Japan reactors pose no risk?

They are too smart to run
Mazomaniac's Avatar
And people would be too dumb to vote for them.
They fought over the low hanging fruit....I'm sure you are aware of that concept. Even a giraffe understands that. Again, you have no concept of herd management.

Jarrod Diamond vs. John McCain in a debate on the earth's resources. Only caveman (or a Reaganite) would fall for you logic Marshall. Originally Posted by WTF
Herd management.....typical pinko-lib to refer to citizens as "herd"......people don't need to be herded.......herds are managed for the economic benefit of the owner...I suppose you are one of the self-appointed shepherds? Forgive me for saying this, but you are just not a bright guy..........
One word: Thunderdome Originally Posted by Mazomaniac

What's with all the violence references? I got the other boob posting emoticons with knives through the head and your "Thunderdome" reference where one is left dead......what's that about?......do you want to see me dead?.....is this a subtle thread to do violence to me if I don't leave the board? I am feeling threatened.........

But not so threatened to say you are both Blasters......you and WTF need a Master.........

[for those who don't recall, Mel defeated MasterBlaster in Thunderdome; rewatch the movie and you'll know why I refer to these doofuses as Blasters]
Again, you have no concept of herd management.

Originally Posted by WTF
Did you consider it "herd mangement" when the cop pulled a gun on you and said, "Get up off your knees, pull your pants up and back away from the sheep!"???????????????
"Two men enter, one man leaves" Originally Posted by pjorourke
I thought we were doing intellectual Thunderdome.....two philosophies enter, one philosophy leaves........
However, this is Tittie Tuesday, and you could settle all discussion of your gender by flashing an avatar of the girls. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You are an evil genius!.....big thanks from me for doing Tittie Tuesday right after I leave for the day
Why? Consumption is consumption. Adding monetary value doesn't put the resource back in the ground. Once it's gone it's gone. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Gone? Isn't there some scientific law that says matter is converted into something else, but just doesn't disappear? Doesn't the system recycle? You're the self-declared genius on all things scientific, discuss.......
Jarrod Diamond is the author of the piece, written many books. Originally Posted by WTF
Wow! He wrote many books! Hell, everybody is writing books these days.....hell, every half-assed blogger tries to write a book.....hell, many of them end up writing stupid books that nobody reads with stupid subjects like why masterbating in bed all day makes you a better parent!.........Does book writing still impress you???
I guess some believe resources are unlimited and keep regenerating. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Aswer this question: how is oil, coal and natural gas made?
I wonder if Nuclear Winter trumps Global Warming? Originally Posted by pjorourke
You should take a look at the article I posted in the "Global Warning" thread....it's brilliant! Great ammunition against the commie greens.....
Science is not their strong suit. Originally Posted by WTF
This from a pinko-lib? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I dare you to read the scientific article I posted in the Global Warning thread....HA! HA! HA! HA! Pinko-libs are all about politics over truth and science......
U.S. regulator says Fukushima nuclear plant stabilizing

WASHINGTON, March 21, Kyodo
A U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission official said Monday that the situation at the crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture in northeastern Japan appears to be stabilizing.
Bill Borchardt, executive director for operations at the commission, said at a meeting held in the suburbs of Washington that ''the situation there is stabilizing,'' adding the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 reactors of Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station ''appear to be functioning.''
The official also noted that off-site power is close to being connected to equipment at the plant, describing it is as perhaps ''the first optimistic sign'' since the start of the nuclear crisis in Japan.
Following a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami on March 11, the cooling functions failed at the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 reactors and their cores are believed to have partially melted.
Iaintliein's Avatar
If you've ever read this guy you will swear this piece is satire, but he appears to be serious. Interesting times we live in.

I stand corrected.