Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-06-2022, 03:45 AM
Not without the former!

The current effort to shit-can the natural resource of oil & gas without an effective and reliable alternative is typical of wishful thinking Liberals, who for some reason are convinced that creating a population of government dependent voters and nonviters is a viable election to the success of this country in the LONG RUN are intoxicated and dependent on pharmaceutical support for their mental defects.

The have shit-canned nuclear energy as an alternative and appear to be wholly addicted to wind and Sun as a solution. Why is that?

A few days ago I was in a Sam's store I occasionally visit and ALL OF THE COLD products were blocked off and being removed from the freezers and coolers, because overnight the electricity "cut off" and they didn't want sell contaminated food products.

Could they have had a generator installed that was operated with gas and the next day had frozen and cold product to sell to the small business owners who shop there regularly to resupply their businesses for the weekend? Yes! Why don't they? To "save money"?

The employees who work at those small business had no work, because they had no product to prepare and sell, and the business owners also. Did Sam have employees that were unable to work that day ... yes! How many times a year does that happen in the area ... discounting hurricane season ... and I've seen the same thing at "Walmarts" ... tossing our food? (Or sending it recooled/refrozen elsewhere to sell?)

Electrical power is not absolutely reliable. Ever had your car/truck not start? I have solar panels, but I must replace the batteries occasionally and I must watch the power drain during extended periods of overcast/raining/icing conditions ... during which I must often replace the batteries through RECHARGING!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wtf are you jabbering about?

Sounds like you're the God damn door greeter at Sams/Walmart, yet you want to tell them how to run their stores!

Exactly how you are here on eccie,nothing more than a Men's room attendant, commenting on political outcomes AFTER the fact.

Maybe you should have invested in American energy companies BEFORE posting.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 07:18 AM
So is bullshit!

During Trump's administration the U.S. was a NET EXPORTER of oil and gas (mostly liquid), which means we produced enough oil and gas in the U.S. to satisfy our needs AND SOLD THE REST AS A "WORLD WIDE COMMODITY"....

... Now .. get back to YOUR BIBLE: Quit talking about stuff you know absolutely NOTHING ! Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is exactly why I started this thread.

1)Who is this "We" LexusLover? Is it the energy sector? Is that who produced and sold that oil and gas?

2)So do you think the energy sector wants high or low prices?

3) Which administration do you think issued more drilling permits in their first year? Trump or Biden?

4) Which administration shutdown the economy?

5) Do you think that shutdowns supply/demand disruptions are back to normal?

Now if you had invested in our oil sector instead of investing in solar you'd be enjoying quite a return on investment. To be fair, maybe you're happy with your solar investment.

But please stfu with this nonsense about energy independence. Stick to greeting Walmart shoppers and informing us on just how Walmart, one of the most successful companies in America, is not being run correctly .
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I saw a report on SkyNews last night saying that Putin has spent millions of Euros in Germany and France to get them not to frack. Apparently they also have shale deposits but if they don't develop them then Russia profits. So, it is safe to say, willing or not, the environmental movement is pro Russian, pro totalitarian, and pro enslavement.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 09:10 AM
I saw a report on SkyNews last night saying that Putin has spent millions of Euros in Germany and France to get them not to frack. Apparently they also have shale deposits but if they don't develop them then Russia profits. So, it is safe to say, willing or not, the environmental movement is pro Russian, pro totalitarian, and pro enslavement. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
No that is not safe to say except around like minded stupid af people.

I doubt anyone with half a brain hangs out with you so you're probably safe.

Just don't being saying that in public , one of those peaceniks who is trying to keep humans from spreading like locusts might beat your dumb ass silly or in your case sillier
winn dixie's Avatar
We need full energy independence And we need it now!

Its easy!

### Salty
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  • 03-06-2022, 11:52 AM
We need full energy independence And we need it now!

Its easy! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Are you loaning money for our oil companies to drill?

You do understand that we do not have a State run oil industry?

What makes you think they care more about "energy independence " over high profits?

If you and others care so much about energy independence, pool your money to drill and drill and drill....even if that drill cost more to extract than you can get for it on the open market!

That'll show them silly ass liberals who want to make money off the high price of oil!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 11:54 AM

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
We're talking about the silly notion of oil independence without the proper context. Not about bambino's bung hole.
... That's cute... You have nothing to offour of any substance.
Foolishly contorting all your beliefs to fit-around
Biden's wants and directives.

Perhaps you could join the droobs like Mole - and surely post
the picture pages of funny bits and jest jibes.

Since what you give us now is a poor excuse for reason.

### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
... You have nothing to offour of any substance.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Never has.

He claimed he used to hang out at Barnes & Nobles. Not sure why.

Some folks pick up a book they've never seen and believe it's "new" without even looking at the "Edition" date or original printing. Some factual history might be beneficial these days and one keeps coming to mind over the past year or so ....

But it's valuable to put it in perspective by reading ...

The current batch of lunatics trashing this country are following the guidance of those books almost to the letter.

Is someone posting on Eccie who believes #1 wildcatters can't explore and drill today and #2 that exploring and drilling in the past has NOT been on borrowed money?

If there is no exploring and drilling of oil, then why is it necessary to shut down pipelines for transporting it to refineries for creating a useable product and/or why not truck it to the refineries for processing.

Some immature lunatics in this country actually believe Bitten!
LexusLover's Avatar
As the OP worships his "climate change" administration, perhaps he does not want you to see TRUTH:


Biden administration launching auction of more than 80m acres for fossil fuel extraction that experts call ‘incredibly reckless’
Just four days after landmark climate talks in Scotland in which Joe Biden vowed the US will “lead by example” in tackling dangerous global heating, the president’s own administration is providing a jarring contradiction – the largest ever sale of oil and gas drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

The US federal government is on Wednesday launching an auction of more than 80m acres of the gulf for fossil fuel extraction, a record sell-off that will lock in years, and potentially decades, of planet-heating emissions.

The enormous size of the lease sale – covering an area that is twice as large as Florida – is a blunt repudiation of Biden’s previous promise to shut down new drilling on public lands and waters. It has stunned environmentalists who argue the auction punctures the US’s shaky credibility on the climate crisis and will make it harder to avert catastrophic impacts from soaring global heating.
So who gets to drill? The Chinese for sure.
Precious_b's Avatar
Not without the former!
... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Okay. I read a few lines and I didn't see any *magical* way to have an endless supply of oil that is reproducible in short order.

Hey, I don't hate burning hydrocarbons. Just would like to do it cleanly and efficiently. But the fact is, the supply is limited. Yeah, we can dig all over the place. Even adopt rules/regulations so as to not disturb stuff. But it is not going to be forever. I like how tom and ray magliozzi said things should be done: build cars that get 1 or 2 miles to the gallon. The sooner you use it up the faster we are to move on to an alternative resource. Be it hydrogen, battery, whatever.

The writing is on the wall. Alot of vehicle manufacturers are eliminating the gas powered reciprocating engine.

Enough ranting about your first sentence quoted.
Precious_b's Avatar
Not without the former!

The current effort to shit-can the natural resource of oil & gas without an effective and reliable alternative is typical of wishful thinking Liberals, who for some reason are convinced that creating a population of government dependent voters and nonviters is a viable election to the success of this country in the LONG RUN are intoxicated and dependent on pharmaceutical support for their mental defects.

The have shit-canned nuclear energy as an alternative and appear to be wholly addicted to wind and Sun as a solution. Why is that?

A few days ago I was in a Sam's store I occasionally visit and ALL OF THE COLD products were blocked off and being removed from the freezers and coolers, because overnight the electricity "cut off" and they didn't want sell contaminated food products.

Could they have had a generator installed that was operated with gas and the next day had frozen and cold product to sell to the small business owners who shop there regularly to resupply their businesses for the weekend? Yes! Why don't they? To "save money"?

The employees who work at those small business had no work, because they had no product to prepare and sell, and the business owners also. Did Sam have employees that were unable to work that day ... yes! How many times a year does that happen in the area ... discounting hurricane season ... and I've seen the same thing at "Walmarts" ... tossing our food? (Or sending it recooled/refrozen elsewhere to sell?)

Electrical power is not absolutely reliable. Ever had your car/truck not start? I have solar panels, but I must replace the batteries occasionally and I must watch the power drain during extended periods of overcast/raining/icing conditions ... during which I must often replace the batteries through RECHARGING!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Are you denouncing capitalism? Originally Posted by WTF
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The one that sucked up to him?

Originally Posted by Precious_b

still hanging on to that Russia thing? as i recall even Obama said you can't ignore Russia. oh wait .. Crimea annexed. Obama. Ukraine invaded. Biden. Trump. nothing happened.

the fact that Trump and Putin have outsized egos and view their national sovereignty as a priority gives them something in common that isn't necessarily a bad thing. recall that when Trump was elected the far leftists here and in the press claiming Trump would start WWIII. didn't happen. in fact Trump resisted (and eventually) fired noecom turds like John Bolton, who the press would normally vilify as the warmonger neocon he is.

but he writes a book critical of Trump and suddenly the press can't give him a reach-around while kissing his ass fast enough.

that book btw contradicted The Atlantic's concocted story about Trump's visit to Paris in 2017, which conveniently comes out just before the election using "anonymous sources" meaning no sources, they made it up. the same with this "Russian Bounty" story. the Intel community whispered this falsehood into their willing media shills ears and presto! another falsehood is born.

i find it both amusing and appalling that the usual leftist howler monkeys here along with the press claim that a president with strong Nationalist views automatically is a fascist dictator. the comparison is so laughable that even they don't believe it, it's just another talking point to advance their socialist agenda.

So the market cost of electricity has driven you two to buy solar panels....interesting. Originally Posted by WTF

why shouldn't he? maybe you should have thought of that. oh wait .. you want high energy costs so you can make a few bucks on your dividends. you should know that solar isn't going to take out Oil anything soon if ever so while you are (for now) making bucks off the high prices of Oil wouldn't you be smart to reduce your own energy costs to profit even more?

This is exactly why I started this thread.

1)Who is this "We" LexusLover? Is it the energy sector? Is that who produced and sold that oil and gas?

2)So do you think the energy sector wants high or low prices?

3) Which administration do you think issued more drilling permits in their first year? Trump or Biden?

4) Which administration shutdown the economy?

5) Do you think that shutdowns supply/demand disruptions are back to normal?

Now if you had invested in our oil sector instead of investing in solar you'd be enjoying quite a return on investment. To be fair, maybe you're happy with your solar investment.

But please stfu with this nonsense about energy independence. Stick to greeting Walmart shoppers and informing us on just how Walmart, one of the most successful companies in America, is not being run correctly . Originally Posted by WTF

High. Biden. the Governors. No.

what company/industry in general wouldn't want the price of their commodity high? markets fluctuate as you should know professor tuffy. so they ride the high times and stock pile cash for the lean times.

Trump had plenty of leases open. the fact that Biden is granting more now is because he was lying about reducing drilling on Federal lands. or he realizes it was a political mistake to kiss the Greenie's asses.

and you should point out that neither Trump or Biden have any say on leases on private land. you seem to keep forgetting that point when you blabber about leases professor tuffy.

every time you claim Trump shutdown the economy you prove you flunked civics. two words .. Federal Republic. the founding fathers wanted limited Federal Government. they'd be appalled at what the Federal Government has become today.

the Governors had far more to do with shutdowns than Trump. which, once again, is what the founding fathers wanted. where is Biden's mask mandate? shot down by the Supreme Court as even that dimwit knew it would. even said so during the campaign. then he tries all manner of bullshit like the CDC issuing some ridiculous "mandate" about halting evictions. that went down the legal shitter didn't it?

the supply chain issues are because we were stupid enough to rely on a fickle communist country for parts that would throw the world economy under their short bus to suit their needs. many nations are rethinking that in light of this. now even Biden is saying "Made in America!"

who does that sound like professor tuffy? when Trump said it, he's a racist xenophobe fascist isolationist. Biden says it and he's the great savior of America.
Precious_b's Avatar
We need full energy independence And we need it now!

Its easy! Originally Posted by winn dixie
We still have it.
You aren't telling me that *ALL* of the oil wells in this country are dry? Last I looked, there is something sticking to the bottom of the dip stick.

Uncap those babies and lets pump now that it is profitable.

*pb thinks somebody mentioned something about capitalism above*