Why use backpage???

Elle, I like your post. The most difficult thing reading these posts is the misogynist view some of the guys have just because they are compensating a professional for their time. Do they have the same view of a physical therapist or doctor? I give you money so I do not have to respect you as a person. They would probably spend months reviewing the purchase of a fine piece of art but complain about a 10 min conversation with a beautiful lady. There are nice guys that are occasional hobbyists.
Elle, I like your post. The most difficult thing reading these posts is the misogynist view some of the guys have just because they are compensating a professional for their time. Do they have the same view of a physical therapist or doctor? I give you money so I do not have to respect you as a person. They would probably spend months reviewing the purchase of a fine piece of art but complain about a 10 min conversation with a beautiful lady. There are nice guys that are occasional hobbyists. Originally Posted by funengineer

Where did anyone say they don't have to respect a provider because they are giving them money? Could you point it out? Seems like maybe you just tried to jam a aquare peg into a round hole to try and make a point. But maybe i missed something.

I know that if a physical therapist or doctor can't see me when I need them then they are not much use to me.
I don't have any problem with backpage, BP providers or hobbyists who frequent BP providers. But there are so many risks: fakes, stings, robberies, a lot of BP providers have unmentionable issues, a lot are low price/high volume so higher health risk... Just too many issues. Sometimes an ad will look tempting, but I always talk myself out of it.
I don't know what the big fucking deal is, for God sake every whore on this board, including myself started out on Backpage, and I still use it because most of the guys on here are a bunch of chickenshits.
Welcome back!!