The final tally for Obamacare: 2013

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-07-2014, 02:34 PM
CBJ7 was handed his ass, and is doubling down by licking it, assisted by WPF. Lol!


They STILL don't get it! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

mature too I see ... good boy !

hint ... the only time you hand someone their ass is when you claim you do ... neither you or your pals are capable
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2014, 03:06 PM
COG dreams of fondling our ass!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

mature too I see ... good boy !

hint ... the only time you hand someone their ass is when you claim you do ... neither you or your pals are capable Originally Posted by CJ7
You did it yourself. No help from anyone.

lustylad's Avatar

hint ... the only time you hand someone their ass is when you claim you do ... neither you or your pals are capable Originally Posted by CJ7
??? He didn't claim to do it, you handed YOURSELF your ass, which is what made it so funny. You made JD's point and didn't even realize it. Then you pathetically asked us to "break it down for you".... LMAO.

COG dreams of fondling our ass! Originally Posted by WTF
I knew you guys were tranny SWs but now you're Siamese twins? Joined at the ass? Sharing the same bunghole? Who woulda thunk?

6 million out of a population of 300,000, the many people have gotten insurance that they would have never been able to the math....
it's working....people are signing up....the goals will be met and when they are the teapublicans will have to tell millions that they want to take away their health care plans....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-07-2014, 03:45 PM
6 million out of a population of 300,000, the many people have gotten insurance that they would have never been able to the math....
it's working....people are signing up....the goals will be met and when they are the teapublicans will have to tell millions that they want to take away their health care plans.... Originally Posted by stevepar

does prohibition fit in to your scenario?

something tells me the simpletons need you to mention liquor laws

liquor law, healthcare law, potato, potatoe ...
lustylad's Avatar
6 million out of a population of 300,000, the many people have gotten insurance that they would have never been able to the math....
it's working....people are signing up....the goals will be met and when they are the teapublicans will have to tell millions that they want to take away their health care plans.... Originally Posted by stevepar
6 million is the number of people whose plans have been cancelled to date. Most of them are not very happy with Obamacare, to put it mildly.

2.1 million is the number of people Odumbo claims have signed up under ACA. He won't give us more details, to avoid embarrassment re. your claim that "it's working". Most of the newbies seem to be enrolling in Medicaid, which has existed for decades. What do we need the ACA for if most of the uninsured can be covered under Medicaid?

The non-partisan CBO estimates the ACA will still leave more people uninsured (30 million+) than it will sign up over the next decade. Is that how you define success? Meanwhile, the 6 million cancellations so far are just the tip of the iceberg. What happens when the employer mandate (delayed by Odumbo) kicks in and tens of millions more lose their coverage or see huge premium hikes? Will you say the ACA is "working" for them? I am doing the math, and I see this playing out as a disaster for millions of voters - and for the Dems who foolishly propagated it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-07-2014, 04:15 PM
6 million is the number of people whose plans have been cancelled to date. Most of them are not very happy with Obamacare, to put it mildly.

2.1 million is the number of people Odumbo claims have signed up under ACA. He won't give us more details, to avoid embarrassment re. your claim that "it's working". Most of the newbies seem to be enrolling in Medicaid, which has existed for decades. What do we need the ACA for if most of the uninsured could be covered under Medicaid?

The non-partisan CBO estimates the ACA will still leave more people uninsured (30 million+) than it will sign up over the next decade. Is that how you define success? Meanwhile, the 6 million cancellations so far are just the tip of the iceberg. What happens when the employer mandate (delayed by Odumbo) kicks in and tens of millions more lose their coverage or see huge premium hikes? Will you say the ACA is "working" for them? I am doing the math, and I see this playing out as a disaster for millions of voters - and for the Dems who foolishly propagated it. Originally Posted by lustylad
A widely circulated CBO report from last summer said the "ACA, in comparison with prior law before the enactment of the ACA, will reduce the number of nonelderly people without health insurance coverage by 14 million in 2014 and by 29 million or 30 million in the latter part of the coming decade, leaving 30 million nonelderly residents uninsured by the end of the period."

Gibbs’ statement that 30 million people will be uninsured after the health care law’s full implementation is close to the CBO’s latest estimate, but it ignores a key fact: the number of people without insurance would be much higher without the law. In the next 10 years, 25 million nonelderly people who don’t have insurance now would gain insurance under the bill. That’s important context that Gibbs overlooks in his tweet. According to CBO, the insurance rate for the nation’s non-elderly residents is predicted to rise from 80 percent this year to 90 percent in 2023.