You left out the part of what the chart was actually for. It was showing that sub par growth has become a trend. You like to manipulate things or more likely copy and pasted one of your ilks thoughts from some other forum.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
A "trend"? You mean like your craving more and more trailer-park dick?
You just copied and pasted someone else's words - after falsely accusing me of doing the same.
How do you explain this supposed trend toward subpar economic growth, empty cranium? Is it a result of "secular stagnation"? Or do you want to go with the handy excuse it is harder to recover from "financial" recessions? Go ahead and explain why it has nothing to do with odumbo. Amazing how his anti-growth policies just happened to usher in a period of... slower growth!
The economy inched ahead by 1.6% in odumbo's last year. Now it's exploding at an annual rate of 4.1%, jackass.
But go ahead and elaborate on your subpar growth "trend". In your own words. If you can. No copy-pasting, ok?