I call BS! Satin knows damn good and well I am "in love with" Matt Schaub's sis. Not Schaub himself!
I think Kubes is more in love with Dopey than my buddy BT, so it's unlikely he will get rid of Dopey, but you never know. Rick Smith is a bright guy.... Originally Posted by Satin

As for Schaub, despite feelings among a few posters in this thread to the contrary, I have never said or implied that Schaub was the best qb in the NFL. I have consistently said, Schaub is a top 10, upper 2nd tier NFL qb. I have also said, there are 20-25 teams in the NFL that would love to have him as their starting qb. I have never said there were 31 other teams that would love to have him as their starter. Not every team can have the best qb in the NFL on their roster. Only one NFL team at a time has that distinction. In their brief history, the Houston Texans have never been that "one team" with the best qb in the NFL. Just setting the record straight!
The fact of the matter is, you can win championships without the best qb in the NFL on your roster. It helps if you do have that person but no one in the NFL is trying to say that Alex Smith and/or Eli Manning were the NFL's best qb's in 2011. The NFL's two best qb's at this time are Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees. Neither of those two will be playing in the Super Bowl. I would be remiss if I did not point out to Dopey Dude and his wayward band of Schaub Haters, A. Smith and E. Manning have more of your fellow haters in their respective cities than Schaub has in Houston.
Earth to Dopey Dude and the rest of the Schaub Haters: The starting qb's in this years Super Bowl are named Smith/Manning, not Rodgers or Brees. If the Dopey Dudes of Houston are capable of reading between the lines (and I have my doubts), Smith/Manning being the starting qb's in this years Super Bowl should send a very strong message your way!

Moving on to Rick Smith, I believe he and Kubes have done a terrific job of putting together a talented roster. But let's be realistic, Rick Smith is here for one reason and one reason alone. He is here because of his long term, professional relationship with the Coach they had already hired. The Texans were after Kubes, not Smith. With that said, Smith has now become a welcome addition! Both Kubes and Smith are growing into the job! It is quite obvious the two work quite well together and have for an extended period of time. Do I need to remind anyone how pitiful this roster was during the first years of the Kubes/Smith era?
With all of that said, I have to believe that Rick Smith will NOT pull the trigger on any deal (including one for P. Manning) without Kubes full buy in! There you have it, another rumor has now been put to rest!