And, there u have it! LADIES & GENTS:
Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
That you're not that sympathetic, when it comes to your clients getting sick. (Claims to find humor in it)
You didn't post it to make people laugh, you posted it to make people feel bad, and disgust for you.. Folks will not be talking about this one being the funniest of all times.
You'll take their money, and blast them on their expense. You were put off, but stil took the money, smh
You don't do well with constructive criticism
Claims it's a thread about deuce, but in reality its about someone got sick, and still made the trip to see her..
Don't point fingers except for at yourself, dear..( I was cordial) you didn't like what I had to say.
I don't dislike you by no means, but you sound like a arsehole if you know what I mean.
Good night