Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Everyone inside the Capitol building that day, other than those authorized to be there, were breaking the law. In my opinion, those who simply entered and were guilty of nothing other than trespassing should not have been charged. In September 2021, Chansley pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing an official proceeding and was sentenced to 41 months in prison that November. Probably too harsh a penalty in my opinion but he did plead guilty. Why did Capitol Police officer Keith Robishaw and others not interfere? As Robishaw stated "The sheer number of them compared to us, I knew ahead there was no way we could all get physical with them,” Robishaw said, “so I took it upon myself to try to talk to them."

The people who have been sentenced to lengthy terms in jail, up to 10 years in jail, committed violent crimes. Some pleaded guilty and others were found guilty by juries.

There is nothing thus far in any statements made by good old Tucker to contradict previously released footage. Most people there were peaceful and along for the ride. Others committed violent acts and suffered the consequences. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

many of these people pled because their lawyers were not allowed to see and use the footage in their defense. that alone is an egregious breach of rule of law. it our legal system the prosecution cannot knowingly withhold exculpatory evidence. prosecutors have been censured for it, had their convictions overturned and in some cases fired as state/federal prosecutors.

many were held for long periods without the possibly of bail at all. they were detained and not charged as is required for months. yet another egregious breach of the rule of law. this happens in police states it's not supposed to happen in America.

Carlson is starting with low hanging fruit. the Shaman guy is a perfect starting point as video from protestor's phones have long been out on the internet. he's reinforcing what happened now with the security footage. there will be plenty more to come.

not so much here .. yet .. but comments on Yahoo show an incredible stupidity of the general public and worse a refusal to believe facts. by that i mean many of these commenters are buying the left's smear hook, line and sinker believing McCarthy "gave" Carlson the video and that FOX "edited it" therefore making it "fake" Not true. Carlson stated in his opener last night that at all times, the D.C. police controlled the video, that FOX producers had to watch the video on D.C. police devices and that the D.C. police did have some restrictions on what could be shown, destroying the Democrat's howling about "breach of Capitol security". you'd know as much about the overall layout of the Capitol building by taking a guided tour.

Carlson described the D.C. police's restrictions as "few and overall reasonable". some things were blurred out if needed.

McCarthy has stated that he will allow other media to view the footage, again under the control of the D.C. police. this means no one, not FOX or CNN for example, can fake anything. it will be interesting to see how many of the media take the opportunity to do so. i suspect many won't because they already know the conditions and that it's impossible for FOX to fake anything. and yet many in the media knowing it's a lie, will claim it's faked anyway.
VitaMan's Avatar
Better change the thread title from "Tucker Carlson reports" to "Tucker Carlson spreads lies and false conspiracy theories."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Better change the thread title from "Tucker Carlson reports" to "Tucker Carlson spreads lies and false conspiracy theories." Originally Posted by VitaMan

sad. the left has already convinced you of their lies. or maybe you just refuse believe Carlson was not given a stack of DVD's?
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump has you completely convinced...even though the jig is up with FOX lies.

Maybe you just refuse to believe...now where did I read that
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump? LOL! People become convinced when they see actual footage, not just parts Lynn Cheney wants them to see.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Better change the thread title from "Tucker Carlson reports" to "Tucker Carlson spreads lies and false conspiracy theories." Originally Posted by VitaMan
Care to point out what in his report was a lie or false conspiracy theory?
Better change the thread title from "Tucker Carlson reports" to "Tucker Carlson spreads lies and false conspiracy theories." Originally Posted by VitaMan

Replace Tucker with January 6 committee and it would be a truthful statement.
VitaMan's Avatar
Care to point out what in his report was a lie or false conspiracy theory? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He already said he was a liar. Of course you would still hire him. May even help your ratings.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so VM .. who's your top media pick with an impeccable reputation for fair and unbiased reporting to take up McCarty's statement to allow other media access to prove Carlson and FOX wrong?

CNN? MSNBC? the AP? Reuters? ABC?

don't you think these outfits would be eager to disprove Carlson?

so let's see if they can. if they don't bother then every time they claim Carlson "edited" the video is just media smear tactics.
VitaMan's Avatar
No need to hand it over to Tucker...unless he is "special"
"The judge said Chansley’s remorse appeared to be genuine but noted the seriousness of his actions in the Capitol. “What you did was terrible,” Lamberth said. “You made yourself the center of the riot.” Originally Posted by Precious_b
... Blimey! ... Thanks fer clearing it up.
Couldn't understand WHY Chansley was held in

Might THAT have been to extract a guilty plea??

And yet - BLM and ANTIFA chaining doors on police houses
and setting them a-fire were NOT held in solitary
confinement for 300 days - IF arrested at all.

Surely wish the Police, FBI and DOJ would release
videos from that... Maybe it's time to ask
the Republican Congress for that footage.

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No need to hand it over to Tucker...unless he is "special" Originally Posted by VitaMan

nothing was handed over. FOX producers had to watch video on D.C. police devices. that's in part because the devices have the location data to find various points in the Capitol building. without that it would be a sea of data almost impossible to use.

the video is indexed for that very reason, so if needed they can call up any location and any time stamp easily and watch it. you couldn't do that with a DVD copy. the raw data would be useless to anyone without the search software on the D.C. police's devices.

clearly you are underestimating McCarthy. is this McCarthy paying back the Democrats for their farce of a kangaroo committee? of course! and why shouldn't he? did the Democrats not think he would if they lost control of the House? that would be incredibly naive and we all know, for better or worse, how cutthroat politics is. that's the problem. both sides play this game.

at the time, i thought McCarthy made a tactical mistake by pulling all his picks off the committee when Pelosi and Schiff refused his top two picks, Jordan and Banks. it was Banks btw who would have been the ranking Republican.

McCarthy's other nominees are:
  • Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis;
  • Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan;
  • Rep. Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota;
  • and Texas Rep. Troy Nehls.
along with Banks these were McCarthy's nominees. as i recall the Democrats would have allowed the rest, just not Banks and Jordan and presumably McCarthy could have picked two other Republicans for the committee.

it came down to the fact that the Democrats did not want Banks and Jordan. McCarthy felt it was important enough to have his two leads or no one. the reason is obvious, he wanted two lead Republicans at the top of the minority part of the panel that he knew he could trust to challenge the Democrats. at the time i thought that was a tactical mistake but now it seems like genius. Why? McCarthy knew the Democrats wanted to present a narrative and without strong Republicans on the panel they did. McCarthy gave them all the rope they needed to freely hang themselves and they did.

now he's showing that they did, that they had no intention to determine why this happened, just create a false narrative and with two republican rino's Cheney and Kinzinger, both with known bias against Trump, which if this was an actual legal proceeding would have disqualified both of them.

McCarthy knew FOX and Carlson were the only major outlet he could trust to counter the kangaroo committee's narrative.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Care to point out what in his report was a lie or false conspiracy theory?
He already said he was a liar. Of course you would still hire him. May even help your ratings.
Nice deflection. I’ll try again. What in his report was a lie or false conspiracy theory?
VitaMan's Avatar
Tucker Carlson reports...with an S.

And he is on record saying he lied.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sen. Schumer on Fox News Depiction of January 6th


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on January 6th footage released by Speaker McCarthy to Fox News: "What a low point for Speaker McCarthy, what a low point for Fox News."