My hobbying heart is broken

If an escort tells you it's not appropriate that you text after a certain time and then the next morning you suggest she is being harsh bet your ass it's likely you'll get a don't contact me anymore. She shouldn't have to make an argument for you to respect her wishes and not text after hours.

If you can't follow that simple instruction what would lead her to believe you would follow the rules of her playroom when asked to.

We don't have time to entertain people who can't respect individual boundaries that escorts set for themselves
Little Monster's Avatar
Annnnnnnnd her he/she is. The uninformed JackAss being the wannabe voice of reason.
I deal with a Putz like you everytime I post like this, which is why I continue to do so, cause folks like you pose no challenge whatsoever, and are always fun to deal with.

I think I can sum this up nicely.
OP texted someone at the wrong hour and she told him to fuck off, so he started a thread about it.
Little Monster decided that his best course of action was to kill another human being and mutilate her corpse by sexual intercourse of the anal variety, right LM?

Yes sir that's right, it hilarious how the only two morons who took my post seriously are two Jack asses who aren't even from here, and therefore don't know shit.

Bill Burr then called LM because he liked LM's "dark humor" and wanted LM to write some material for him because everyone was rolling on the floor while laughing. I mean, I laughed so hard that I think I pissed my pants a bit, but then I realized I really didn't laugh at all and was more shocked that someone actually thought using humor as a veil for sick thoughts is pretty fucked up.

Your pathetic rant might actually hold some water if I wasn't someone who has never been shy about coming out from behind the keyboard, and have attended a gazillion socials.
It's funny how those who know me or have met haven't taken my shit serious now isn't it??? They unlike you are smart enough to know when one I'm being serious or not. It's also funny how every provider I have seen or met is willing to continue to see me anytime I want to now isn't it??

LM, I know a good psychiatrist and I think you should give her a phone call.

Is she a sexy Caucasian female with pretty feet, do you think she would be willing to piss all over me? Is so PM me her #.

To wrap it up, this type of crap is exhibit A to the statement I made a little while back in that Texas has a problem. CSB's text might not have been the best way to go about things, and all of us have a hobby phone so I don't know why she didn't turn it off, but being rude isn't akin to asking for rape. Further, the mod's just sit back and watch this crap.
" Originally Posted by gt27

Sir/Mam if you have a problem with my sense of humor then that is too fucken bad, bury your face in a pillow an cry about it, I don't give a shit. As long as I don't cross any guidelines (which I have not) I will continue to post however the fuck I damn well please. DEAL WITH IT.

If you have a problem with Texas and the people down here, then the logical thing to do would be to stay the fuck out of here, and keep to whatever shit hole you reside in. Problem solved.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 05-01-2017, 10:15 PM
Annnnnnnnd her he/she is. The uninformed JackAss being the wannabe voice of reason.
I deal with a Putz like you everytime I post like this, which is why I continue to do so, cause folks like you pose no challenge whatsoever, and are always fun to deal with.

Sir/Mam if you have a problem with my sense of humor then that is too fucken bad, bury your face in a pillow an cry about it, I don't give a shit. As long as I don't cross any guidelines (which I have not) I will continue to post however the fuck I damn well please. DEAL WITH IT.

If you have a problem with Texas and the people down here, then the logical thing to do would be to stay the fuck out of here, and keep to whatever shit hole you reside in. Problem solved. Originally Posted by Little Monster
LM is a little ray of sunshine, ain't he? Putz? Really? Come on man, I bet you can come up with a better name than putz. I am a self-described asshole, but to think that I'm an internet tough guy who hides behind a keyboard is a little ridiculous. Your incoherent reply seemed to contain a passing reference to a social, but you really wouldn't want to meet me because I typically don't filter my language when dealing with "tough guys".

Oddly, you and SL seem to think Austin is an exclusive area because neither you nor him can think of any reason that a person from another part of the states would ever be in your backyard. I hate to break it to you, but I come down there a couple times of year for business. Get used to it, I will be around this forum from time to time.

BTW, humor is a skill you obviously lack but that you proudly exhibit in spades. Here is a simple idea that I use to find humor. Say something completely outlandish, but not creepy as all sin like your original post, then use logic to show people why your original outlandish statement makes sense.
Whispers's Avatar
you bored with the Kansas forums again huh?
Man!! I missed this whole drama filled thread until just now?!

Ive met LM in person-he was the first gent i met from the site after posting in the ww.
All the fears I had of this place- getting ripped off, being forced into compromising positions or into doing something i didnt want to do (naked pics-you know who) -he eased them for me. A true gentleman of the hobby.
I catch slack from ladies all the time for calling him my online hobby flirt because of his crass attutude. But I suppose because Ive met him in person I can sense his twisted sarcastic sense of humor which i actually love. It allows for some comic relief -goes to the extreme. Its funny!
That being said, had I never had the pleasure of meeting him, his words might offend me just the same as it offends others.

Case in point-its coed! Take it a grain of salt and make your next session a forced dom session to make you smile again
As far as texting when not booking-its annoying and can be considered rude!! But we will put up with it at times for choice clients. Op you did nothing wrong except take a very hard lesson to heart. Go find another with better iop - csb is all business baby. Cant knock her for doing what she does best.
Samcro84's Avatar
CSB should not have to shut off her phone or put it on silent. She has a reasonable expectation that some PWhipped lip sucking jackass isn't going to go all possessive on her after hours.

She isn't the bad person. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
With technology it makes it too easy to communicate with everyone right now. So we have to realize they have a RW life. I have learned when I text my regs and how often. In most cases nights and weekends are a nono. I will send a PM on ECCIE or P4 during those hours, they get those when they choose to.

  • Luxie
  • 05-02-2017, 08:55 AM
Man!! I missed this whole drama filled thread until just now?!

Ive met LM in person-he was the first gent i met from the site after posting in the ww.
All the fears I had of this place- getting ripped off, being forced into compromising positions or into doing something i didnt want to do (naked pics-you know who) -he eased them for me. A true gentleman of the hobby.
I catch slack from ladies all the time for calling him my online hobby flirt because of his crass attutude. But I suppose because Ive met him in person I can sense his twisted sarcastic sense of humor which i actually love. It allows for some comic relief -goes to the extreme. Its funny!
That being said, had I never had the pleasure of meeting him, his words might offend me just the same as it offends others.

Case in point-its coed! Take it a grain of salt and make your next session a forced dom session to make you smile again Originally Posted by GingerLyn Harte

Sex workers getting raped and murdered by their clients is not a rare thing and should be taken seriously. Take a look at VH or the powder room and it's rife with providers warning each other about dangerous clients. I was choked and raped by an Eccie member when I first started.

But yah ur rite itz totes funny hahaha.
Sex workers getting raped and murdered by their clients is not a rare thing and should be taken seriously. Take a look at VH or the powder room and it's rife with providers warning each other about dangerous clients. I was choked and raped by an Eccie member when I first started.

But yah ur rite itz totes funny hahaha. Originally Posted by Luxie
Okay lady now your getting on my nerves. Go be offended somewhere else. And before you think im some heartless bitch check out my track record on standing up for ladies accusing men of this.
We have all had our fair share of scary encounters

Ur rite tho lolz-ing my ass off
There's no room for ego in the hobby. Move on.
Treetop78759's Avatar
There are exceptions. I constantly get text messages from my ATF AMP gal telling me to come see her. I can assure you that she would love to see me 7 days a week instead of 3. I also bet if she had it her way I wouldn't have to pay the $160 door fee.
There are exceptions. I constantly get text messages from my ATF AMP gal telling me to come see her. I can assure you that she would love to see me 7 days a week instead of 3. I also bet if she had it her way I wouldn't have to pay the $160 door fee. Originally Posted by Treetop78759

Or maybe she's happier fucking old gross dudes than living in whatever shithole country she's from.
Treetop78759's Avatar
She doesn't do anything sexual. Just theraputic. In fact, she told me I'm the exception and the only one who gets extras.
She doesn't do anything sexual. Just theraputic. In fact, she told me I'm the exception and the only one who gets extras. Originally Posted by Treetop78759

Lmao! Your the only one getting extras.
You and 50 other dudes.

But hey I shouldn't even give validity to your bullshit made up reviews.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Lmao! Your the only one getting extras.
You and 50 other dudes.

But hey I shouldn't even give validity to your bullshit made up reviews. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Oh god it's too good.

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