first sentence.
Once again, I don't know you so I really don't know what's in your heart so I hope what I am pointing out is not offending you in any way. My point is, we as a people have to get past the point of immediate alignment in a matter, in a sense making a judgment before the hearing. This is something I feel you agree with as well. Hell, even the founding forefathers who established trials thought the same. My point is, you can't get to that point if your very conversation aligns you with one side or another. You can be on the deceased side for all I know, but as a people, your conversation would have come off as biased. So imagine how a group of people would feel if every conversation came off as yours did. They would feel like they lost the battle before it even started and that there is no hope.
For the record, I am not by all means exhonerating any of the defendents in these cases. I see arguments from both sides. My point is that the thoughts and concerns of both sides should have equal weighting before making a valid assessment. If this is something that traditionally has been done in society, why would we "still" be having these issues today?
Once again GWG, I'm not coming for you, just making an observation.