You Obama-supporters are amazingly skilled at deflecting ANYTHING that could remotely appear to put Obama in a bad light.
Originally Posted by RedLeg505
The problem "they" have is there assessment of others' motivations are based on the Obaminable standard of over-inflated self-importance and self-centeredness. Because they judge others by his own standards of promoting himself .. just read his speeches with an eye to the "point of view" ... they "assume" that all word choices of others falls into that same mold. Africa is a good (almost perfect) example:
While Bush actually DID for Africa as President and is STILL DOING for Africa as a former President, Obaminable was promoting his "ties" to Africa to forward HIS IMAGE and he just did so on his "African Safari" during which he "ran into Bush" and decided to do a group hug TO FORWARD his Agenda of again PROMOTING HIMSELF by rubbing shoulders with the first President who did so much directly for the African PEOPLE.
Benghazi and the war on terrorism is a perfect example of Obaminable's HOT AIR POLICIES.
Can anyone find a link to any news announcement of Bush (either one) closing 20 embassies ?