Tucker Carlson reports

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
then who do you listen to? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
i think he listens to himself.
Precious_b's Avatar
I don't listen to bullshit promoters. I love boxing, but I don't listen to Don King or Bob Arum. I love the Cowboys, but I never listen to Jerry Jones. Why? Because I know they are all full of shit... Fucker Carlson is a self-admitted bullshit promoter of propaganda. Why the fuck would I ever waste my time listening to him? You obviously love the man and that's your right to do so. I think he is a clown and I hate circuses, so I don't. Comprende?

Edit for TWK below: I don't listen to any talking heads as far as politics. They're all way too biased for me. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican but I agree with both sides on many issues. I look at the person's ideology and not the party... I will say I can't stand "woke" people and right-wing nuts and that's what those channels cater to now so I'm not watching that ratings war bullshit amongst each other... I already waste enough time on TV watching the Lakers and the Cowboys. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Had a legendary sports caster in SA named Dan Cook. He was the last of the old school TV personalities. Would smoke on set when it wasn't allowed, paid no attention when he took a phone call for a bomb threat to the studio, mugged the person who tried to mug him and took his wallet with ID and cash. He would NEVER advertise or report on a Don King production.

Just because you know someones name doesn't mean you pay attention to him. Especially now that you know that the guy is part of the "fake news" that the righties *use* to scream about. Ain't hearing them say that about foxy with those revealed court documents.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i think he listens to himself. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

are you saying he hears voices in his head?


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
it's on. the GOAT has begun to show the truth of the insurrection that wasn't. this is why the kangaroo committee kept it hidden.

Tucker brings the truth to the nation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
as promised, Tucker Carlson exposes the FAKE INSURRECTION and the Kangaroo committee


watch before you call it fake news.

this is a longer clip from another source .. until FOX releases more you'll have to watch it on UBOOB

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... See? ... The whole 6th January narrative starts to
collapse like a cardboard shithouse roof.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opy7MLGAPBk Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Everyone inside the Capitol building that day, other than those authorized to be there, were breaking the law. In my opinion, those who simply entered and were guilty of nothing other than trespassing should not have been charged. In September 2021, Chansley pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing an official proceeding and was sentenced to 41 months in prison that November. Probably too harsh a penalty in my opinion but he did plead guilty. Why did Capitol Police officer Keith Robishaw and others not interfere? As Robishaw stated "The sheer number of them compared to us, I knew ahead there was no way we could all get physical with them,” Robishaw said, “so I took it upon myself to try to talk to them."

The people who have been sentenced to lengthy terms in jail, up to 10 years in jail, committed violent crimes. Some pleaded guilty and others were found guilty by juries.

There is nothing thus far in any statements made by good old Tucker to contradict previously released footage. Most people there were peaceful and along for the ride. Others committed violent acts and suffered the consequences.
Precious_b's Avatar
Everyone inside the Capitol building that day, other than those authorized to be there, were breaking the law. In my opinion, those who simply entered and were guilty of nothing other than trespassing should not have been charged. In September 2021, Chansley pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing an official proceeding and was sentenced to 41 months in prison that November. Probably too harsh a penalty in my opinion but he did plead guilty. Why did Capitol Police officer Keith Robishaw and others not interfere? As Robishaw stated "The sheer number of them compared to us, I knew ahead there was no way we could all get physical with them,” Robishaw said, “so I took it upon myself to try to talk to them."

The people who have been sentenced to lengthy terms in jail, up to 10 years in jail, committed violent crimes. Some pleaded guilty and others were found guilty by juries.

There is nothing thus far in any statements made by good old Tucker to contradict previously released footage. Most people there were peaceful and along for the ride. Others committed violent acts and suffered the consequences. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It is one thing to plead guilty.
Another to plead guilty and to truly feel contrite.
If the court sees the former, penalty will be harsher than the latter.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Pleading guilty doesn’t make someone guilty. Usually it’s their best option to avoid bankruptcy. You saw the tapes, the horns guy was surrounded by cops, he’d have been arrested on the spot if he had committed “violent crimes”. He walked around checking the place out, taking selfies and telling others not to destroy things. His sentence should have been picking up cigarette butts off the street for a couple weekends. He’s a political prisoner, which makes the US, in its current form, no better than Stalinist Russia.
Precious_b's Avatar
Pleading guilty doesn’t make someone guilty. Usually it’s their best option to avoid bankruptcy. You saw the tapes, the horns guy was surrounded by cops, he’d have been arrested on the spot if he had committed “violent crimes”. He walked around checking the place out, taking selfies and telling others not to destroy things. His sentence should have been picking up cigarette butts off the street for a couple weekends. He’s a political prisoner, which makes the US, in its current form, no better than Stalinist Russia. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

"The judge said Chansley’s remorse appeared to be genuine but noted the seriousness of his actions in the Capitol. “What you did was terrible,” Lamberth said. “You made yourself the center of the riot.”