Osama Bin Laden I'd dead!!!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I'm NOT a fan of Obama's because I think he knows what he needs to do but his execution is weak.

If you're still a Bush supporter – after 8 years of clusterfuck – you're not thinking with your head.

I want my Republican party back. My Republican party was conservative but not retarded. It was driven by simple fiscal and leadership values that were not corrupted by religious zealots, gun nerds, or oil. Sarah Palin and Donald Trump would not be invited to the party. I could go on, but I won't. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Lust4life thank you- I have many Republican friends who are really dissatisfied with the Republican party and they consider the TEA party as joke- you are right Sarah Palin is a moron that is told what to say- Trump is a freaking joke. I honestly don't see any of those current candidates given Obama a challenge- the strongest candidate they have s Romney but he has some issues- number one he's going to catch some major heat debating Obama on Obamacare when Romney passed a health care bill that is a mirror image of Obamacare even down to the notion that everyone must have it or get penalized. 2nd Romney is Mormon- major issue- just being honest- 3rd he's super rich and is going to be hard for him to be able to relate to the average joe. All the other candiates Palin, Trump & Huckabee have no chance and the biggest factor that hurts the GOP is no one has distant themselves from Palin or called her out when she has been the major face of the GOP and has a snowballs chance in hell of becoming President- it's almost as if the GOP is afraid to criticize her.
Have you guys seen the GOP town hall meetings recently on the Ryan plan??? The seniors are killing these guys and treating them just the way Dems were treated with Obamacare. The Ryan plan was a drastic mistake- seniors and all other people- besides TEA party are tired of these tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy. It's amazing how the GOP keeps pushing for tax breaks for the wealthy and you guys just don't get it? The Rich have got richer under Bush and if they(GOP) keep the Bush tax cuts and keep giving tax breaks to the wealthy sooner or later you are going to just have 2 classes: The Rich and the Poor- I honestly don't see how any middle class Republican can vote for the current Republicans based on their current agenda. here's Ryan Paul catching heat on his B.S Ryan plan :
TexRich's Avatar
has the topic changed from the death of Bin Laden to health care, GOP Presidential candidates, taxes, the rich getting richer, the Tea Party and town hall meetings? wow, this thread has gone so way off topic and now we have idealogs beating their chests with their opinions on just about anything, LOL!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I have no idea what you are talking about, must be your zerou education That's pretty weak, even for an Agro-american

you are not only a goon but a liberal, God save the Queen goon? goon!?! LOLOLOL; yep, I'm real liberal - are you a Tory?

you posted at 2pm, awaiting your evening shift at McDonald's?Dammit, got me there - we can't all be fortunate enough to be The Good Shepherd of the Grazing Cheerleaders... Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
LazurusLong's Avatar
Lazarus where's the evidence that Obama knew where Osama was 9 months ago??? You are confusing that with the news that they were tracking his courier for the past 9 months. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

If I put 9 months, I meant 8.

Let me point out the relevant portion in case you miss it:
"Armed with the courier's nom de guerre, American intelligence agencies later found him thanks to his phone call to a contact already under electronic surveillance. Last August, the courier traveled to bin Laden's compound, but it took another eight months before the CIA became certain that the al Qaeda leader was hiding inside."

I've read other reports that the reason it took so long was NOT because the intelligence was weak but that President Obama, like in so many other critical decisions since he took office, is many times unable to reach a decision. that weakness is a trademark of any new executive and since our President had zero executive decision making prior to taking office and this job is not one that is good for on the job training.

Obama has also issued directives for others to do things such as repatriate GITMO detainees only to have those detainees actively seek to kill Americans again. His decision to close GITMO has been rescinded along with his orders to Eric Holder to make the most stupid move of all and move the prisoners to NYC for trial only to find out just how stupid and wrong that would be.

So yes, I'm pretty well read about the time it took for Obama to send our troops after Osama once his compound was identified.

If I put 9 months, I meant 8.

Let me point out the relevant portion in case you miss it:
"Armed with the courier's nom de guerre, American intelligence agencies later found him thanks to his phone call to a contact already under electronic surveillance. Last August, the courier traveled to bin Laden's compound, but it took another eight months before the CIA became certain that the al Qaeda leader was hiding inside." Originally Posted by LazurusLong
You crack me up Laz. I think you are the only one in the world who can, with complete sincerity, point to something that says the CIA was not certain where bin Laden was as evidence that Obama knew where bin Laden was. Once again you've displayed your unique ability to put 2 and 2 together and get 5.
LazurusLong's Avatar
You crack me up Laz. I think you are the only one in the world who can, with complete sincerity, point to something that says the CIA was not certain where bin Laden was as evidence that Obama knew where bin Laden was. Once again you've displayed your unique ability to put 2 and 2 together and get 5. Originally Posted by Shackleton
Sorry Shackleton, but take those Progressive colored glasses off and read what I posted again.

I SAID I read numerous other reports that discussed this issue (after the killing of OBL) and they all reach the same conclusion that they knew where he was for 8 months.

SEAL teams do not need 8 months to come up with a plan of attack for a target.

In case you might care to question how I know that, in the 90's, one of my roommates was a NAVY SEAL. So, yes, I do know something about them and unlike many who have never met true heroes, he served his country with honor and without divulging any secrets, we did share many a beer where he told me what stories he could of visiting strange foreign places.
I SAID I read numerous other reports that discussed this issue (after the killing of OBL) and they all reach the same conclusion that they knew where he was for 8 months. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I know what you SAID (which means nothing to me), but the one article you CITED when you got called on your bullshit claim directly CONTRADICTS what you said. Why did you cite the WSJ article when you got called on your claim? Do you still think it says what you said it says?

What you say something concludes is worthless because you evidently having reading comprehension problems judging by your citing the WSJ article as supporting your claim. Where are the links to these other unnamed reports that you claim say Obama knew where bin Laden was for 8 (or is it 9?) months?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Well, let's see. Besides being a putz who has done nothing but try to insult me for my superior reading abilities because I posted ONE link of many I had researched yet YOU can only say that the one article I found didn't come right out and say they knew he was there.

What a fucking joke.

Here's a nice cut from the NY Times, the supposed newspaper of record that provides further information on how Obama had to have so many fucking meetings because, as I said, the man can't make up his mind to wipe his own ass let alone go ahead even on sketchy information and take out a "potential hiding place".


On March 14, Mr. Obama held the first of what would be five national security meetings in the course of the next six weeks to go over plans for the operation.
The meetings, attended by only the president’s closest national security aides, took place as other White House officials were scrambling to avert a possible government shutdown over the budget.
Four more similar meetings to discuss the plan would follow, until President Obama gathered his aides one final time last Friday.
At 8:20 that morning, Mr. Obama met with Thomas Donilon, the national security adviser; John O. Brennan, the counterterrorism adviser; and other senior aides in the Diplomatic Room at the White House. The president was traveling to Alabama later that morning to witness the damage from last week’s tornadoes. But first he had to approve the final plan to send operatives into the compound where the administration believed that Bin Laden was hiding.
Do I really need to keep finding more articles to show what has been made public of this drawn out delay in going after him?

In my opinion, you sir are an asshat for trying to claim that just because I posted only one link I don't know what I am talking about since you have no clue what else I have read or what conclusions I made based on my reading of how this hunt went down.

Just how many damn meetings should an executive need to have before he tells our SEAL teams to go take that compound out?

edit to add:
If all some people can do is to take issue with someone else's opinion post and cannot either post their own opinion (except to say someone is wrong) , or find data that shows another person's conclusions are in error, then they are simply trying to be even larger assfucks than simple asshats. Let the reader decide.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
If I were the Navy Seals, I'd be planning to take out Jesse Ventura. Every time he says he was a Seal, they must cringe.
If we issued points for all the infractions in this thread, a number of people would be on 90 day vacations.

Lets tone it back and cool down.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I give Bush no credit whatsoever. He took his eye off the ball and used the circumstances of 9/11 to justify going after oil in Iraq. The inspectors said there weren't any WMDs in Iraq, the UN said don't do it, but the little fucker's oil backers and Cheney's military contractors said 'go' so they did.

When Obama took office, he gave the CIA a clear directive – capture or kill Bin Laden. Period. Look what happened. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Saddam told 60 Minutes that as soon as the heat was off he would start building them again. I believe the House and the Senate agreed with GW


show me one oil rig with Exxon's name on it
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Boy-O-Boy Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
speaking of grazing cheerleaders as vs pic #2
Int3rested's Avatar
GW 2 took Saddam down after the contract he put on his Dad...Cheney's boys are Halliburton...Obama finished Osama when the political time was right...OBL is dead...
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Saddam told 60 Minutes that as soon as the heat was off he would start building them again. I believe the House and the Senate agreed with GW


show me one oil rig with Exxon's name on it Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
So we invaded Iraq despite all of the evidence and against the findings of the UN because of a 60 Minutes interview? Is that what you're saying? Really?

What does ownership of the rigs have to do with oil processing and distribution in this country?

LazurusLong's Avatar
oh look. Breaking news. The CIA had OBL's compund under surveillance for months. Wow. More support for my "conclusion" that I made based on what I had read...

By Nina Kay Carroll
Breaking News: CNN and Washington Post reveal the CIA had oiperatives set up in a house near Osama Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The operatives had been watching the compound and activities surrounding it to set up the raid in which U.S. Navy Seals killed Bin Laden and four others living in the compound . According to testimony from Bin Laden's wife, who was injured in the raid, they had lived in the compound for five years.