Hey, whoa!
What just a damn minute, here, kimo-sabe!
Suddenly, I am the idiot demagogue in this conversation because of my views?
You've got that backwards, buddy, but that seems to be your general MO.
Of course, people go into business to make money. No one denies that.
There is nothing wrong with making money and I certainly enjoy making money myself.
However, there is a huge difference in how you make that money.
People who make useful products and provide useful services are invaluable to the general welfare of the country and the economy and I applaud their hard work.
However, there are other unsavory types of people who make money at the expense of other people. Loan sharks, credit cards, bill collectors are some that come to mind. Bain Capital is at the top of that heap with their practices of buying troubled companies and selling off the assets and firing the people.
I will admit that in the jungle, there is a place for the scavenger. Scavengers are like the garbage collectors of the jungle, but frankly, I see nothing admirable in them. The examples you cited were exceptions, not the rule. And yes, I know where President Obama first kissed Michelle, but that is hardly relevant here.
The work I do, helps society and helps the economy to keep humming and I am proud of my contribution.
I have also unfortunately, sometimes had to fire people, but it was a heart-wrenching experience for me which I did out of necessity and certainly did not enjoy it.
Furthermore, when it comes time to pay my taxes, I will hold my nose and pay 28% of my hard earned sweat, not just a measly 13% because I hid most of my money in offshore accounts or hired clever accounts who could legally screw the country out of their share of the income.
. . .That is not patriotic and that is not what I expect of a man who aspires to the highest office in the land.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If by some miracle, you were worth 200 to 300 million like Romney, you'd minimize your taxes just like Romney does, and pretty much, every other super rich person.
Like a lot of very rich people, Romney gives a lot of money to his church and to charity. Romney inherited a sizable amount of money, when his father died; he gave all of it to charity. Churches and charitable organizations do a lot more good with the money contributed to them than the government does with the money they confiscate.
Romney puts some of his money in offshore bank accounts in order to get a higher interest rate on the money. It's perfectly legal. Several people in Obama's cabinet also have money in offshore accounts. You probably would too if you were rich.