And the liberal shitheads say they think I am out of line. And what do they do? Sit around and brag about trading currency. They produce nothing, except profits
What we have is a small microcosm of what is wrong with this Country.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lol, what I do to stimulate the economy? You'd be surprised.
I spend money, big time. If that doesn't help the economy I don't know what does.
For instance I'm gonna buy a new car in a month or so. too bad it's not an american car but that's just because Americans don't know how to build cars. So I go German. They know how to built decent cars. It's going to be an Audi.
But hey I still need maintenance.
And I spend money on ladies.
And you won't believe this .......... I give money to homeless shelters and soup kitchens.
I don't have kids myself but I pay for foster children.
And I spend lots of money in all kinds of restaurants.
I spend money on the best hardware and software that I think I could use.
I spend lots of money on healthcare
Do you really need to know everything I spend?
And besides that, the vast majority of people in my business is from outside USA so the profits I make is transferring money from overseas to the USA!!
Oh and sometimes I even pay taxes so that Obama can spend my money.