where have all the professionals gone ???

Brandofan's Avatar
Maybe you should turn on your auto-correct. It gives you a red underline on the words that are misspelled. Originally Posted by tntangie
Even auto-correct has its limits babe.

I wish we would all take it a little more easy with the OP. He clearly suffered a massive head wound at some point in his life that damaged his prefrontal cortex. Despite all that I find his courage and ability to live a somewhat normal life quite inspiring.
Even auto-correct has its limits babe.

I wish we would all take it a little more easy with the OP. He clearly suffered a massive head wound at some point in his life that damaged his prefrontal cortex. Despite all that I find his courage and ability to live a somewhat normal life quite inspiring. Originally Posted by Brandofan
bwah ha ha ha ha...
nekisa's Avatar
WOWZERZ! Sorry to hear of your less then stellar experiences as of late.
Golfing's Avatar
Brand fan . Well how kind . Made me laugh , you have wit . That I appreciated
Golfing's Avatar
Jourdanee: what nerve I had to pm you . You kinda had some nerve to missing our session by a day , then chasing me down at the hotel when I wouldn't reschedule . And screaming at me in the parking lot demanding cash , for the session you missed . Yes that is nerve . Flipped her $400 and she was in shock , but nerve enough to ask for 600 .
Gave it to her . And still angry I won't reschedule. Coz frankly I prefer pretty girls
Golfing's Avatar
Not exactly Gods gift to women . Frankly I am a Gift to all people
Golfing's Avatar
Journeedior , so you are the small leap from bp to eccie . Good for you . Loved the typical bp chasing the customer in the parking lot screaming profanities . Wish I knew you couldn't count I handed you 400 then had to turn back when you begged for 600 . And you admitted to lying . So fuck him right , only your not pretty enough to fuck
Golfing's Avatar
Your a perfect 10' not in looks babe in lying . Journdedior . lol I well wasn't it yesterday you were begging me to see you becuase you wanted to make it up for me ?
And I said that's ok ... pissed you off . So I told you your not my type . Your fucking for money honey , kinda disrespectful anyway
Dude with your grasp of he English language, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation, you are either:

1. Completely full of shit
2. Rich trust fund baby that dropped out of high school
3. Drug dealer
4. Pimp

My money is on #3 or #4.
What a crock....
Brandofan's Avatar
He comes off like a Saudi oil prince. They tend to act like big swinging dicks with broken English and a propensity for overweight blondes.
playerplano's Avatar
I know it isn't going to help but I'm going to try. Golfing you are creating all of this and maybe it's on purpose. No one will respect a stupid pussy ! Stop trying to buy respect. If you didn't get fucked don't pay. If you do get fucked pay the agreed rate. Stop posting 1000 word single paragraph rants. Try to see the high dollar hotties ( 400-600 asking rate ) and spend your money wisely.
Journeedior's Avatar
I definitely did not chase you down. I drove thru the parking lot and you were in your trunk. You gave me 300, and a nasty bottle of liquor. Then took me to your room to cry about the hobby for 300. Boo hoo. Man up.
This is a old white man with no respect for women.
Journeedior's Avatar
And I didn't yell or curse. Stop lying for sympathy
Journeedior's Avatar
And I wasn't begging. Nor did u tell me I wasn't your type till I told you to fuck off in my PM. I tried make it up after the situation cause you wouldn't stop texting. Then a few days after when I got an incall. You're pathetic dude