OH2 Down?

Folks, CK is a good man. If it were not for him - there would not be OH2. The men who disparage OH2 or CK are the ones who have proven themselves to be assholes. Use your common sense - if someone is bitching about a free site and the owner of that free site - they have a grudge. Nobody gets banned over there if you are a gentlmen but if your a jackass - yep - we do not want you. However, if you are a respectful gentlemen - we love you and hang in there - we will be back.
winn dixie's Avatar
The meltdown continues.

I like the language. A monger calls a whore out or says the wrong thing they are labeled stalkers outters mean guys. Only on the simp site does that have any sand!
You were called out on your own site and quit because the members were literally ready to loot and riot!
I am thankful CK goes to these efforts. Sure there are frustrations but damn, this can be fun most of the time.
Nope - you have proven yourself to be a stalker and all the ladies know it. You're just mad because you can't suck CK's dick and no lady at OH2 wants you. Hahahahaha

The meltdown continues.

I like the language. A monger calls a whore out or says the wrong thing they are labeled stalkers outters mean guys. Only on the simp site does that have any sand!
You were called out on your own site and quit because the members were literally ready to loot and riot! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Exactly. OH2 is about fun. A respectful gent is welcomed with open arms. We want gents that want to have fun!

I am thankful CK goes to these efforts. Sure there are frustrations but damn, this can be fun most of the time. Originally Posted by Bulaninni1
winn dixie's Avatar
Such language. Keep those lies on oh2 where they are welcomed by the simp owner.
Your lies and language are old.One true thing you posted. Although its exaggerated is folks at oh2 not liking me. Good those are the ones eccie ran off. The whiners and betas and perpetual victims.
No ones buying here ma'am!
Folks, I rest my case.

Such language. Keep those lies on oh2 where they are welcomed by the simp owner.
Your lies and language are old.One true thing you posted. Although its exaggerated is folks at oh2 not liking me. Good those are the ones eccie ran off. The whiners and betas and perpetual victims.
No ones buying here ma'am! Originally Posted by winn dixie
winn dixie's Avatar
ck's past and present speaks for itself! Hes a trafficker and has his site to promote his interests. Thats all. You cross that and youre black listed!
He WILL quickly throw folks under the bus as needed! Its well known he works with LE! How do you think he got off clean from the x-mas party fiasco? duh!
Folks have seen his true self and leaving his gestapo run site in droves! Not banned! Just left!
ck is a control freak. Look how his site has progressed with all the rules. oh2ers defend THAT! His lack of security for his site should trouble every oh2 member. How many times has it been hacked? He doesnt care! He will lie and say blah blah. Fact is he doesnt really care!
Folks look at the enemies ck has made and ask yourself is this strange? Look at his history that is repeating itself. He has ran 2 sites to the ground the same way! He only cares about himself.
He is well known by LE!
Many posts exactly like mine here can be found in the hallowed records here on ECCIE!
Oh stop crying and get a life. Nobody wants you.

ck's past and present speaks for itself! Hes a trafficker and has his site to promote his interests. Thats all. You cross that and youre black listed!
He WILL quickly throw folks under the bus as needed! Its well known he works with LE! How do you think he got off clean from the x-mas party fiasco? duh!
Folks have seen his true self and leaving his gestapo run site in droves! Not banned! Just left!
ck is a control freak. Look how his site has progressed with all the rules. oh2ers defend THAT! His lack of security for his site should trouble every oh2 member. How many times has it been hacked? He doesnt care! He will lie and say blah blah. Fact is he doesnt really care!
Folks look at the enemies ck has made and ask yourself is this strange? Look at his history that is repeating itself. He has ran 2 sites to the ground the same way! He only cares about himself.
He is well known by LE!
Many posts exactly like mine here can be found in the hallowed records here on ECCIE! Originally Posted by winn dixie
winn dixie's Avatar
Folks, I rest my case. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yep we can see a ranting meltdown. So does ck enforce his rules on behavior elsewhere fairly or just on those he has an axe to grind?
No need to answer. The hypocrisy from oh2 cannot be tolerated here!
I agree with you Ellen even after I was banned over conflicts of interest?
I have nothing but Respect for Ck & after the first month not having access you get used to it?

I understand exactly how every one feels about not having access to their private dirty little fun hideaway online.. lol!!
winn dixie's Avatar
The real stalker and trouble has emerged from a ban that was earned for the same behavior. I want nothing to do with your outting lying ways!
We can all see who is following rules here and who is slingin mud ma'am!
winn dixie's Avatar
ck's past and present speaks for itself! Hes a trafficker and has his site to promote his interests. Thats all. You cross that and youre black listed!
He WILL quickly throw folks under the bus as needed! Its well known he works with LE! How do you think he got off clean from the x-mas party fiasco? duh!
Folks have seen his true self and leaving his gestapo run site in droves! Not banned! Just left!
ck is a control freak. Look how his site has progressed with all the rules. oh2ers defend THAT! His lack of security for his site should trouble every oh2 member. How many times has it been hacked? He doesnt care! He will lie and say blah blah. Fact is he doesnt really care!
Folks look at the enemies ck has made and ask yourself is this strange? Look at his history that is repeating itself. He has ran 2 sites to the ground the same way! He only cares about himself.
He is well known by LE!
Many posts exactly like mine here can be found in the hallowed records here on ECCIE! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Worth reposting! ck's inner circle [henchman] are just as diabolical.
The complaints about oh2 are staggering.
winn dixie's Avatar
Folks she is proving our points! She literally just got off a ban and look at every post shes made! All insults and advertising for another web site.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Its still important to note, even if you do not like OH2 or CK-- that the site does fill a purpose. There are fewer and fewer options for ladies to advertise for free and that's one of the options left in the Texas market. Having advertising communities is somewhat important in the wake of the new laws in Texas, specifically.