Why are you arguing for the right to get the test if not to make an informed decision about to kill the child or not?Because of people like this:
I actually have a friend who just had a baby with hydrocephalus. He's 2 months old and has had several surgeries. They knew, they did not abort. But they were able to prepare for his disability before he was born. Had that been thrown on them at birth because their insurance didn't cover it, they wouldn't have been prepared for any of it - the emotional or financial aspects.I do not feel you should have to go into ANY lifelong commitment blind. Especially when insurance companies cover stupid things like Viagra.
The first Amenedment isn't picking and choosing.Absolutely right! That's what Santorum is trying to do. He wants the freedom for everyone to practice his religion and agree with his views on pre-natal testing/abortion and birth control. Last time I checked, I have every right to NOT have a child if I don't want one right? Or is preventing pregnancy a no-no now too? When pregnancies aren't prevented the "right" way, abortion happens more. Also a fact of life people like to ignore.
Go ahead and make birth control hard to get. Watch the abortion rate climb back up to where it was when you had to show a marriage certificate to get the pill. People will have sex whether the pill is available or not. Women do get raped and end up pregnant. Some woman on the pill would be less likely to even get pregnant from the assault, but seeing as they're anywhere from 50-100/month with no insurance, not everyone who wants to be on it can be.
That being said - there are a TON of other reasons for amnios besides finding disabilities to abort a fetus. If the mom and fetus have a different RH type an amnio could be necessary - but if insurance doesn't cover it? What do we say then, too bad so sad? Some people wanted to have an abortion after their amnio so your insurance that you pay into won't cover it even if it will save your or the fetus' life?
Would Santorum end federal funding of abortion?Is there even federal funding of abortion at this point in time? Last time I checked any money PP gets is earmarked and can't be used for that purpose (which makes up a whopping 3% of their service anyway *yawn*). I'm not aware of any abortion factories that say PAID FER WIT UR TAX DOLLARS on the front