.... Give the lads here something to ignore.

#### Salty
You assume too much Barleycorn. You do not know who I voted for and I will tell you it was not for Biden. But as an American I accept that the election did not go as I preferred and gave the man, Biden, a shot to do good for us, show me why I was wrong in not voting for him. He failed miserably.First, I never said you voted for Biden. Read carefully, I wrote that you sound like the kind of person who would vote for Biden. That is all opinion on how you sound and your argument. Not a decision on who you voted for.
It is called having an open mind, realizing I could have been wrong about not voting for Biden. I am not a person that believes you are with me all the way or you are my enemy. I like my fellow Americans, conservative and liberal. I accept that people think differently, what I do not like is the attitude being displayed here that your way is the only way and the right way. Have you ever made a mistake in your entire life? I would gamble you have. And could you make a mistake again in the future, I would gamble you will as I will and everyone here will. I just American to become a free country again and we as Americans live in harmony.
I understand your bveleifs on abortion but again, you are not a divine entity meaning you could be wrong. I think abortion is murder and for me would never agree with it, but that does not mean I am God and therefore, I know when a soul is attached to physical matter creating life. Because science cannot tell me, I cannot prove it is murder. But I am man enough to say life may start in the 3rd trimester or upon birth, I do not know. Thus, I cannot force my beliefs onto my fellow Americans and nor will I. But my personal beleifs are pretty much dwon this same line for all issues. I will lean toward freedom of choice until I learn that another person's rights are violated beyond a reasonable doubt. Or until I know life is created up entry of the sperm into the egg. Then that baby's rights are violated by an abortion. Maybe one day science will be advanced enough to tell us, until then I will always lean toward freedom.
I suggest we as a nation open our minds and rid ourselves of this mentality of either your against abortion or your my enemy, either you get vaccinated or your my enemy, either you lean right or left or your my enemy. We can all be right at times and we can all be worng at other times. Allow yourself the humility to be wrongand we will start compromising and moving froward again instead of left and right. See, barleycorn you were wrong about thinking I would vote for Biden, so you too can be wrong just as I can in gving Biden a chance to do some good for the United States. Originally Posted by Computerwise
A sharp-penned satirist of public figures and their behavior, Pope had his supporters and detractors. He was friends with Jonathan Swift, Dr. John Arbuthnot, and John Gay. Pope’s poems include the “Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot” and the mock epic “The Rape of the Lock.” To read his work is to be exposed to the order and wit of the 18th century poetry that preceded the Romantic poets.
He stresses the order in nature and the value of the work of the “Ancients” of Greece, but also states that not all good work can be explained by rules: “Some beauties yet, no precepts can declare, / For there’s a happiness as well as care.”
But he's not boring like conservative humor. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500Seriously?
Attachment 877747He's annoying - like a fly that lands on your coffee table.
Hes harmless Originally Posted by winn dixie