American Mormon Family Massacred in Mexico

  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2019, 01:53 PM
There would be insufficient manpower to secure the Cali border from the rest of the country .... if you notice the length of the Eastern boundary of California with that added to the Oregon border in the North (the illegals are moving through Oregon into Washington state ... even though the colder winters doesn't sit well with them. It's cheaper to stop them at the Southern border, cut off Federal assistance to California, and require them to reimburse the Feds for having to recapture when they release them. Reimbursement is in order. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Thanks -LL

You are aware i am being sardonic, and am well aware of the issues of securing a kalifornia border from the rest of the US.

Good luck with reimbursement from 99% of the illegals - even if they have money as gangs or cartels.
  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2019, 01:55 PM
good post oeb. problem is that the government doesn't want them legalized. They would rather "control" it the way they are doing right now. They dont have to be accountable. The US government are the biggest drug dealers in the world, not just Mexico Originally Posted by themystic

DPST's do not change their stripes.
How many fake "Olive branches" have been posted??
Start with the Unaffordable Care Act ... that Pisslousy rammed through Congress with her Token Puppet in the People's House in order to replace the bankrupt and failed California health care plan for their state wide (including local) government retirees.

Continue with their "mutual assistance" firefighting bills for stopping the fires their so called "save the trees" program causing because their stupid regulations prohibit clearing of brush tender and the establishment of "fire lanes" around properties to stall, if not prohibit" the spread of the fires, killing of people, and the destruction of property.

Then move on to reparations for jacking up the electrical bills of Texans in the form of rate increases to cover the expense of businesses and individuals skipping out of California to avoid their wasteful spending and consequential tax hikes to fund their SocialistLiberalAntiTrump bullshit ... like they're doing in Congress today. Just ask Senator Harassment or PissLousy.

We haven't even got a final number on the cost of housing, feeding, medicating, and defending the ILLEGAL ALIENS they invite to their "sanctuary" state of confusion.

The list is almost endless. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Indeed it is a sad list of failures and costs emanating from the People's Republic of California.
Chung Tran - So you approve of a country where the citizens hate those from another country who are a different race?

I am referring to when you blamed the Mormons for being in Mexico and thereby inviting trouble.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you approve of a country where the citizens hate those from another country who are a different race? Originally Posted by friendly fred
I don't approve of "hate" at all for any reason.

It's all emotional.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks -LL Originally Posted by oeb11
You are welcome.

My observations were not directed at you or your comments, whether they were serious or otherwise. California is a study in stupidity blended with arrogance. Not a productive concoction for consumption. Unfortunately they are also hypocritical....but that, IMO, surfaces from their inbred arrogance. They are too stupid to see the conflicts.

It's only relevant to this thread's topic, because The California Loons are stuffing their state with a nonqualified working class who had the same mindset as those animals who slaughtered those women and children who were minding their own fucking business and going about their lives peacefully. And, BTW, the other states have to support that shit.
I don't approve of "hate" at all for any reason.

It's all emotional. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sorry - I was asking Chan.
You are welcome.

My observations were not directed at you or your comments, whether they were serious or otherwise. California is a study in stupidity blended with arrogance. Not a productive concoction for consumption. Unfortunately they are also hypocritical....but that, IMO, surfaces from their inbred arrogance. They are too stupid to see the conflicts.

It's only relevant to this thread's topic, because The California Loons are stuffing their state with a nonqualified working class who had the same mindset as those animals who slaughtered those women and children who were minding their own fucking business and going about their lives peacefully. And, BTW, the other states have to support that shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree - California is a mess and they can't even put out fires or keep the electricity going very well. Fucking losers
it is extremely interesting. but I see nothing about it that diminishes Romney himself.

what I do see is stupidity from that family. why do they stay and invite trouble? I am finding it difficult to feel sorrow for them, after learning their history and viewing their hubris. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
This is the post from which I gleaned Chung Tran thinks it is OK to discriminate against a different race that doesn't "belong" in someone else's country.
  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2019, 04:28 PM
You are welcome.

My observations were not directed at you or your comments, whether they were serious or otherwise. California is a study in stupidity blended with arrogance. Not a productive concoction for consumption. Unfortunately they are also hypocritical....but that, IMO, surfaces from their inbred arrogance. They are too stupid to see the conflicts.

It's only relevant to this thread's topic, because The California Loons are stuffing their state with a nonqualified working class who had the same mindset as those animals who slaughtered those women and children who were minding their own fucking business and going about their lives peacefully. And, BTW, the other states have to support that shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Thank you -LL. I was aware your comments were not critical of me. You raise a valid point I had not considered, or seen published - the cost to all of America for the gross mis-management of the state of Kalifornia by their socialist politicians.

It costs all of us - directly and indirectly.

Thanks for a good point!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
welcome back mystic... wondering where you've been.
  • oeb11
  • 11-11-2019, 09:36 AM
Mom's basement.
healing up the "knuckle-rapping" to get back at the keyboard and type the "n" word.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If these Mormons aren't responsible for being in Mexico, who is? It's obvious they are.

They moved to a country, that according to your god, is full of all kinds of criminals. Which probably includes polygamists.

It also seems obvious they didn't deserve to have this happen.

It's unlikely this is a hate crime. If it was, why haven't they attacked before? Why haven't they attacked again? Why stop at 9?

Hate is one of the strongest human emotions. You and yours frequently use it to describe the motive behind the actions of people you know nothing about. It's probably pointless to point this out to you since you "know" who hates and who doesn't, what they hate, and why they hate (hs).
Me pointing this out won't slow down its use because the right throws it around a lot. Like in the book title by mini-trump.

Chung Tran - So you approve of a country where the citizens hate those from another country who are a different race? Isn't this an ironic statement coming from a trumpy?

I am referring to when you blamed the Mormons for being in Mexico and thereby inviting trouble. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung Tran - So you approve of a country where the citizens hate those from another country who are a different race?

I am referring to when you blamed the Mormons for being in Mexico and thereby inviting trouble. Originally Posted by friendly fred
This is the post from which I gleaned Chung Tran thinks it is OK to discriminate against a different race that doesn't "belong" in someone else's country. Originally Posted by friendly fred
you guys leap to the most absurd conclusions. what did I post that had anything to do with hate for people of a certain Country or Race? you Right-Wing Republicans always see events through a Racial prism, through a Nationalistic lens.

short answer is "no", I don't approve of that. why do you even ask? my posting has nothing to do with that.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The list will always be longer when you can talk shit and don't have to prove anything. From Austin Energy.
"A typical residential customer who uses 860 kWh per month will see a 1.5%, or $1.33, increase in their monthly bill."

The above is our annual increase. What is Houston's annual increase going to be? Never mind. I know you don't know and are too lazy to look it up.

Last year's wildfires occurred on mostly federal land which are under federal management.

What health care plan did the right come up with? That wasn't going to cover pre-existing conditions?

Etc., etc. blah, blah, blah.
Your opinion is noted and will be used against you as proof of your bias and ignorance.

Start with the Unaffordable Care Act ... that Pisslousy rammed through Congress with her Token Puppet in the People's House in order to replace the bankrupt and failed California health care plan for their state wide (including local) government retirees.

Continue with their "mutual assistance" firefighting bills for stopping the fires their so called "save the trees" program causing because their stupid regulations prohibit clearing of brush tender and the establishment of "fire lanes" around properties to stall, if not prohibit" the spread of the fires, killing of people, and the destruction of property.

Then move on to reparations for jacking up the electrical bills of Texans in the form of rate increases to cover the expense of businesses and individuals skipping out of California to avoid their wasteful spending and consequential tax hikes to fund their SocialistLiberalAntiTrump bullshit ... like they're doing in Congress today. Just ask Senator Harassment or PissLousy.

We haven't even got a final number on the cost of housing, feeding, medicating, and defending the ILLEGAL ALIENS they invite to their "sanctuary" state of confusion.

The list is almost endless. Originally Posted by LexusLover