If you don't wish to give out your personal info, go to another provider. Build references. If even with references from established providers, a lady still wants RW info from you, and you still don't want to give that info, THEN MOVE ON TO THE NEXT GIRL.
Trying to argue the merits and downsides of trading RW info is silly. No logical argument will get anyone to change their minds.
Originally Posted by grean
It's not about changing anyone's mind. It's about making sure the new guys and gals don't think that releasing RWI is normal or safe. It's a discussion about why it isn't safe, and why the alternatives are more effective for everyone.
No one should try and 'explain' to a provider how to screen when trying to book with her. You either abide by her process or politely decline and move on.
Originally Posted by Brandofan
Absolutely. Her body. Her business. Her decision. Guys can take it or leave it.
I will say that when you politely decline, it might help to let her know that you're not willing to subject yourself to her screening process.
But when faced with a decision to share personal info with someone who could possibly blow up your personal and professional life through malicious intent or just careless indiscretion I think it is only fair to warn the OP and casual newb of the risks.
I like B3. Heck I sincerely hope to meet up with her someday and I can certainly understand her and Nicole's perspective regarding their personal safety. But I really don't care for the way she seems to be dismissing the concern from the male perspective. I understand that B3 is reputable. That is however BY FAR the exception, not the rule, and does not mean that it is safe in general to give out your RWI to providers.
Hopefully someday P411 will open up to new members. Until then my advice to newbs? Be patient, think with the big head, and find a newbie friendly provider. Maybe start with FBSM or stick with AMPs. But do not give your RWI without carefully considering the person with whom you are sharing it.
Originally Posted by Brandofan
Absolute truth that every new hobbyist should take to heart.