She is betcha!

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  • Doove
  • 06-15-2011, 04:13 AM
Bachmann is my choice, thats after 6 more to FINALLY, FINALLY. put to end the libs infatuation with...umm.. the road being paved with good intentions and leading us to HELL!!!!LOL!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Sorry, JB, it's not just liberals who care about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and social programs in general. It's the people (including conservatives) who care about their fellow man. Join us, won't you?
Sorry, JB, it's not just liberals who care about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and social programs in general. It's the people (including conservatives) who care about their fellow man. Join us, won't you? Originally Posted by Doove
to say you CARE is the EASIEST thing to SAY.Theres no shortage of people that SAY things .Here we go with the GOOD INTENTIONS excuse to put people in shackles.. try it on someone else.So Sarah Palin botched Paul revere? I say, give us 6more and give everyone the "compassion".I live in New York, I dont stay here for anything other than the change of seasons and that costs me plenty. For you to insinuate that I dont contribute enough shows your ignorance.In New York, we do pay up to 80% above the national average in taxes, and everyone has to comply through force and intimidation, thats a fact, for the most part we always do that, its got nothing to do with "caring", its about finally saying, holey shit, wait just a second, weve been giving you all this money for very little results.Check the graduation rates in the cities and compare that to payrolls and retirement plans and im not saying their payed too much, but just try and ask them to hold the line abit and everyone FREAKS OUT..comapssion would be giving more for alittle less like most these days, sell it to someone else.Its got nothing to do with being compassionate, thats just the excuse, sell it to someone else that isnt already participating in your pipe dreams and experiencing the results first hand.I pretty much have always lived week to week, hand to mouth, so this obama crap is not going to be any surprise to me, I feel others really really really need to feel it.......REALLY!!!!out the other end of that disaster could create some real opportunity.The whole shit really has to break down, I say, burn it all down, and wallow in it for awhile.Stop the drips and drabs .Our new mayor didnt cut ANY services, maybe might have to lay off some(welcome to the real world) is going to give 3% raises to city employees and has raised all city property taxes accross the board by 3%, soo yah, OK...everyone has skin in the game, but sure not enough, its never enough.
John Bull's Avatar
Sorry, JB, it's not just liberals who care about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and social programs in general. It's the people (including conservatives) who care about their fellow man. Join us, won't you? Originally Posted by Doove
Not a chance brother Doove. I'm libertarian to the core and a staunch Tea Party activist.
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I'll bet you have no problem with Obama quitting the senate! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! He barely did a year in the senate before he stopped attending senate activities and went out campaigning.....he only got through half his term and quit..... Originally Posted by Marshall
True, true…..One of my big problems with Obama.

Palin is smarter and more qualified to be president than Obama.....did you like the articles I posted? Already the liberals know he failed and are trying to come up with excuses for his failures while trying to deflect criticism that he's too dumb to be president.... Originally Posted by Marshall
No, I do not believe Palin is smarter and more qualified than Obama to be president. I do not believe Obama is too dumb to be president, but I do believe he is too elitist and not culturally aware of the America to be president.

Sarah Palin, just as I believe, Obama is in no way qualified to be president of the United States. She won’t get the nomination. But if the Republicans don’t present a few good candidates for us to choose from, we will be stuck with Obama for another unqualified, four years. It's put up or shut up time - and Palin ain't it.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
but she is purrdy