The Bills : )

So does your MAMA Originally Posted by CryptKicker
hey did you boast about your ECCIE nomination to her?

best in class !! but your ok too MAMA
offshoredrilling's Avatar
odds maker say bills by 2 over the cowpokes mmmmm
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rodeo at 4:25
offshoredrilling's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
The Drummer's Avatar
I haven't seen Bills vs. Cowboys since Ken Norton Jr. knocked Kelly out of the '94 Super Bowl game.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Totally unfair.
It's a tossup between two teams I do not like but ECG states she's betting on Buffalo but will not give me 3 points.
Nor will the gal that's gone Kansas Cowgirl wear her Cowgirl outfit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well! the Jills are squeezing Jerrah Jones's cowgirl nuts

offshoredrilling's Avatar
let me guess

SUPER BOWL : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
lilylivered's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
more likes ...terlet bowl
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Just love how the Cowboys could not handle the wind and rain of Lake Erie today! And that's what you get for taking over Bar Bill Tavern like your fans did yesterday!
Weather was not as forecasted and was not a factor at all in the game. No wind throughout the game and rain in the 2nd half wasn't anything the Cowboys could call a factor.
The Bills looked like what people thought they would be this year against Dallas. Now they can’t suffer what would be a huge letdown against a reeling Chargers team that just gave up 63 to the Raiders and fired their coach and GM. The Patriots should be a win. Then it may come down to the final game in Miami. Right now, the Bills still need some help to get in.
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep, try to win out and see what is