For anyone considering keto (or some form of low carb / high fat diet) and worried about all the fat not being heart healthy, these are results from my recent lipid panel:
The reference range is the range considered "normal".
Total Cholesterol: 169 (Reference range 50-200)
Triglycerides: 84 (Reference range 15-150)
HDL ("Good" cholesterol): 33 (Reference range 32-96)
LDL ("Bad" cholesterol): 123 (Reference range 66-175)
Damn near perfect, except HDL could be a bit higher but it's still within the reference range. I eat *lots* of fat, but the right kinds of fat (no trans fats, minimize Omega-6 fats from seed oils, heavy on Omega3 and saturated from grass-feed/grass finished beef, real butter, etc and monounsaturated fats)
Natural fats being damaging to cardiac function is mostly based on a single flawed study from 60 years ago, and is perpetuated by such archaic organizations as the American Heart Association, which has over the years labeled lots of things "heart healthy," such as Count Chocula cereal and Crisco!