How does one fall in love with someone who only sees them on the clock?
I am totally missing something here.
She is a beautiful, warm, funny and attentive "Lady for Hire" who is exactly who you pay her to be. Nothing more. You do realize this right?
This has zero to do with who she is in the real world or the real life personal issues that have brought her to the point of providing.
This thread is getting depressing to read. You guys can't be serious.
Originally Posted by Codybeast
Of course I know she is on the clock and is "for hire."
But because I was getting more than other guys (fs), I
started becoming more emotionally involved than would
be healthy for our business relationship. I never found
any evidence she did more than hj's but reading
reviews about her giving hj's to other guys was
kind of getting to me. At the end of the day, I am
above all, a realist. No matter what anyone says, engaging
in an intimate relationship with any one provider for an extended period of time, will eventually create an emotional
bond. Even if the client is married. Get out while you can!