Let The Games Begin - 2023/24 trump trials thread

trump doesn't "golf", he cheats. Lots of video and anecdotal evidence of this. But please, pretend like he's an "athlete". Let's see him try to get on a bicycle. I don't mean ride a bike, I mean mount a bike.

Good luck with that.
bambino's Avatar
This Trophy was given to me by Deutsche Bank because they were so proud of the Loan they made. They had the best Lawyers, the smartest Loan Officers, and were thrilled to do business with “TRUMP.” Interest was fully paid every month (no payment ever missed!), never received a default notice, and if Interest came due on a weekend, I paid it on a Friday. THE LOAN WAS PAID OFF FAR AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! Except for me, because of the Corrupt DOJ, FBI, and Racist New York State Attorney General, there were no Victims, there were only happy Bankers! But despite a PERFECT LOAN, I was sued by the Incompetent, Radical Left New York State AG, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, under a Statute that was never used for this before, and where I am not even entitled to a Jury. A Liberal Democrat Judge, with all Trump Haters surrounding him, is going to make this very important decision. If I had a Jury, I would win easily, but regardless, this is a case that should never have been brought. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

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His legal team failed to request a jury trial, and that's why there's no jury.

He lied about why there is no jury, then he cries about "very unfair treatment" that he could have easily prevented himself.

And his lies continue to work on his cult of knuckle draggers. Because they're big crybabies just like he is.
HDGristle's Avatar
His legal team failed to request a jury trial, and that's why there's no jury.

He lied about why there is no jury, then he cries about "very unfair treatment" that he could have easily prevented himself.

And his lies continue to work on his cult of knuckle draggers. Because they're big crybabies just like he is. Originally Posted by tommy156
The issues wouldn't have required a jury. Was confirmed by the judge.

Habba's in the clear. Wasn't her mistake.
bambino's Avatar
His legal team failed to request a jury trial, and that's why there's no jury.

He lied about why there is no jury, then he cries about "very unfair treatment" that he could have easily prevented himself.

And his lies continue to work on his cult of knuckle draggers. Because they're big crybabies just like he is. Originally Posted by tommy156
You simply don’t understand English. The statute requires a bench trial. The Judge said the statue requires a bench trial. But you keep chirping absurdity’s. But here’s some news;

The judge in 𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽'𝘀 financial fraud case in New York found Trump guilty and ordered the dissolution of his businesses.

However, the appeals court has paused the judge's decision.
bambino's Avatar
Trump Statement - I Have No Rights & I’m Not Allowed a Jury - Peekaboo James is an Incompetent Racist

“Any other judge in New York, the trial brought by the corrupt and racist AG, Peekaboo James, would be dismissed and over with.

This case should never have been brought, it should never have been allowed. I have no rights. I don't even get,
under any circumstances, a jury.

Somebody said your lawyers didn't check a box, there's no box to check. Under this statute, you get no jury, you get no rights.

Peekaboo has misrepresented values to the judge, like Mar-a-Lago, being worth only $18 million.

Now, just so you understand, if you multiply that times 50 to 100, that would be much closer to the value.

They know it's wrong, either that or they're grossly incompetent, which could also be because they are incompetent.

I'm worth much more than my financial statements, so there could be no fraud. I have a 100% Disclaim clause, so again, there could be no fraud.

This trial is an election interference witch hunt, and everybody knows it. All of the banks that I dealt with were very happy with us.

They thought I was a great customer. They were all paid back in full with interest. They never even sent a default notice.

So, in addition to everything else, there's no victim. The victims are all of the people that are being murdered in the streets of New York, and your attorney general does nothing about it.

She's incompetent. She's a racist. New York State should intercede and stop this total travesty of justice.

The people of our country are watching, and they all get it. It's a travesty of justice. It's a kangaroo court.”

Keep runnin' your mouth, donnie boy! More gag orders are in your future 😅
bambino's Avatar
Donald J. Trump ������������

Tomorrow is a big day for Democracy. A Leaking, Crooked and Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has a terrible record of failure, is asking a highly partisan Obama appointed Judge, Tanya Chutkan, who should recuse herself based on the horrible things she has said, to silence me, through the use of a powerful GAG ORDER, making it impossible for me to criticize those who are doing the silencing, namely Crooked Joe Biden, and his corrupt and weaponized DOJ & FBI. They want to take away my First Amendment rights, and my ability to both campaign and defend myself. In other words, they want to cheat and interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before. It is strictly Banana Republic kind of
"stuff." These political Hacks and Thugs are destroying our Country. Let's see what happens on Monday in Judge Chutkan's courtroom. Will America survive, or not? I'll be campaigning in the Great State of lowa, where I am leading by 50 Points!!!

Join�� https://t.me/+XAD6L4mNPKc5YjJk
"Will America survive, or not?"

Jesus H. Christ, what a narcissistic, piece of shit drama queen. America will survive no matter what happens to this criminal, treasonous clown. He's a pimple on Lady Liberty's ass, and the overwhelming majority of Americans will celebrate his eventual, permanent disappearance.
HDGristle's Avatar
Judge said he can criticize Joe Biden all day. That should be his focus. Actually campaigning. Going to the debates and answering the tough questions.

Instead, he wants to pretend he's a martyr and a bunch of suckers are falling for it.
And here in America, "there's a sucker born every minute"
HDGristle's Avatar
I'm waiting for folks to start talking about the doxxing incident.

I also have popcorn so that Chizzy doesn't have to bring his.
bambino's Avatar
����Reporter: “What are your thoughts on the trial so far?”

Trump: “The government’s witness just got caught in a big fat lie.”

bambino's Avatar
Fulton County drops all felony charges against Sidney Powell in exchange for a guilty plea to misdmeanor election interference.

From TechnoFog:

“Read the pleadings.

The Fulton County DA lied to the court repeatedly about the law.

They hid exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating the prosecutor's oath to do justice).

And now the felonies vanish on the eve of trial. Totally unjust prosecution.”

Sidney released the kraken, alright 🤣

This house of cards is falling down all around trump. Only a matter of time before this piece of shit is a convicted felon. Have fun with it, MAGA. The rest of us sure are.