trump doesn't "golf", he cheats. Lots of video and anecdotal evidence of this. But please, pretend like he's an "athlete". Let's see him try to get on a bicycle. I don't mean ride a bike, I mean mount a bike.
Good luck with that.
His legal team failed to request a jury trial, and that's why there's no jury.The issues wouldn't have required a jury. Was confirmed by the judge.
He lied about why there is no jury, then he cries about "very unfair treatment" that he could have easily prevented himself.
And his lies continue to work on his cult of knuckle draggers. Because they're big crybabies just like he is. Originally Posted by tommy156
His legal team failed to request a jury trial, and that's why there's no jury.You simply don’t understand English. The statute requires a bench trial. The Judge said the statue requires a bench trial. But you keep chirping absurdity’s. But here’s some news;
He lied about why there is no jury, then he cries about "very unfair treatment" that he could have easily prevented himself.
And his lies continue to work on his cult of knuckle draggers. Because they're big crybabies just like he is. Originally Posted by tommy156