Odds on Trump's Impeachment

goodolboy's Avatar
Democrats ran well ahead of the Partisan Performance Index in all four races. If that trend continues in 2018, we have the hose by 20 seats. Every one of these districts should have been 10-15 point Republican victories. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
So what the Democrats meant by the special elections being a referendum on Trump was that they would still lose all the special elections, but not by as much as they normally lose?
  • grean
  • 06-21-2017, 01:06 PM
If you're referring to the Georgia 6th, the Republican nominee should have been able to say they hate peaches and that still win in a land slide. The fact that it was a race at all should scare Republicans.
If you're referring to the Georgia 6th, the Republican nominee should have been able to say they hate peaches and that still win in a land slide. The fact that it was a race at all should scare Republicans. Originally Posted by grean

Yeah, yeah...they're scared sh*tless......guess they should get in on Alyssa Milano's "virtual group hug". <Snick>
goodolboy's Avatar
If you're referring to the Georgia 6th, the Republican nominee should have been able to say they hate peaches and that still win in a land slide. The fact that it was a race at all should scare Republicans. Originally Posted by grean
Well they spent around a record $30 million, most of it from CA and NY on one congressional race just to lose. I wonder why so many polls were wrong again? Based on everything I am reading today it is not the Republicans that are scared.

Bloomberg: Trump will win reelection because ‘the Democratic Party is going to be torn apart’ http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign...y-will-be-torn
texassapper's Avatar
The only victory Dems have had lately is at the Congressional Baseball game... and even for that they had to shoot 3 to gain victory.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well they spent around a record $30 million, most of it from CA and NY on one congressional race just to lose. I wonder why so many polls were wrong again? Based on everything I am reading today it is not the Republicans that are scared.

Bloomberg: Trump will win reelection because ‘the Democratic Party is going to be torn apart’ http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign...y-will-be-torn Originally Posted by goodolboy
Polls weren't wrong. Showed the race dead tied. Race ended up 51.9 vs. 48.1. Well within the margin of error.
goodolboy's Avatar
Polls weren't wrong. Showed the race dead tied. Race ended up 51.9 vs. 48.1. Well within the margin of error. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
"With 99 percent of the vote counted, Handel leads Ossoff 53 percent to 47 percent in a race that many expected to be much closer. Handel had 127,021 votes to the Democrat's 114,390 ballots."


Looks like the RCP average was off 5.8 points on election day, and 9.0 points 3 days before the election. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep...soff-6202.html

The purpose of the polls is to predict the outcome of the election, yes?
themystic's Avatar
Back to my favorite question. Also adding another question

What has Trump done ?, ( beside make excuses) to make America Great.... Again, yawn

Diversion Question: If Trump is found guilty colusion with the Russians, using the office for personal gain and holdings in Russia, do you Trump fans think he shoud leave office?

Yall dont seem to care about any of the other stuff. I doubt Trump people care about the Russians and the Trump connection

This Russian thing is closing in on him
  • grean
  • 06-22-2017, 11:45 AM
Back to my favorite question. Also adding another question

What has Trump done ?, ( beside make excuses) to make America Great.... Again, yawn

Diversion Question: If Trump is found guilty colusion with the Russians, using the office for personal gain and holdings in Russia, do you Trump fans think he shoud leave office?

Yall dont seem to care about any of the other stuff. I doubt Trump people care about the Russians and the Trump connection

This Russian thing is closing in on him Originally Posted by themystic
Hilary would have framed him. I'm willing to bet a $5.00 blowjob from a BP skank that most will insist he is innocent even when presented with overwhelming evidence, and that it was an elaborate frame job by the Hilary & Obama.
themystic's Avatar
Hilary would have framed him. I'm willing to bet a $5.00 blowjob from a BP skank that most will insist he is innocent even when presented with overwhelming evidence, and that it was an elaborate frame job by the Hilary & Obama. Originally Posted by grean
Thats so true grean. Everyone of them have lawyers now. I dont blame them. Trump told them, publically, they didnt need one. They know the hammer is coming down. Flynn is going to rat them all out. He doesnt want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Its really despicable what Trump and boys have done so far. They all belong in prison. Traitors. They have sold America out for money. Pence is on this as well. Hes the modern day Bush Sr the drug dealing, gun running thief. Lock them up. Lock them up
goodolboy's Avatar
Hilary would have framed him. I'm willing to bet a $5.00 blowjob from a BP skank that most will insist he is innocent even when presented with overwhelming evidence, and that it was an elaborate frame job by the Hilary & Obama. Originally Posted by grean
Trump and company have been under surveillance, and investigated for two years now. When do you think we will see any evidence of wrong doing? So far the only evidence of wrong doing is on Comey and Lynch.
texassapper's Avatar
What has Trump done ?, ( beside make excuses) to make America Great.... Originally Posted by themystic
  • Nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, a selection that will have a decades long impact.
  • Hiring 5,000 more border guards to prevent illegal immigration.
  • Allowing the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines to proceed.
  • Reinstituting Reagan’s Mexico City policy of giving no U.S. funds to international NGOs that provide abortions.
  • Approving airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria and Afghanistan and al-Qaeda in Yemen.
  • Freezing the hiring of new federal employees.
  • Eliminating paperwork requirements among many agencies

Diversion Question: If Trump is found guilty colusion with the Russians, using the office for personal gain and holdings in Russia, do you Trump fans think he shoud leave office?

Yall dont seem to care about any of the other stuff. I doubt Trump people care about the Russians and the Trump connection

This Russian thing is closing in on him Originally Posted by themystic
None of it's closing in on him. There's no there..there. If there were Comey would have produced it. Dream on, little dreamer
goodolboy's Avatar
Back to my favorite question. Also adding another question

What has Trump done ?, ( beside make excuses) to make America Great.... Again, yawn

Diversion Question: If Trump is found guilty colusion with the Russians, using the office for personal gain and holdings in Russia, do you Trump fans think he shoud leave office?

Yall dont seem to care about any of the other stuff. I doubt Trump people care about the Russians and the Trump connection

This Russian thing is closing in on him Originally Posted by themystic
The only thing that has been obstructed is Obama and the Democrats socialist, Liberal agenda. The only evidence of collusion so far is between Lynch, Comey and Hillery. I told you that the Democrats will regret this investigation, I am confident I will be shown to be correct. The Democrats need to just keep doing what they have been doing, and keep Pelosi in charge.
TexTushHog's Avatar
"With 99 percent of the vote counted, Handel leads Ossoff 53 percent to 47 percent in a race that many expected to be much closer. Handel had 127,021 votes to the Democrat's 114,390 ballots."


Looks like the RCP average was off 5.8 points on election day, and 9.0 points 3 days before the election. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep...soff-6202.html

The purpose of the polls is to predict the outcome of the election, yes? Originally Posted by goodolboy
I don't know anything about any averages. But the polls I saw, including one inside poll, had the race essentially tied in the last days. The site you linked,
basically showed the same thing with 1 R+2, 1 D+1, and two ties. And note that the only one of the four polls with a decent sample size (n=1,100), is the one that was R+2. There is no doubt that there was late movement toward the Republican candidate as happens is most elections.

The votes on election day weren't 53/47. They were 51.9/48.1. That's well within the margin of error. Here are two links with the correct vote totals.


TexTushHog's Avatar
  • Nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, a selection that will have a decades long impact.
  • Hiring 5,000 more border guards to prevent illegal immigration.
  • Allowing the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines to proceed.
  • Reinstituting Reagan’s Mexico City policy of giving no U.S. funds to international NGOs that provide abortions.
  • Approving airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria and Afghanistan and al-Qaeda in Yemen.
  • Freezing the hiring of new federal employees.
  • Eliminating paperwork requirements among many agencies
Originally Posted by texassapper
Every one of them a black mark on his record and on the soul of the nation.