Harriet Was a Great Republican! She hated you KKK fucks... Mr Big Dick the "Independent"...

[] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Just can't quit thinking of my junk whiffy?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good video, well worth a look. I still have trouble forgiving Jackson for the "Trail of Tears" but he was right on the Bank. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

this is why i have consistently backed COG against the privately held Fed Reverse.

Woody Wilson, too little too late, realized what he had done by allowing the creation of the 4th Central bank ..

how many times have i posted this quote? let's post it AGAIN ..

I B Hankering's Avatar
Good video, well worth a look. I still have trouble forgiving Jackson for the "Trail of Tears" but he was right on the Bank. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Leave it lib-retards to celebrate the removal of a Democrat from the front of the $20 bill by replacing him with a gun-toting, evangelistic Republican. Too fuckin' funny! FWIW, everyone who lives in a city along the Mississippi River and west of the Mississippi owes their American citizenship to what Jackson did in New Orleans on that January day in 1815.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2016, 08:49 AM
Jackson was a good general from all accounts.

He was also one of the worst presidents. Almost two centuries later we still have a woefully inept civil service set of policies because he took patrimony to a level that even the other spoils system politicians of the era found despicable. Speaking of dispicable, he may well have been the biggest racist ever tobe president--Obama included.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Author/historian Robert Vincent Remini argues that Andrew Jackson was a product of his age. Nothing more, nothing less. Andrew Jackson's hatred for the British was no less intense, and by-and-large, the native tribes too often sided with the British during the American Revolution and, subsequently, during the War of 1812. Native Americans of that period repeatedly visited death and destruction (i.e., the Ft Mims Massacre in 1813) on the settlers -- Jackson's neighbors and kin -- who dared to move west into the frontier regions of modern Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.
Trump Team says he is just projecting a image. LOL yah as a asshole.
Trump Team says he is just projecting a image. LOL yah as a asshole. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If that's the case, then he needs to consult with a professional asshole like YOU EKIM. And not on how to give up his asshole like YOU do down at the 'holes !!!
If that's the case, then he needs to consult with a professional asshole like YOU EKIM. And not on how to give up his asshole like YOU do down at the 'holes !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Same shit different day, you are a idiot.

lustylad's Avatar
Same shit different day, I B a chimp. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Originally Posted by lustylad
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

NYC Fire District Releases Statement About Donald Trump… Media Stunned

When Donald Trump spoke earlier this week in Buffalo, media critics lambasted him for allegedly confusing “9/11” with “7/11.” However, a theory emerged as to why Trump didn’t misspeak, one that the media refuses to acknowledge.

The controversy all began Monday, as Trump was speaking before a crowd in Buffalo on the day before the New York primary. During the speech, he touted his 9/11 activism.

“I wrote this out, and it’s very close to my heart,” Trump said to the audience.

“Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action.”

The media, predictably, pounced on Trump’s remarks.

“Donald Trump, who has made his advocacy for New York City after the 9/11 attacks central to his candidacy, accidentally referred to it on Monday as 7/11 — the ubiquitous convenience store,” CNN wrote with scarcely contained glee.

However, a new theory quickly emerged — the fact that he was actually talking about the Greenville Fire Department, a department in the New York town of Scarsdale that was one of the first to respond to the 9/11 attacks.

The station is known as 711 because of its address, 711 Central Park Ave. And as one Facebook user close to the situation pointed out, the firefighters there were quoted as “thanking Trump for his generous donations of time, services and goods, both for the firefighters and for the victims.”


And keep in mind, the way Donald phrased things made it sound a lot more like he was talking about a location, not a date. His words were “our firemen down at 7/11,” not “our firemen on 7/11.”

Of course, this is getting almost no play in the media. They’re more than happy to continue to make it look like Donald Trump is a buffoon who hasn’t done anything for the victims and heroes of 9/11.

However, the record and the evidence seems to show something different. It’s time we started spreading that around.

H/T The Patriot Nation

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you want to share the truth about Donald Trump’s “gaffe.”

Do you think the media should cover this theory?