Speaking of Progressive ideology and the vaccine.
The "wokest" ( Progressives ) among us are suggesting that we give the vaccine not necessarily to the elderly or the health care workers both being mostly White, according to the "woke" but that Blacks should get the vaccine first since they represent the "essential workers" category and are on the low end of "equity fairness". So if you are White, you go to the back of the line, well, except for Nancy Pelosi who got hers today ahead of most Black people.
So, who among you Black people want to go first? Sound just a little like a Tuskegee experiment? Let's give it to Black people first and see what happens? And what if we were to do that and God forbid ( a figure of speech ) something went wrong and Blacks were "adversely" effected? Can you imagine the blow back?
History Of Medical Testing Has Left Many African Americans Hesitant About The New COVID-19 Vaccine
Who’s Next? COVID’s Burden on Black Americans Creates Vaccine Quandary
People of color have been hammered by the coronavirus, but achieving racial equity get use to hearing that phrase for the foreseeable future in the vaccine rollout may be easier said than done.
But putting communities of color ahead of other groups for the vaccine is good public health practice, Beyrer says: They are canaries in the COVID-19 coal mine.
"If the uptake is low, the impact will be low," Beyrer says. And given the complex plans to nationally distribute a groundbreaking vaccine that's already in short supply, he says, "the devil is in the details."
Ahead of the vaccine rollout, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices acknowledged that mitigating racial inequities should be a factor in distributing the vaccine, and said allocation strategies "should aim to both reduce existing disparities and to not create new disparities." CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield underscored the need in a statement accepting the committee's initial recommendation for priority groups, encouraging a future call to prioritize older people in multigenerational households
Fact check: Melinda Gates said black people deserve priority access to a COVID-19 vaccine
Says the world renowned epidemiologist Melinda Gates! Oh, wait, her claim to fame is a former cubicle employee at a software company who married a billionaire, so there is that in her non medical background. And be prepared in the Biden years for more lectures from big Tech and Silicon Valley wives.
Should people of color get access to the Covid-19 vaccine before others?
“It’s so important that we get this right. We don’t have a history of doing this well.”
Well, if you were looking for a way to encourage Black and Brown people to step up first, I don't think that's the headline you want to go with.