Business Slow??? perhaps your business model is wrong.

I read your initial post again with a clear mind. You are correct you did not say all ladies should. You were only MAKING a Suggestion since other ladies emailed you stating business was slow. Rather than respond to them individually you decided to post a thread offering your opinion. You are correct you did not say all providers this was just your observation for the ladies who solicited you for business. You also stated if business is fine don;t worry about lowering your rates

While I strongly disagree with your observation, It is your opinion and we all have a right to express accordingly
mm-good's Avatar
Gallon of gas. ......4$
Beer @ strip club ....8$
Air dance ....... 20$
BP Russian roulette session 75$
Awesome Session with a provider that loves what she does
and makes me a part of the fantasy experience.....PRICELESS!

Just Sayin'....

I'm all for a bargain but as my dad always told me, it takes just a little more to go First Class and it is usually well worth it!
As Chipper said, way off track, nothing usefull being said. Time to close