Lebron James is a dumb cunt!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
George Floyd
Briana Taylor
The guy in Atlanta who dozed off in his car at Wendy's drive thru, out wrestled two cops and took one their tasers and then was shot in back while running away.

All of these incidents happened under Trumps watch!!!!

In all three of these cases the victim never had a chance to go to court. The police acted as the judge, jury and executioner.

In the Brianna Taylor case, they got the search warrant illegally and one cop got fired for shooting up the wrong apartment. Originally Posted by adav8s28

how was the search warrant for Taylor's apartment illegal? prove that. if you did any research at all you'd know that the warrant was valid and not a mistaken address as was initially reported. don't care one bit about some other apartment. the truth is Taylor was actively involved in drug trade. the LMPD has tons of evidence to support this. she was still associating with her ex-BF who was a known suspect in a stash house in Louisville. they have video/photo evidence of Glover, the ex going to Taylor's apartment and leaving with packages. what do you think were in those packages?

Taylor also allowed Glover to use a car she rented for him. that car was seen a the stash house by police. they even saw Taylor arrive at that house with Glover on at least one occasion. that made her a suspect.


read that and tell me again why you claim the warrant was illegal.

and the media went off the charts nuts when the LMPD released this info. why? you know why, it blew up their narrative of "poor little innocent Breonna"

and the ex-bf, Jamarcus Glover eventually got arrested after skipping town.


of course he claims Taylor had no involvement. perhaps not directly but as i said there is video of her rental car being seen at the stash house. the LMPD even put a tracker on it.

if you rent a car, lend it to a friend and he uses it to rob a bank you are an accessory. whether you knew the friend was going to use the car in a robbery or not.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
knife wielding video... they were a bunch of people there who could have stopped the fight. they didn't. why?

I suspect that they didn't give a shit what was happening. was it entertaining for them to watch them fight?

there was a twitter post explaining that there have been knife fights between blacks for years, police weren't needed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
heres the image of the twitter post
knife wielding video... they were a bunch of people there who could have stopped the fight. they didn't. why?

I suspect that they didn't give a shit what was happening. was it entertaining for them to watch them fight?

there was a twitter post explaining that there have been knife fights between blacks for years, police weren't needed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Two reasons:

People love watching a fight

People are cowards

People will standby and record a group of people beating the absolute shit out of someone and not do anything.

If the "audience" is black, it's the same thing, but they scream taunts and "WORLDSTAR" as well.
adav8s28's Avatar
Better yet, let them do a complete auditing of the ballots in key states. You're a CPA, right? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Who do you want to do the Audit, Price Waterhouse or Deloitte Touche?

Biden had to do two things to win the electoral college.

1. Win the same states that HRC won in the 2016 election.

2. Flip Mich, Wisconsin and Penn. (Assumption Trump wins OH & FL which he did)

Biden did both, he won all the states HRC won and he FLIPPED Mich, Wisc and Penn. Biden also flipped Arizona and Georgia. I will give you Arizona and Georgia, Biden still wins the electoral college and Trump GOES home.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Who do you want to do the Audit, Price Waterhouse or Deloitte Touche? Originally Posted by adav8s28
I think gnadfly is cool with any of the the Big 4 accounting firms so be sure to add KPMG and Ernst and Young. If he is good with going outside of the Big 4, I highly recommend BDO Seidman or Grant Thornton. It's not like any of those companies are looking to make money so why not have your CPAs count ballots?

I'm sure they would be more than happy to have some snot nosed kid right out of college that they had to spend thousands of dollars for Becker CPA courses to prepare them for the exam and then spend another ~$2K for the cost of all four (business, tax, financial accounting and audit) of the requirements when they actually take the exam. Makes perfect economic sense to me.
adav8s28's Avatar
how was the search warrant for Taylor's apartment illegal? prove that. if you did any research at all you'd know that the warrant was valid and not a mistaken address as was initially reported. don't care one bit about some

what do you think were in those packages?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Clothes and shoes were in the packages. They did not find anything at Taylor's apartment that the detective thought they would find when he filled out the warrant application. The warrant was granted on guilt by association. The detective that applied for the no-knock warrant did not even have meager evidence.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Clothes and shoes were in the packages. They did not find anything at Taylor's apartment that the detective thought they would find when he filled out the warrant application. The warrant was granted on guilt by association. The detective that applied for the no-knock warrant did not even have meager evidence.

https://reason.com/2020/06/21/was-th...d-that-killed- Originally Posted by adav8s28

your link doesn't work.


how would someone know what was in the packages? did they get them and open them? they had several things to look for including money. if you'd read my link, you'd know that Glover was recorded saying to someone else that Taylor was at times holding money for Glover.

"My former Reason colleague Radley Balko, writing at The Washington Post, reports that "a source with knowledge of the case has since told me that the packages contained clothes and shoes."

again .. who obtained those packages to see what was really in them? you do know that people hide contraband among ordinary items in packages, yes?

TWK rates this article as "liberal horseshit".

and anyone named "Radley Balko" was raised by liberal hippies.


here is Radley trying to justify his liberal horseshit.

"Furthermore, Walker actually called 911 after the raid, telling the dispatcher, “I don’t know what happened … somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend.” It’s unlikely that a man with no criminal record would knowingly shoot at police officers, then call 911 and pretend ignorance. It seems safe to say that if the police did announce themselves, Walker didn’t hear it. And that makes the raid legally indistinguishable from a no-knock."

Radley isn't a lawyer. his "legal" opinion isn't worth shit.

Walker, the boyfriend, said they did hear someone banging at the door and had enough time to leave the bedroom where they were at and enter the hallway toward the door. with his gun.

now ask yourself this .. how many burglars knock on the door before they rob you? none. burglars don't knock. got that?

and if the LMPD did what they call an "announce and enter" meaning they announced right before they break in the door how would Walker and Taylor have enough time to go to the hallway?

from Radley's own article trying lamely to justify his liberal views ..

“Further, the detectives announce their presence and purpose in conjunction with the first hit on the door. [Emphasis added.] A detective explained, ‘As long as we announce our presence, we are good. We don’t want to give them anytime to destroy evidence or grab a weapon, so we go fast and get through the door quick.’”

this didn't happen the way the writer claims. Walker himself said they heard pounding on the door. proof that the police gave time for someone to acknowledge and respond.

what Walker did was wait in the hallway until after the cops broke the door and immediately fired. i think Walker thought it was Glover the ex-bf wanting into the apartment for some reason. i think he was afraid of the guy and probably with good reason but that doesn't give him the right to not acknowledge someone banging on the door and then shoot at them.

if i did that at my house and it turned out not to be robbers (which DO NOT KNOCK to begin with) i'd be liable for it. Walker got lucky LMPD dropped charges on him in light of the situation.
bambino's Avatar
I think gnadfly is cool with any of the the Big 4 accounting firms so be sure to add KPMG and Ernst and Young. If he is good with going outside of the Big 4, I highly recommend BDO Seidman or Grant Thornton. It's not like any of those companies are looking to make money so why not have your CPAs count ballots?

I'm sure they would be more than happy to have some snot nosed kid right out of college that they had to spend thousands of dollars for Becker CPA courses to prepare them for the exam and then spend another ~$2K for the cost of all four (business, tax, financial accounting and audit) of the requirements when they actually take the exam. Makes perfect economic sense to me. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
CPAs are familiar with controls, checks and balances, chain of custody, compliance, evidence and other processes to ensure proper reporting of financial information. Same concept with voting.

Sad try Micah.

I've worked with most of the Big 8 (at the time) accounting firms. I would not trust Andersen/Accenture as far as I could throw them. BTW, I've seen Accenture charge out $160 an hour for their new hires just to take meeting notes.

BTW, don't speak for me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
BTW, don't speak for me. Originally Posted by gnadfly
LOL. Or what? Like I've said before, you know exactly what forum to find me in on this board if you would like to post freely without receiving any points.

You're the one with the smart ass comment that made no sense because I am a CPA even though I have never worked full time as an accountant because I don't care about that chump change. I live in Dallas. Trump won Texas. Do you want me to pull an Enron and make it look like he lost Texas?

Some of you hard right folks crack me up with your logic. I swear that some of you guys still believe in the boogey man.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOL. Or what? Like I've said before, you know exactly what forum to find me in on this board if you would like to post freely without receiving any points.

You're the one with the smart ass comment that made no sense because I am a CPA even though I have never worked full time as an accountant because I don't care about that chump change. I live in Dallas. Trump won Texas. Do you want me to pull an Enron and make it look like he lost Texas?

Some of you hard right folks crack me up with your logic. I swear that some of you guys still believe in the boogey man. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

you can still get points in the Spider Hole.

might take some doing but you can.
bambino's Avatar
you can still get points in the Spider Hole.

might take some doing but you can. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, you can get banned there. Seen it with my own eyes. Twice.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
TWK, I know the simple few rules in there. Insulting someone sure the fuck is not one of them though. Hell, I would insult wakeup all of the time and he couldn't do shit because that's not against the rules in there even though he was a mod there.

It's pretty boring in there now, but it was entertaining back in the day.
adav8s28's Avatar

I would not trust Andersen/Accenture as far as I could throw them. BTW, I've seen Accenture charge out $160 an hour for their new hires just to take meeting notes.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
I agree with you on Accenture. Accenture had a huge contract with State Farm Insurance back in 2011 to replace the mainframe front end with an internet based front end for all applications. The contract was for three years. Accenture blew the budget of the first two years by so much, the state farm executives cancelled the third year of the project. More than 80% of the Accenture consultants were let go. The guys who had come all the way from India to work on the project were so upset. They had to find another job with another company or return to India. Accenture did not have any bench time for their consultants. If you were not billing you were gone.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If you were not billing you were gone. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You are correct. I worked there when I was a lot younger. I'd never work there again. If you are a consultant and your billable hours were not what was deemed acceptable, your ass was toast. I left on my own though because I was just like I really don't need this shit and I had other jobs lined up for more pay.

Accenture is kind of stingy with the paychecks or at least they were when I worked there. I don't know how they are now though but I doubt much has changed within their company culture.