Donald Trump - Capitulating Vagina

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Damn it's been a shitty week!
After reading my own reply, I realized that I sound like my ex-wife on her period. Too late to delete it, so I'll have live with the shame.
I better logout. I need a tampon change and a shot of testosterone. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
XXX Large ?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-05-2020, 07:46 AM
You and I had a few exchanges several months ago, the usual back and forth. You took it to another level by saying I'm nothing but a punk. That ended our conversation. How should I have responded? No I'm not, or call you a name? There's really no way to respond without making things worse. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Damn it's been a shitty week!
After reading my own reply, I realized that I sound like my ex-wife on her period. Too late to delete it, so I'll have live with the shame.
I better logout. I need a tampon change and a shot of testosterone. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Good on you. Then i won't need to point out that in that thread where i referred to you as a punk, you used the terms "old lying skank", "piece of shit", "power hungry hypocrites", "scum", and "Christing Lousey Ford", all the while referring to me as "delusional", "off my meds" and a "pathetic libtard".

So thanks for saving me the trouble.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Thanks for not pointing it out. 😉
I stand by most of those statements. I have no problem calling out the actors. I want to cut some slack for those who have been fooled into believing them, like the reactionary shit I said about you. I'm surprised I used "pathetic libtard" It's so cliché.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thanks for not pointing it out. ��
I stand by most of those statements. I have no problem calling out the actors. I want to cut some slack for those who have been fooled into believing them, like the reactionary shit I said about you. I'm surprised I used "pathetic libtard" It's so cliché. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I agree that it's wrong to call any manipulative lying submissive scumbag democrat morons "libtards".

It's a perfect example of how understatement can be sometimes seen as a social faux pas.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-05-2020, 05:47 PM
Thanks for not pointing it out. 😉
I stand by most of those statements. I have no problem calling out the actors. I want to cut some slack for those who have been fooled into believing them, like the reactionary shit I said about you. I'm surprised I used "pathetic libtard" It's so cliché. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
So....when it's directed at you and yours, it's hate filled anger. But when it's coming from you and yours, it's "calling out the actors".

Gotta admit, i feel like i'm doing the same thing. Only one of us can be right, i suppose.

And looking at how your side acts on topics not political vs. how my side acts on topics not political, i feel pretty good being on the side i'm on.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Stay home, stay safe. Stop the spread and reinvest dividends and capital gains whew
Willie Wanker's Avatar
So....when it's directed at you and yours, it's hate filled anger. But when it's coming from you and yours, it's "calling out the actors".

Gotta admit, i feel like i'm doing the same thing. Only one of us can be right, i suppose.

And looking at how your side acts on topics not political vs. how my side acts on topics not political, i feel pretty good being on the side i'm on. Originally Posted by Doove
No, that's not it. I don't care what you say about my side, have at it. It's fun to beat up each other's sides.
It's unlikely that you agree with everything that's Democrat, left and liberal. I don't agree with everything Republican or conservative. Most of the politicians on both sides are corrupt dirt-bags that put their own interests above the people they're supposed to represent. I'm saying, don't put all of that on the person that you're debating with. We defend these clowns because we believe our side is the lesser two evils. Let's admit that sometimes we have to plug our noses to do it.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Good on you. Then i won't need to point out that in that thread where i referred to you as a punk, you used the terms "old lying skank", "piece of shit", "power hungry hypocrites", "scum", and "Christing Lousey Ford", all the while referring to me as "delusional", "off my meds" and a "pathetic libtard".

So thanks for saving me the trouble. Originally Posted by Doove

HolyHell! After browsing the latest posts, I gotta cut you some slack. I see you're not always the antagonist.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Tucker is on fire at the moment.

Correctly praising Trump's speech at Mount Rushmore, demolishing ignorant liberal opinion television talking heads.

Mocking Dementia Joe, who has evolved into a bumbling race baiting pig.

Telling it like it is about the number one issue in America today, the democrat party's insidious and underhanded attempt to continue their decade long strategy of racial division and of alternately vilifying and minimizing the value of the entire white race.

This attempt to glorify the prehistoric Indian tribes that took turns hideously murdering one another with reckless abandon for generations is one of the most farcical elements of the hate campaign, it's extremely amusing to anyone with even superficial awareness of nineteenth century American history to listen to. Especially when you combine the looks on the mongrel faces of the CNN and MSNBC robots with the shit coming out of their yaps.

I really hope Trump continues to apply pressure to this bullshit narrative, but I wish he would stop with the childishness on twitter.

I actually have no idea why he continues to patronize twitter, which is the refuge of hostile democrat party weirdos.

Starting to come back around on Trump.

Thank you.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Originally Posted by JONBALLS
JB I am currently really, really hoping Trump can remain focused and not start with the extemporaneous stream of consciousness monologues when speaking in front of his sneaky, hateful enemies.

Also, although I feel like Kayleigh Mcenany is very good, I think she should deprive the tag-teaming liberal press machine of getting so many opportunities to spread their propaganda in under the guise of "asking questions". I also wish she would stop letting the pieces of shit interrupt so much. Maybe play the girl card and accuse them of the shit they love to accuse anyone who is not in league with their disgusting agenda of.

She does give them all a good shot in the vagina at the end of every press briefing, which is a nice touch however.
Trump( the stable genius)
the Chosen One

hasn't aged a day since elected , thrives on pressure

pressure that would crumble any mortal human

the countries living through a mini dry run of the maniac left

everythings going to be just fine
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-07-2020, 04:12 AM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah......Trump Derangement Syndrome *is* a thing, alright.

Even NASCAR is coming to the conclusion that The Emperor has no clothes. NASCAR!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm really glad Super Tucker took that shot at this Tammy Duckworth slob last night while he was torching the scumbag democrats.

The broad looks like a cross between Roseanne Barr and Aunt Jemima but we are supposed to sanctify everything that comes out of her poisonous mouth because she got her legs blown off flying around in a military helicopter. This makes her words unassailable and means she is correct about everything.

In truth she is a shitty race baiter and to make matters worse she looks like a typical upstate New York whore.

Keep in mind Miss Piggy was being called out for taking a swipe at George Washington, the only six star general in the history of the United States of America. So sorry, fatso. You're out of your depth in terms of equating military service with automatically being right. George Washington >>> Miss Piggy.

These homos will try to capitalize on absolutely anything.

I hope Tucker stands his ground tonight, and actually hope he ups the ante.

Very few of these people know anything more about George Washington than what they were taught in middle school by the way.

If you don't like this please go back to school and pursue a degree in one of any number of available faux disciplines of study, from an "historically black college", infect as much of the world with the bullshit you are taught there as you are allowed to by your liberal overlords, and then get back to me.

I will myself continue to take your money away from you and laugh at you behind your backs.

God bless Tucker, he's truly a gift to smart folks who need relief from the remainder of the media toilet bowl, and an enemy to imbeciles.

Please do not identify yourself as an imbecile by taking a weak, ineffective swipe at Tucker, who is a national treasure.

Thank you.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah......Trump Derangement Syndrome *is* a thing, alright.

Even NASCAR is coming to the conclusion that The Emperor has no clothes. NASCAR! Originally Posted by Doove

ohh I knew that was going

to trigger the shit outta one yahs

uhh Nascar hasn't been able to fill the stands for several years now