I've seen so many versions of this same post. Yes, the world is full of wonderful and beautiful escorts, and each values her time differently.
You're talking about the chemistry between two people, which is something that can't be quantified or predicted. Of course there are plenty of women who charge x amount (or nothing) with whom you'll have a great time. And a "great time" is obviously completely subjective. A woman's price reflects what she wishes to be compensated for her time, and that's all. The only thing that is a reasonable assumption with HDHs is that they probably see fewer clients, since fewer can afford them. If that's important to you, or if you happen to really adore the girl who's charging 1k/hour, then go for it. If you're simply looking for a particular "service level," reviews probably predict more accurately than prices do.
Originally Posted by Natalie
Alas, you are correct. For me it's a chemistry thing. I couldn't care less about menu specifics. Which in effect means the price points at which I hobby vary dramatically. Obviously, I have a limit; but it's high enough to cover some time with the ladies I like.
It's kind of an interesting phenomenon when I book a higher priced lady. I know I want to see her when I look at her rates and quite honestly say to myself "She only wants X?" X, of course, is more than the average guy earns in a week, but it doesn't bother me in her case because something has tipped the value equation in my mind such that it looks like a bargain.
And usually, it is. There's one HDH I've seen that I am not kidding when I say she has dramatically improved my life for the better in arenas well outside the hobby and has thus delivered far more value than her fee.
Like I said, I've had similar experiences at lower price points as well; which also turn out to be a bargain, IMO.
But tangentially, I'm not convinced of an absolute correspondence between high price and low volume. I mean, most certainly, if a lady charged $1M/minute; her volume would decline; and if she charged $0.01/day it would increase.
But in the middle, just as there are women who can afford to charge a great deal for their time and have only 4-6 appointments a year due to other employment, etc,; I know ladies who are in similar circumstances who charge about $250 and control volume by screening for factors other than income.
So while I think that, as a general rule, you are correct about the inverse relationship between price and volume; providers are so individual in their circumstances and desires that it doesn't always hold.
So I guess I could summarize this as: "I don't have prejudices about providers that are based on their rates. Every provider is an individual and judging by superficial attributes is folly."