Golden Pussy Syndrome

pyramider's Avatar
Guest072118's Avatar
Ive seen more GPS type crap way before the hobby. Its not a price its an attitude. Price is only a 'thing' in the hobby.

By the way I have RGPS. My bits are rose gold. he he he.
rexdutchman's Avatar
100% On attitude = GPS ( both RW and hobby, woman in general, hey have some thing we need )
It's a board cult psychology to keep rates at a certain level. There are awesome guys and gals here - don't get me wrong.

But, can we acknowledge this is a middle class industry? I know women who charge $750/hr. After bills, room/board/hotel costs etc, the profit margin is typically the same as friends with much lower rates. Many of the ladies at higher rates are THE MOST HUMBLE, & down to Earth women I've ever met! While ohers, at the average market rate bully, and are quick to research to smear other women at higher rates.

Some ladies have rates set to incentivize them to pull away from their families and suck strange penis. Others have a slew of reasons as to why they have rates set higher than their current regional market that will likely be listed later on.

Unfortunately, even other women will go directly to another woman's rates and assumes due to her higher rates, she perceives her to think she's "better" than those with lower rates. I removed my website for this very reason...another topic.

Men call it GPS. I call it bills, incentive, discouraging high volume and emotional labor, and honestly, none of my business. I despise the term GPS. There's bitchy women in all rate structures.

Thoughts? I feel safe from being attacked/dissected placing this here vs in Main/coed. I'm looking forward to responses! Originally Posted by Eva Damita

I have raised my rates because I don't want to be high volume. I like to take my time with my clients.
I have raised my rates because I don't want to be high volume. I like to take my time with my clients. Originally Posted by Alyssa71

As it was explained to me, "If I am being asked to work more than I care to, I raise my rates."

Also, was told "If someone brings $$ to the table, I will perform at a journeyman's level, but if they bring $$$, I will perform at an outstanding level."

So it boils down to supply and demand and you get what you pay for.
PiperBanks's Avatar
im from NYC, Given where i lived it was an avg 2500 to hang out, 1000$ an hour was typical
im from NYC, Given where i lived it was an avg 2500 to hang out, 1000$ an hour was typical Originally Posted by PiperBanks
Cost of living? Maybe?
I don't have GPS, I have GMS - golden mouth syndrome
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I don't have GPS, I have GMS - golden mouth syndrome Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Nice one Claire.
  • Dlh
  • 08-31-2017, 06:05 PM
I have raised my rates because I don't want to be high volume. I like to take my time with my clients. Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Ummm. U can be what ever valume u want to be. At a buck or a grand.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 09-01-2017, 12:43 AM
Claire has a lot more going on than just her mouth. . .
As it was explained to me, "If I am being asked to work more than I care to, I raise my rates."

Also, was told "If someone brings $$ to the table, I will perform at a journeyman's level, but if they bring $$$, I will perform at an outstanding level."

So it boils down to supply and demand and you get what you pay for. Originally Posted by Bayman3147
Good outlook on the matter.
Disagree. Companionship and respect...especially respect, should be something that always informs the interactions between a provider and her clients. As for happens. The successful stories don't get shared for good reason. Please note, I'm not saying it's the norm by any means.

Edit: I realized that if your emphasis is on "casual" then I can see and agree with your viewpoint. Originally Posted by SA Angel
Of course I mean casual. Tell me. at what point would an encounter with a prostitute exceed the casual?

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I'll be honest, I've NEVER heard or received backlash from gents regarding my rates. It's been WOMEN who were on a smear campaign solely based off my rates. Saying I think I'm "extraordinary" when I'm just "basic".

It's seeped over into women going against others who fled/working to flee from The Plantation.

They don't want to see another woman leave the field or the big house. Evolving is no option. Doing so in their eyes is equivalent to " thinking you're better " than everyone. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Lol we can't win.

Going from 200hr to 240hr is the only time I experienced backlash from men .... after that never got it again.
Haven't heard lip from anyone male or female after I went over 300hr (and again being 400hr now).
From women it was when I was in the under 200 club and would get all kinds of nasty emails and texts (calls too) about how I was messing things up for everyone else (even tho i'm 400hr now it still bothers me when I see other ladies here on ECCIE complaining lower rate girls are "messing things up" for them). I was also primarily on BP and CL around then but i'm not sure if that matters at all looking back.

When I "jumped" to 200hr I starting using Eros and at that time majority were 300hr+ bur I didn't have any girls from Eros harassing me.
Flip side I've gotten an pm on 2 about how my visiting a certain area would "raise the price of real estate" because of my current rate. It was meant to be a compliment but didn't realty care for it.

Whorearchy might be for another thread in itself but yeah it still exists big time.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-05-2017, 01:45 PM
Lol we can't win.

Going from 200hr to 240hr is the only time I experienced backlash from men .... after that never got it again.
Haven't heard lip from anyone male or female after I went over 300hr (and again being 400hr now).
From women it was when I was in the under 200 club and would get all kinds of nasty emails and texts (calls too) about how I was messing things up for everyone else (even tho i'm 400hr now it still bothers me when I see other ladies here on ECCIE complaining lower rate girls are "messing things up" for them). I was also primarily on BP and CL around then but i'm not sure if that matters at all looking back.

When I "jumped" to 200hr I starting using Eros and at that time majority were 300hr+ bur I didn't have any girls from Eros harassing me.
Flip side I've gotten an pm on 2 about how my visiting a certain area would "raise the price of real estate" because of my current rate. It was meant to be a compliment but didn't realty care for it.

Whorearchy might be for another thread in itself but yeah it still exists big time. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
An interesting discussion. I will side firmly with the people who say it is attitude more than price. But I think the attitude is part of the lady's part, part on the guy's part.

Whenever I see GPS used, 99% of the time it is intended as an insult, and almost always the translation is "She isn't worth that much", coupled with "She isn't as good as her swollen head thinks she is". I do not recall a lot of times where a description was, "She is a really sweet lady, but has GPS", or "Her rates are a bargain, but she has GPS". It is almost always both aspects.

She has to have a real or perceived attitude that she is in some way condescending to see a guy even though she is worth more than what she is getting.

He often is using it to express Aesop's sour grapes because she has priced herself out of his budget.

In a mostly free market which this is, those who do price themselves far above what they & their area can sustain--the market will self-correct their prices. For guys whose desires are outstripping their wallet, it is no different than wanting a 60 foot yacht or a private island in the south pacific--the fact that you can't afford it is not the yacht or the island's fault.

Of course I mean casual. Tell me. at what point would an encounter with a prostitute exceed the casual? Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Whenever familiarity and chemistry allow some amount of trust and friendship to overlay the business transaction. For those who are open to it, it happens more often than many want to acknowledge. There are a few ladies posting on this thread with whom I suspect it happens often.