Tennis star ends season after the vax
Over 600,000 people have died since the Virus began. Has (sic) there been that many that died from getting the shot? I think not. Originally Posted by bypassHilarious!
Ok bypass, I'll play your silly game.... Fixed it for you!LOL you guys are funny. She said if he made it she wouldn't take it. Which he did nothing but hold it from being made for the first few months till his polls went down. He said it would go away on its own. Then he got the virus and they used a special drug on him. He was Helicoptered to the hospital. then he started to care about the china virus.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Hilarious!Do you honestly think anyone can explain the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine to these guys in a manner that any of them would respond positively? Did you read this shit?
You obviously know nothing about how to evaluate risks. If even a few dozen people died (let alone 600k) from a vaccine, it would be yanked off the market. In Europe last March the Astrazeneca vaccine was halted for 2 weeks after a mere 37 cases of blood clots in 17 million recipients.
I'm pro-vax but anti-mandate. People need to be persuaded, not coerced. With ridiculous arguments like yours, it's no wonder there is so much vaccine hesitancy out there.
The vaccines are generally safe and effective. You just don't know how to explain it. Originally Posted by lustylad
LOL you guys are funny. She said if he made it she wouldn't take it. Which he did nothing but hold it from being made for the first few months till his polls went down. Originally Posted by bypassCare to provide any real facts to back up your statement in the quote above?
I will prove one fact, I am trying now to get the third shot. Anyone else I could care what they do. Don't do what I do. I'm just saying. You are guys are probably immuned to it anyway. I know a lot of people who didn't get vaccinated that never got the virus. It is only for the old and the weak. Originally Posted by bypassThanks for confirming you have nothing to back up your statements and they were indeed misinformation