If the Feds Won't Do It...

Public forum Ma'am. I may worry to my hearts content. Seriously, picking on fonts because you disagree with someone is rather petty. Rise above. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
You don't seem to know my relationship with WTF. I was leaving him wide open for some bantering. An awful lot of that goes on around here. Believe me there is nothing for me to rise above.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Consider me corrected.
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  • WTF
  • 05-23-2010, 07:35 PM
WTF, what's up with the large font? . Originally Posted by Ansley
Why you hating on my large font.....it thrives on love!

artman, don't pay no never mind to that girl, she just learnt how to drive again.

Best way to hush her up is a screaming fo' on da floor!
Why you hating on my large font.....it thrives on love! Originally Posted by WTF
Yea self love.
Consider me corrected. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
See how we roll Sa artman. Stick around. Once we get to know ya we'll pick on you too.
Sa_artman's Avatar
See how we roll Sa artman. Stick around. Once we get to know ya we'll pick on you too. Originally Posted by Ansley
Lol. I was actually on aspd since around 2003. I just have a lot more time on hands now to get in trouble. It's all good.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I thought this thread was about Arizona, which has an income tax....

Amazing how Texas-centric is forum is, even Texas' biggest advocate, Tushy thinks its all about Texas Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I assume that in States with State income tax that they have similar exemptions as the Federal government and that those who make very little don't pay any tax. In which case, undocumented workers would surely in the main fall into the 47% or so who don't pay income taxes.

And does Arizona have sales taxes? Gasoline taxes? Beer and wine taxes? Property taxes? If so, then undocumented workers pay those taxes.

And my argument 69er isn't that some tax, somewhere, by some undocumented worker isn't evaded. That being said, the sorts of taxes that undocumented workers and the American poor pay, are much harder to evade than are the taxes the more well off pay. It's hard to evade a the "sin tax" and the sales tax on a six pack of beer. Less so income tax on a closely held business.

And finally, Rudyard K, what sort of regulations on capital are you talking about? I invest directly and indirectly in companies in India, Brazil, China and various European countries. I've never had any suggestion that I can't do so or that there are even any regulations in doing so. Right now, my stock portfolio is about 70% invested in overseas companies and my bond portfolio is about 35% invested in overseas bonds.
Rudyard K's Avatar
And finally, Rudyard K, what sort of regulations on capital are you talking about? I invest directly and indirectly in companies in India, Brazil, China and various European countries. I've never had any suggestion that I can't do so or that there are even any regulations in doing so. Right now, my stock portfolio is about 70% invested in overseas companies and my bond portfolio is about 35% invested in overseas bonds. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Oh c'mon TTH! Even you are not that naive...and a lawyer no less!?

It is because of regulations, and the compliance of those who administer them, that you can make those investments. Try investing in a PFIC, that does not have the regulations, and does not comply with US laws. You'll see how regulation free things are.

Just because it seems seamless and worry free to you, does not mean that it is seamless and worry free. It just means that someone else is picking up the slack. Maybe that's why everything seems so easy to you? You just have no clue!?
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  • WTF
  • 05-24-2010, 07:50 AM
That being said, the sorts of taxes that undocumented workers and the American poor pay, are much harder to evade than are the taxes the more well off pay. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Correct....not many of our working poor get the benefits of taxation at a long term capital gain rate!

companies and my bond portfolio is about 35% invested in overseas bonds. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Let's hope it wasn't concentrated in Greece
TexTushHog's Avatar
RK, I never said it moved without any regulation. If there was no regulation, I would not invest abroad. You said it "Capital does not move freely." I disagree. Because it is efficiently and well regulated it does move freely.

And WTF, no none in Greece. But no one there has lost any money on their bonds yet and the yields are relatively attractive. I do know some people who are investing in Greek government bonds and are of the firm belief that the risk premium is too high and that they are a good buy.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I've never had any suggestion that I can't do so or that there are even any regulations in doing so. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I never said it moved without any regulation. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You don't really know what you're saying do you?
TexTushHog's Avatar
I know that you said "Capital does not move freely."

I know that's bullshit. Then you started crawfishing with a bunch of bullshit about the movement of capital being regulated to the point that it didn't move across international borders. Well, the movement of automobile traffic is regulated, thank God, but it moves freely in many places.

To my knowledge, there are no regs that restrict the movement of capital from one place to another (with rare exceptions like investment in Cuba or N. Korea). The regs that exist regulate the manner it which moves.
Rudyard K's Avatar
To my knowledge, there are no regs that restrict the movement of capital from one place to another (with rare exceptions like investment in Cuba or N. Korea). The regs that exist regulate the manner it which moves. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That's a bit like saying there are no regs that restirct the flow of immigration to the US...but there are regs that regulate the manner in which immigration can flow.

Typical lawyer, BS, doublespeak.
........I've got a simple solution: When you find an illegal, you swifly deport them. You quit looking the other way. It doesn't need to involve a big witch hunt or stopping people in the middle of the street and asking for papers......... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
They just hop right back across the boarder. Of course, if they get caught here after being deported, it is a federal crime, and the offenders go to a federal prison. Maybe that would encourage the feds to do more about the problem if they were the ones responsible for warehousing the offenders.

Used to, Mexican men used to be able to go back and forth across the boarder pretty easily. They would work here for three to six months and go home to the wife and kids. Now that we’ve clamped down on the boarder, they are stuck here so they bring the wife and kidos with them. Unfortunately that means that otherwise Mexican babies are being born here and are now Americans. The whole process wasn’t really thought through when our government clamped down on a problem with force instead of forethought.

One place for the governemtn to start is removing illegals access to government entitlements Any American child, regardless of the parents’ status, is eligible for medicade (care?) and food stamps. Employers that hire illegals write a letter stating the wages - usually much less than the illegal earns – and their pay periods. The illegal then takes the letter to the various government offices and gets food stamps and medicade. If you think illeagls work for little or no wages you’re wrong. $400 a week in cash plus entitlements is a pretty good living.

I don’t see anything wrong with a worker visa program. They are documented; their families stay at home; and access to government entitlements is cut off.
..........If you want a job, you have to show papers. If you want to rent an apartment, you have to show papers for everyone residing there. Employers and landlords face serious penalties for violations (that is looking the other way). Interact with any government agency (including schools) & you must show papers. Hell if you just made parents show their papers to enroll their kids in school you'd fix the overcrowding problem in many districts real quick. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Exactly. That would work.
The whole process wasn’t really thought through when our government ______________________ Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Fill in the blank.