Connecticut Elementary School.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Secondly, he had mental issues so why did he have access to these guns and why wasnt he getting the help he needed.

I think we should let all the parents of the 20 six year old kids that were killed on friday morning and let them go tocongress and give thier opinion on the gun issues and gun control in this country that is a main and big problem.
Let them decide, not the red necks on this site that pay for sex.

lets move on now. Originally Posted by bjwstw
like i facts...according to the news prior to me turning it off..the facts were..they were registered in his kiss my ass..facts change in situations like this..and they did..after i turned the tube off..other facts came to light..follow the posts mr... Originally Posted by anita germane

I thought Anita and I already show the news was full of false facts. errrrrr so if true the guns " WERE NOT REGISTERED IN HIS NAME" thank you. Yet I also heard that they where . MMMM I heard mother was the school teacher, mmmm that seems wrong now. I even heard that there was no known mental issues.

The news was just putting crap out like crazy for the sake of ratings. Normal for drive by news.

again thanks for the update. yet not the tone.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
sweet I shows I posted after anita yet no post

thanks for the update bjwstw. yet not the tone to Anita.

mmmmm lets see if the missing post shows up

edit:mmmmm nope
anyways the drive by news was saying crap like crazy without checking. normal for just wanting ratings.

sweet! where oh where did my post 91 go oh where oh where did it go LOL

Anita 90 this 92 . can anyone see 91 errr just askin

all the more reason to not add on any more laws , common sense

Secondly, he had mental issues so why did he have access to these guns and why wasnt he getting the help he needed.
. Originally Posted by bjwstw
ask his mom
Again, I have long given up hope of changing in any way the extreme gun fetish in this country.

Nevertheless, I cannot help but to note the irony that there were actually two very similar attacks by an apparently mentally disturbed person on school children on December 14, 2012 7,000 miles apart. The one in China had very different results from the one in Connecticut. Of course, I will be a heretic to suggest that the Chinese can do anything right. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
why not move to China?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 05:41 PM
like i facts...according to the news prior to me turning it off..the facts were..they were registered in his kiss my ass..facts change in situations like this..and they did..after i turned the tube off..other facts came to light..follow the posts mr... Originally Posted by anita germane

you heard this kid went through a window..sure doove just like they mixed him up with his brother..and accused his brother of being the shooter and his brother wasnt even in the same heard we heard the world heard several diff stories..we wont know till it all comes together.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Ms. Gander, meet Ms. Goose.

So your fact was shown to be wrong. Let's see how my fact (that you mocked me for using) stands up to scrutiny.

Any conservative can tell you the the only way to get though college now is to lie about what he/she believes. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
The same conservatives that told you Romney in a landslide, no doubt. Originally Posted by Doove
name please Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Really? Are you serious?

Listen, OSD.

You told me the question was answered. Then you said it wasn't answered because i didn't provide JB with a link when requested. I showed how that was silly, and you then said no, it was because of my claim that the rich should pay lower tax rates. I asked where i said that and you claimed i said it in the link i provided.

I'm done with you.
Listen, OSD.

You told me the question was answered. Then you said it wasn't answered because i didn't provide JB with a link when requested. I showed how that was silly, and you then claimed it was because of my claim that the rich should pay lower tax rates. I asked where i said that and you claimed i said it in the link i provided.

I'm done with you.[/QUOTE]
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 05:50 PM
I thought Anita and I already show the news was full of false facts. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Actually, no. What she showed was that using unconfirmed reports is fair game if they're being used to make her case. They're only problematic if they're being used to counter her argument.
i edited some of my post cuz well after reading it..i thought a bit to you will see diff words in the quotes..just keepin ya'll in the loop..ehehehehhe
i wasnt really mocking you..maybe i was but it wasnt meant to sound like that..different interpretations...if your facts come to life its not an issue for me to say..alright doove was right on here..come on man..stop being cool like that...but if he indeed did go through a window..why would he go to the principals office..why not just go to the classroom directly...
Actually, no. What she showed was that using unconfirmed reports is fair game if they're being used to make her case.t. Originally Posted by Doove
hey, just like obummer did yesterday only 24 hrs or so earlier

thus, my answer..

Yesterday, 06:48 PM #9 JONBALLS

Join Date: Mar 8, 2011
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give it a break for one fucken day before we have to start listening to his crap

is all

IS ALL!........

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Ms. Gander, meet Ms. Goose.

So your fact was shown to be wrong. Let's see how my fact (that you mocked me for using) stands up to scrutiny.

well now that post 91 shows up. back off jack errr doove

Really? Are you serious?
Listen, OSD.

You told me the question was answered. Then you said it wasn't answered because i didn't provide JB with a link when requested. I showed how that was silly, and you then said no, it was because of my claim that the rich should pay lower tax rates. I asked where i said that and you claimed i said it in the link i provided.
no JB said he would not repeat. And yes, you all but said lower the tax on the rich with the link you provided. So when can we go back to Kennedyomics
I'm done with you. Is that you lying or my dream??????? LOL
Originally Posted by Doove

I thank Tebow your not a sock puppet

edit ad:
Rush never said Romney would win or loose
Savage said he would loose
Most of the rest stated Romney win

My statement prove me wrong with links

edit 2: mmmmm going out for dinner hope to see your links latter Mr. Rush errr sorry doove

its so hard to tell Rush form Doove, or is that Doove is Rush

edit 3: I got it now, they twins. linked by the butt. Or dancing cheek ta cheek
well there ya go..i stand corrected..he didnt have to go to the street to get the weapons they were registered to his mother..

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) — All the victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting were killed up close by multiple rifle shots, a medical examiner said.
Dr. H. Wayne Carver said at a news conference Saturday the deaths are classified as homicides. He said he believes "everybody was hit more than once."
"This is a very devastating set of injuries," Carver said.
Friday's massacre of 26 children and adults at the school elicited horror and soul-searching around the world even as it raised more basic questions about why the gunman, a 20-year-old described as brilliant but remote, was driven to such a crime and how he chose his victims.
Investigators were trying to learn more about Adam Lanza and questioned his older brother, who was not believed to have been involved in the rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary. Police shed no light on the motive for the second-deadliest school shooting in U.S. history.
read more..
Not for nothing, but a story about the school's principal.

She also dove into her work, quickly asserting her leadership and implementing a number of initiatives affecting the school's nearly 700 students from about 500 families

One of them was overseeing the installation of a new security system requiring every visitor to ring the front entrance's doorbell after the doors locked at 9:30 a.m. If they were buzzed into the front office, parents would be asked for photo identification.

Make of it what you will. Originally Posted by Doove
i feel this was very well written in regards to this lady..she really sounded like a very kind caring woman..that truely made a difference with the students in her school..its just very sad this happened...
i know she will also be truly missed in the tight knit community..
Guest042416's Avatar
i stand by what i said, let the parents not any of us decide after they bury thier six year olds, let them weigh in on the topic, I think they have a right to be heard on the subject.
Im not calling for a ban of guns, there needs to be a discussion on these semi auto matic weapons that have 30-40 rounds at one time, i think we need to look at that.

osd, on the rush, lets get this straight, rush was braggin on election day about how he had info that romney was up 5 in ohio from his boys
everyone on fox news had romney winning except baba oreilley who wouldnt say much because he had a bad feeling so he said it was too close to call.
all the left wing media as the conseratives would say were making up the poll numbers lol.
we now know that the fox news slogan of fair and balanced means bs and bs.
Guest042416's Avatar
osd and anita get your facts straight before you post, thats all im saying.
we pray for the families.