TRUMP TRAIN Originally Posted by i'va biggen

eehbuhhhrrrr, lets go seal hunting... We just crack them on their heads with a bat... Yummy!

eehbuhhhrrrr, lets go seal hunting... We just crack them on their heads with a bat... Yummy!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

please beat me to death with a Louisville slugger! put me out of my misery

this should do the job. the world's largest baseball bat.

please bash my chimp skull into pulp!

Leverage – Megyn Kelly Announces Planned Interview With Donald Trump….
Posted on April 25, 2016 by sundance

It was inevitable because it is strategically brilliant, and no-one knows how to position leverage better than the current republican frontrunner Donald Trump. Megyn Kelly will interview Donald Trump on May 17th for a special Fox event.

However, before reviewing the upcoming interview dynamics, and the strategic timing therein, it’s helpful to consider the entire political landscape as it relates to the uprising of common sense Americans and the abject disconnect from the professional political class.

Many readers have shared and discussed an issue that will now become of greater visibility. The “anti-Trump” media coalition (group 3 from previous discussion) were so caught up in the rapture and blood-lust to tear down Donald Trump they failed to pause and consider the extreme position they were taking.

If their efforts failed, and if Donald Trump -with the larger electorate behind him- succeeded in his quest, how could anti-Trump professional punditry ever walk back their most vitriolic and hate-filled statements? The short answer is, they can’t.

fox punditsThis dynamic sets the stage for the anti-trump coalition to be cast aside as irrelevant and inconsequential gnats. However, along with their irrelevance, they also lose their influence and connected affluence.

Most of them were so ideologically caught up in the rabidity of the movement, they never paused and thought through the scope of consequence.

As a direct result the voices of people like: Mark Levin, Steven Hayes, Bill Kristol, Kevin Williamson, Chris Stirewalt, Glenn Beck, Frank Luntz, Dana Loesch, Rich Lowry, George Will, Jonah Goldberg and many more, are brutally irrelevant.

In addition to several dozen formerly readable websites and new media, these collectivist careers of professional punditry are now sinking rapidly in the wake of their failed ideological kamikaze mission.

Senator Ted Cruz will still be a senator, Jeb Bush will still be a silver-spooner, Mitt Romney will still be a multi-millionaire, but all of those pundits will never be able to regain their status and/or credibility because they have been laid naked to their enemies – and their enemies are us, their former audience.

Fox’s Roger Ailes knows and understands this dynamic very well. So too does the only Samson-like adversary that Ailes has ever faced, Donald Trump. ~SEE HERE~

Back in July 2015 we first noticed how Megyn Kelly was positioning herself as it relates to the candidacy of Donald Trump. In the preceding year Ms. Kelly had been orbiting a circle of modern ideological feminism that was luring her ever closer with fawning praise.
MORE MUCH MORE here --->

cptjohnstone's Avatar Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
eva? is it true your last review was your mother?