I wasn't being critical of anybody, just posting why I could never be a member of board staff. This thought was about me, now if someone didn't know the context of my post or reads something into the post that wasn't there, that's on them, not on me.
- R.M.
- 02-17-2025, 07:27 PM
- Busty
- 02-17-2025, 07:43 PM
I found this community by pure luck. But so far it looks really nice. Looking forward to interacting with my fellow members. Everyone have a great night
Originally Posted by Iamyadaddy
This is NOT the welcome section and you requested some interacting with fellow members.
Don't complain when we oblige.
You will learn to have some manners & we promise to pull no slack.
Boot-camp is a Bitch
- pxmcc
- 02-19-2025, 10:28 AM
I wasn't being critical of anybody, just posting why I could never be a member of board staff. This thought was about me, now if someone didn't know the context of my post or reads something into the post that wasn't there, that's on them, not on me.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
sorry Dear_John, i think i misunderstood your post. totally my bad.
- pxmcc
- 02-23-2025, 12:30 AM
dayum. some things never seem to change..
- R.M.
- 02-23-2025, 06:56 AM
^Never will. It's pretty much standard. We should start a betting pool what the name of the in coming new handle will be.
I kinda like Imabigdummy
Happy to be here - at band camp
Eccie is about to get $100 richer. New subscription, wash rinse, and repeat
Eccie is about to get $100 richer. New subscription, wash rinse, and repeat
Originally Posted by Demolition
I wonder if admin could start cross referencing the payments to correlate accounts.
- pxmcc
- 02-23-2025, 01:25 PM
I wonder if admin could start cross referencing the payments to correlate accounts.
Originally Posted by corona
i think it's written into their business model..
- pxmcc
- 02-23-2025, 11:09 PM
i hate back to back posts, to make them, to read them, etc..
and yet here i am..
i read through the OP's posts, expecting to find egregious rudeness, vicious personal attacks, contumely, heinous unfounded allegations, disturbing disclosure of private RW information, etc.; and yet i found none of that from the OP.
the only sense i can make of it all is that someone brilliant and anal produced a magnum opus of proof that the OP exhibited certain "expressions of speech" or "unusual idioms' likenesses" so as to suggest an overwhelming "presumption of fuckery.."
and this is worthy of commendation! i was the visiting assistant associate adjunct guest lecturer; i.e., first or second picker-upper of dogshit, but when it came to detecting plagiarism, i was the "..it", plus or minus a couple of bags of chips, you know..
as you were..
jean luc was a bad mofo, no doubt..
and Elon is also a bad mofo, sorry my fellow sorry_af_progressives. but no, Elon, you don't get to see what i accomplished last week. you, sir, are not at all worth it..
Elon, you're good, but go fuck yourself, sir, if you think your pathetic cock can reach your shitty asshole. otherwise, go (try to) fuck yourself, sir, and leave the rest of us out of it..
sorry, we can't all have big cocks that we can dually pleasure whenever the mood strikes us..
it is what it is, Elon. make the best of it, sir..
wait, am i off topic..
what was the topic again? welcoming a new member? welcum, sir, and please try to avoid bancating, if at all possible..
but wait. i see i am too late, already. fook..
it is what it is..
our universe is complicated. and of course, as usual, Einstein was foooking right..
Closing the thread. It has run its course. OP is now banned and cant reply. Thanks for your cooperation.