Miss Reese:
"If you have rigid rules and stipulations in life, and can't look past them, there's far too many opportunities to miss out on something wonderful."
TP.......Have I told you lately that I hobby love you?
ps.. I am still getting that piercing... Originally Posted by reese foster
Nice to be loved, thank you! My parents taught me early on to be open minded and non-judgemental. That upbringing has allowed me to experience life at it's fullest. Usually good, every once in a while not so good...but in the end, broad horizons are always the result. And I've had some fabulous experiences and met some wonderful people as a result!
Some day, I hope we'll meet...I bet you're simply an amazing woman! Thanks for the compliment. Oh, and let me know if you need some support during your piercing escapade...bet there's a long list of offers. LOL