Say something about the person above you,

  • Paven
  • 11-17-2012, 02:18 AM
Had to wait 5 days before someone commented under him.
initial d's Avatar
Rossboss's Avatar
Drift car? Come on, rice burners suck! ;-)
Doesn't do reviews?
Indeed a Spinner Spooner hehe....I hereby verify this information as being true
Would love to meet her sometime!!!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Has the uncanny ability to make me crave cucumbers...
^^Is makin' me crave fried pickles talkin' bout cuCUMbers^^

By the way CBQ in the Selma/Schertz/Cibolo area has the best fried pickles....
initial d's Avatar
^^ Have Mercy ^^ ...(Elvis voice)
one who can be totally depended upon once he has made a commitment.....
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-17-2012, 03:54 PM
The same thing can be said for this one as well.
  • Paven
  • 11-17-2012, 06:36 PM
Needs to change his avatar back to a race car since it's Formula 1 time!
pallmallblue747's Avatar
Always has the most excellent avatars!
initial d's Avatar
Your avatar is pretty kool.