Guys, I have not at all been racist---my advice is the best advice these girls could get, I'm not painting aa with a broad brush,,,I am just simply pointing out the inherit consequence of what will happen in this business. I don't believe any girl who has replied here can or does attempt to safely screen a bad dude,,,(white or black)You sir are an embarrassment to good people everywhere. Black, white, purple, fuschia, or otherwise.
A black/white relationship is much more likely to result in a pregenacy,,,"but" not a marriage. In this pfp relationship a black/white relationship is much more likely to end in a "management" arrangement,,,(not racism,,it's a fact) blacks controlling a white girl is a status symbol for them, and a highly abusive relationship when they profit from it.
Blacks are more masculine then whites, have stronger personalities, confidence,,they connect with the hoar, like a white cannot.
I can go on all night why aa are bad for the girls (most are probably not, but it will catch up with you)
Chinks, no I'm not racist, chinks are mostly harmless--carry on Originally Posted by Phil Meup