The Bills : )

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
PointsBet is the only close to sane bookie with 13.5 for the Bills.
Most others are 14.

In other news.....
ECG has bought the dog a new #17 Bills Jersey.
She also wants to bet against the Chiefs not getting into the Super Bowl in the first place (AFC Champ) for which a Chief's #15 Jersey becomes firestarter.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
board out of my ass I look up Bills vs Pat's

ugh now my head hurts
OK Most have bills wining note: not all
scores all over the place

so I'll go with I looked to fucking soon LOL Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
whew better some have it bills by 13 others 13.5
and Bills are at home

so lets pray the Bills can upset the Pat's and win
game at 1pm
lilylivered's Avatar
Game Day
lilylivered's Avatar
YES on ALL the jills players flat screens!! while they sit and watch
lilylivered's Avatar
There are no Jills get with the program...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
There are no Jills get with the program... Originally Posted by lilylivered
18 of 18 next

Bills win they get AFC east

Fish win they get AFC east, the (ahem)Jill's may or not get a wild card

Fish have a better record, but lost to the bills once already

what Ahem Jill's need ta get a wild card if they can

Fish fucked up by losing week 17 by ALOT 19 ta 56

so its all on next week in a way and guess who is having arm problems after winning today ???? must be why Bills had a bad bad 4th this week
offshoredrilling's Avatar
if Bills luck out next week, The Fish have a better shot at wild card then the Jill's do if Fish win
offshoredrilling's Avatar
next week game is which is better in
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep, I always figured they had to win out to make the playoffs....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm later this week do I look up odds or handy cap????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yep, I always figured they had to win out to make the playoffs.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Fish lost a lot of players this week, If they do not heel in time then I'll bet Bills.

As Bills other Allen could win over whats left of the Fish team

how far AFC east winner go's in playoffs is is is well not looking good

we'll see
offshoredrilling's Avatar
looks bills at Fish been moved to Sunday night ta be the last game before playoffs

Bills win they in. Fish are a lock and in

Jill's lose it depends on 3 other games if in or not
So the Bills will know before the game starts if they need ta win ta be in the playoffs

ya want more like what games, Google NFL and click on the game
Tow stories tell the story. errrr fuckers would not let me copy stories

but it looks Bills must win ta not be the Jill's
8:20 Sunday
So both team get a few more hours ta heal after yesterday
lilylivered's Avatar
They made a great run at it and now its down to the game it should be.
Win and take the division

"Where would you rather be....."
offshoredrilling's Avatar
They made a great run at it and now its down to the game it should be.
Win and take the division

"Where would you rather be....." Originally Posted by lilylivered
can I think about that some first

my mind is busy guessing how West Herr ad's go depending how it go's

one has Allen giving the ball to the other Allen... then some defense players chase T Allen off the stage