Hambone Spoke but what happen?

internet_inventor2's Avatar
I like this site already, everyone gets to say their peace without being pointed, locked out etc ... I will add my two cents.

Some seem to have personal vendettas that are clouding facts. Fact one, People at the Social got busted for doing "illegal" things. I think that too many people watch conspiracy theroy or something, lol. The easiest way to do something is normally the way it happens. As, I stated on the P, LE only needs to know where is the party and they can show up. Some have said that there was NO LE in past socials, you can only actually say that NO ONE was busted in the past remember just because no one was busted doesnt mean they werent there. I will say that the probably the biggest flaw was not having the Organizer or a Well Known member at the door to verify people, but it seems that the lesson was learned (think slipping the door guy/girl a benji to skip the line). As far as finding out where it was, we dont know who was being watched for what and what baggage a person may have had or who sent an email with the location, who told who in common chat (probably posted the location too early). Hell, there are leaks in Congress, the military and such, you think that the P can hold a secret for weeks, lol.

June, I disagreed with your rant on the P and I will do it here. It is not anyones responsibilty to keep you safe but your own. If you feel safer not going to a social then DONT, plain and simple. People only pointed out that what happened could happen at any club cause any club can get busted, at least in the open, no one begged you to change your mind but you took any post disagreeing with your descision as asking you to change your mind and it wasnt. Maybe the PM's you got were begging you.

This Home2 issue, maybe there was some issue of being taken advantaged of, I dont know. I do know that the buck stops at the top just like with the security at the Social and such. I will ask this though, what is the difference between CK sending emails to a list about his site and angel/duece posting about their new site openly on the P before it shut down, to me NOTHING. The P was down when H2 started, the P was down when angel/duece started theirs, they both used the same pool of people.

LD, i dont know you but I have heard of your "banning" and the reasons why, as we all know there are 3 sides to every story (yours, theirs, and the truth which usually lies in the middle somewhere). I will say that you posting style/tone does lead me to side with them, all this anger and dont mess with me crap.

Lastly, lets all get together and hash out these issues out over a beer (beverage of your choice) and possibly get a little "Nanny " afterwards, lol. This issue wont die, just like everyone still talks about BT.
metal_head's Avatar
I mostly agree with II2, but I think suspession comes when a certain person is asked plain and simple questions, then responds with 12 paragraphs of rambling, analogies, etc, but never an answer.
ASPD is dead.
The finger pointing, blame throwing, character assassinations, political spin, and general bullshit has thus far been allowed to continue over here at ECCIE.
I know because I continue to read the comments flowing unabated over here without the same moderator intervention that you've shown in this one case.

This isn't about any of that, or about Deuce vs, CK. This is about what happened at the Houston social and the safety/security of members of the community trying to figure out what happened.

Your comment here about letting the "crap die with ASPD", minus the same comment everywhere else crap is being said about ASPD here, smacks of only serving to let CK have an opportunity to avoid answering serious questions that people deserve to have answered. Originally Posted by Deuce Bigalow
I agree, the ASPD threads have gone on for far to long. We were trying to give everyone a chance to get it out and put some type of closure on the board closing. Since in the end they weren't allowed to over there...and for obvious reasons. My feeling is they will probably be closed later today so that we can all move on.

What happened at the Houston social has been beat to death. I haven't seen any new information on that in weeks. I've seen a lot of speculations, rumors and innuendo but no new facts. 130 or so people were at the event and so there will be 130 views on what happened. If anyone know exactly what happened...well then they are probably LE, since that's the only group that truly knows.

As far as "outing" who go busted, I don't know as I wasn't there. I don't believe in spreading second hand information and even if I had first hand information I probably wouldn't post it because it would serve no purpose. This a hobby of risks, we can minimize them but they are still there. There are many people who have been arrested for prostitution that are still very active in the hobby. They took there punishment and moved on. I've been to many socials and like June have personally broken the rules about discussing services for money. Sadly a handful of people did it with the wrong people and got caught. I personally learned a valuable lesson from all of this and will use that knowledge in the future.

As far as my comment "smacks of only serving to let CK have an opportunity to avoid answering serious questions that people deserve to have answered"

That's your opinion and you have the right to be wrong.

All I was trying to get people to move on because this horse has been beaten to death.

LD, on your posts:

I sent you a pm last night and asked you to leave it alone. Now I'm going to do so publicly. Leave it alone. I've personally seen the emails you've sent her and the posts you made on other boards corroborating that data. If you can't move on and get past this then the staff will have to take action.

GneissGuy's Avatar
This thread is a classic example of why you can't run a site like this without moderation.

And this thread isn't even that high on the scale of "bad threads that need to be moderated." Just imagine what happens to the tone of this board after 10 years of venom and hatred builds up.

The mods will try to keep the ship on an even keel with minimal intervention, but some people will not react well to a gentle hand.

The next time some of you object to interference from the mods, consider how this thread is developing. Consider this thread before you decide to "pawn a biting phrase
from tongues hot with blood and drain your pens of bitter ink."
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'll throw in another observation of mine.

Many posts are self-posted alerts. Pay attention to what people post on the boards. It can say a lot about the author.

Many times when a member has problem with another member offline, I think "how could you not have realized Patxxx was a psycho given his/her posting history?"

The psychos don't always out themselves, but they very often do.
Raphael's Avatar
Former aspd moderators have little valid advice to give as to how to run a discussion forum, considering their well-known record of abuse, exposure of private information and defamation...
GneissGuy's Avatar
Former aspd moderators have little valid advice to give as to how to run a discussion forum, considering their well-known record of abuse, exposure of private information and defamation... Originally Posted by Raphael
Thank you for supporting my observations.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Hell, I applaud the moderators for allowing this thread to run its course.

IMNHO a good moderator will steer the thread when needed and allow the topic to be discussed...within reason, of course. Being quick on the lock-thread trigger is something that I think should be avoided because it only create more problems and allows that venom to build-up. Let the voices be heard. Let the people hash it out. If it gets out of hand, then step in and do something about it. If you step in and crush the discussion, people have a difficult time putting it behind them and moving on.
It'll die out eventually. Let it run its course and die on its own.

Thanks LAP! Bad ass job.
Raphael's Avatar
Thank you for supporting my observations. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
As I suggested above, this site will not go far if former aspd moderators are allowed to support mine...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I like this site already, everyone gets to say their peace without being pointed, locked out etc Originally Posted by internet_inventor2

Looks like I missed a lot of drama...GOOD!

ECCIE good... CHANGE good...

Giddyup Yssup Riders!
caroline!'s Avatar
WOW, look at this thread... already, DRAMA!

SFK: how ya doing handsome!

ASPD: that site is finished. This isn't going to be another board which the main topic is bout ASPD now is it? Every board I've view in the past, all it did was talk about ASPD, links to ASPD, Boring! When I go to another board, I like to see fresh material... that last month/half... that was something wasn't it? It sure ended w/ a bang!

On another note: I just got back into town and I see my name in this crap...
Yes, everyone knows LonesomeDove is my DERANGED OBSESSED STALKER! just a couple of weeks ago he left a note/rose on the top of my hood of my car. My oldest daughter said he keeps showing up at her work. I knew as soon I came on Eccie and he would see my name... Jesus Christ!

Yes, he did write me an email: cc to ASPD staff, including Amber. The last paragraph he said he was going to OUT Me to Vice/CPS. Then he gets on another board, starts a thread about me, incl. the letter he wrote to me thinking it's going to make himself look like a big shot. BUT NO!, it backfired. I didn't say a damn word, I didn't have to. That letter he wrote: he OUTED HIMSELF, that was the one that got him banned. In the community, what's the #1 Rule: You don't OUT or threaten to OUT. Guess how many multiple handles he's had? along w/ him emailing me, "catch me if you can babe, I use underground IP." Meanwhile, if you go to every board he's a member of, notice 98% of his post is about me? Isn't that F'n SICK? I love the part where he writes/thinks by bashing my name, he knows he's hurting my biz. Oh, he says he's psychic or a prophet and can feel it or something when I'm thinking about him? WTF?

For the record, it was NICKY who said to BAN his loser ass! It's 2010: why the F! are you still posting/obsessing over me? Stop OBSESSING OVER ME.

As for ECCIE: 2010: wow, it's great to be here! Oh, and I LOOOOOVE the blue. The Staff: you guys are great! Thank you all for emails/the warm welcome.

Mods: sorry.
New site, New Yera, old news this is done